96 procent av Apples energi kommer från förnyelsebara källor

Apples miljöchef Lisa Jackson meddelar i en intervju med Bloomberg att Apple nu är uppe i 96 procent förnyelsebar energi, med 100 procent i 24 länder.

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Grab Samsung’s Level U Pro Bluetooth headphones for just $50 today

Bluetooth headphones have become more popular in the recent years, especially as manufacturers drop support of headphone jacks and Samsung’s Level U Pro are a great option. They have an around the neck design that lets them rest comfortably when not in use, and today you can pick up a pair for just $50.

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Apple börjar ersätta trasiga Ipad 4 med Ipad Air 2

Lagren av gamla Ipad 4 håller på att sina, så nu har Apple börjar byta ut trasiga enheter mot betydligt nyare Ipad Air 2.

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Här är veckans viktigaste Apple-nyheter (v.15)

Det här har hänt de senaste sju dagarna i Applevärlden.

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Best sites for finding DRM-free digital books

With these sites you can ditch the DRM and read your ebooks anywhere, any time!

When you buy a physical book — y’know, the kind that’s made with wood pulp and ink — you can read that book anywhere you want (in a house, with a mouse, in a box, with a fox, etc.), but when you buy a digital book you run the risk of getting locked into reading that book on specific devices or sites (thanks to something called DRM protection). But it doesn’t have to be that way! If you’d like to make your digital book-reading experience a little more like your physical book-reading experience, you’re going to want to buy DRM-free digital books. Luckily, there are plenty of resources available to help you track down DRM-free content and many book publishers are hopping aboard the DRM-free train.

While you keep your fingers crossed the digital book industry goes all-in on DRM-free, why not peruse this list we’ve put together on some of the best sites for finding DRM-free ebooks. Happy hunting …

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Match Any Color, Anywhere with the Cube Portable Color Digitizer

Have you ever been in the process of re-decorating your home and found the perfect color for your new living room out in the real world? It’s not convenient to always carry around those flip books of paint color samples, but that’s where some modern technology comes in to save the day!

Sample all the brilliant colors in your world! Learn more

Maybe you’ve seen the CUBE Portable Color Digitizer before! It’s a brilliant little gadget that removes the guess-work from color-matching and makes it easy to save and work with the colors in the world around you. You can store up to 20 sampled color within the app, so you can compare, mix and match.

The Cube itself is simple to use: simply hold the base against the colorful object you want to sample, then press the button on the top. The color information is instantly sent to the accompanying smartphone app, where you can not only find the RGB, HEX, and CMYK values for your captured colors, but also match your sampled colors to popular …

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Clips app: The ultimate guide

How to use Apple’s new Clips app for iPhone and iPad — and make all your social and shared videos faster and more easily than ever.

It’s Mother’s Day in many countries around the world. So, what if you blanked on getting the perfect gift or simply want to add something with a little more life and love than a Hallmark card? That’s what Clips is for. With it, you can make a special message just for Mom, and either send it right to her with iMessage or post it on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter for the world to see. Here’s how!

Want to show your mom how awesome she is for Mother’s Day tomorrow? Here’s how to customize a #Clips video and add a special message. pic.twitter.com/jPyjy6OffM— Apple Support (@AppleSupport) May 13, 2017

Years ago Apple rebooted iMovie to better fit the modern era of video recording and editing. But in technology, years ago might as well be an eternity. So, now, Apple has started over again with an all-new, all-modern video editing and sharing app…

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Susan Bennett avslöjar hur skapandet av Siris röst gick till

I en intervju med Typeform berättar Susan Bennett hur det gick till när hon spelade in det som senare blev Siris röst.

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Kalifornien ger Apple klartecken att testa självkörande bilar på vägarna

Transportmyndigheten i Kalifornien har gett Apple licens att testköra autonoma bilar på delstatens allmänna vägnät.

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Gear 360 (2017) preview: Fun all the way around

When thinking of great tech, often what comes to mind is the best quality, the best specs, the best design … but we sometimes forget what really drew us to it in the first place: the fun factor. 360 cameras came onto the scene in a big way in 2016, and while they may not be quite as hot a commodity this year, Samsung’s new Gear 360 stands a good chance of rekindling the public’s love for these special gadgets. And not just because it’s the most adorable little droid this side of BB-8; the Gear 360 2017 unlocks a whole new dimension in spherical storytelling.

I’m Michael Fisher, aka MrMobile, and believe it or not, I’m considering buying a selfie stick just for this camera. Since picking it up at Samsung’s big Galaxy S8 announcement, I’ve been having a blast using the new Gear 360 to shoot … well, everything in sight. But unless you’re like me and you want to see everything past the edge of the lens in every photo or video you shoot, you might want to steer clea…

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