John Gruber förklarar vad Uber förmodligen gjorde på App Store

Igår skrev vi om att Uber var nära att bli utsparkad från App Store. John Gruber på Daring Fireball förklarar vad det var företaget faktiskt gjorde.

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How to transfer a digital game from one Nintendo Switch to another

Nintendo lets you move your digital games from one Switch to another instead of having to buy a new copy if you get a new one.

Sharing digital games between consoles is not quite as easy as it is on mobile devices like the iPhone or iPad. Nintendo is notorious for making it incredibly difficult to keep a digital game when moving to a new device. Luckily, with the launch of the Switch, players can transfer a digitally downloaded game from one device to another fairly easily. So, if you sell your Switch, you can add the games to your new one when you later decide that you made a mistake getting rid of it (which you most certainly will if you ever decide to sell your Switch).

Note: Though transferring a digital game is easier than it’s ever been, you still can’t play the same download on more than one device at a time and you’ll have to deactivate your Nintendo Account on the old device before you can activate it on the new one. Additionally, all saved game data will be lost. You’ll h…

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Skum bugg i Kontrollcenter får IOS att krascha

Tryck på tre knappar samtidigt i IOS Kontrollcenter och vips startar telefonen om eller kraschar. Den märkliga buggen upptäcktes av italienska Amiciapple.

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Nu sänks provisionen för medlemmar av Apples affiliate-program

Att länka till Apples digitala produkter i artiklar kommer inte bli lika lönsamt som det tidigare varit.

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Nasa-veteran blir en del av Apples AR-team

Hos Nasa utvecklade han sättet forskarna jobbar med VR och AR. Nu har Apple norpat honom.

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Carpool Karaoke skjuts upp till senare i år

Det som skulle blivit Apples första tv-serie har nu försenats.

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8 saker som Iphone 8 kan göra bättre än Galaxy S8

Samsung Galaxy S8 är onekligen en riktigt bra mobiltelefon, men kanske kommer Iphone 8 att bli snäppet vassare trots allt.

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Apple slashes App Store affiliate revenue — for in-app only

From 7% to 2.5% in one week flat — Welcome to the new Apple Store affiliate rate.

May 8, 2017: Apple has clarified that only in-app purchases are subject to the reduced rare

From Apple’s iTunes Affiliate Blog:

We’d like to clarify some changes being made to the Affiliate Program. Commissions for all iOS in-app purchases will be reduced from 7% to 2.5% globally, and all other content types (including music, movies, books, paid iOS apps and TV) will remain at the current 7%. For more information on commission rates, please see our Getting Started Guide.

So, phew, kinda.

Apple just announced via the iTunes Affiliate Newsletter that it’s slashing App Store — app and in-app purchase — affiliate revenue from 7% to 2.5% effective May 1, 2017.

Starting on May 1st 2017, commissions for all app and in-app content will be reduced from 7% to 2.5% globally. All other content types (music, movies, books, and TV) will remain at the current 7% commission rate in all ma…

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Join the discussion: iPhone 7 Plus or Galaxy S8+?

After seeing what the Galaxy S8+ can do, would you consider it over the iPhone 7 Plus… ?

Die-hard Apple fans will always be die-hard Apple fans, but it’s hard to ignore the look, feel, and features that the Galaxy S8+ has packed into its sleek-looking frame.

So we wanted to ask the question: if you had the option, would you choose the Galaxy S8+ over the iPhone 7 Plus?

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Sling TV: FAQ

What to know if Sling TV is right for you? Here are all the FAQs with answers!

Sling TV is a TV streaming service that you can access on Apple TV, iOS, Android, Roku TV, and plenty of other operating systems. If you’re looking to join the growing number of people cutting the cord to the big mean cable companies, Sling TV is a pretty reasonably priced option to help reduce your entertainment bill.

You probably have some questions about how Sling TV works, and we’ve got the answers!

What’s new with Sling TV?

If you use Sling TV on your Apple TV, we have good news for you! Sling TV will be introducing its cloud DVR feature to the tvOS app.

According to the Sling TV announcement you can purchase 50 hours of DVR storage for just an extra $5 per month on top your monthly subscription rate.

Sling TV outlined and described the new features in its announcement this morning.

” Watch anytime, anywhere– Record your favorite programs and watch whenever you want across all Amazon F…

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