Så reparerar du enklast en trasig Iphone-skärm

Har skärmen på din Iphone spruckit? Inga problem, det kostar visserligen en slant men det finns många som kan laga Iphone och byta ut en trasig skärm.

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12 saker du inte visste att din Mac kan göra

Macen är en fantastisk dator, men med några hemliga knep och en handfull tredjepartsprogram kan den göra mycket mer än du anade.

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”Är Mac Pro-avslöjandet startskottet på en helt ny Apple-strategi?”

MacWorlds Anders Lundberg tycker inte att Apples Mac Pro-avslöjande var veckans snackis – utan på vilket sätt Apple valde att visa upp nyheten.

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YouTube TV FAQ: Everything you need to know!

YouTube’s live TV streaming service is here and we’ve got all of the details that you need to know

YouTube TV, the streaming giant’s take on a live, internet-based TV service, has officially launched in the United States. Available on both iOS and Android, YouTube TV offers live streaming content from traditional broadcast networks, as well as several cable channels, for $35 per month.

Just like similar services from AT&T and Sling TV, YouTube TV lets you watch its live content on your iPhone or iPad wherever you are. Here’s everything you need to know about this new streaming service.

So what is YouTube TV?

It’s YouTube’s streaming TV service, similar to offerings like Sling TV or AT&T’s DirecTV Now. With YouTube TV, you can watch live programming from broadcast networks like NBC and ABC and cable channels like ESPN and FX. There are also channels that you can add on to your subscription.

How is this different from a cable TV subscription?

Once you’ve signed up, you …

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Best iPad Picture Frame apps

What are the best apps to turn my iPad into a picture frame?

Whether you have an older iPad that you don’t get much use out of anymore, or you’re having family over to your new apartment and just want to spice up your living room a bit, having an app that turns your iPad into a super cool, digital picture frame can be incredibly fun, convenient, and handy!

Photos app


Take your photos from your iPad’s camera roll and effortlessly turn them into a sharp-looking, easy to use, dynamic digital picture frame with the help of LiveFrame by Attibo!

Designed to gather and sync your photos from sources like your iPad, your iCloud photostream, your synced albums from iTunes, and your personal Facebook, Flickr, and Instagram accounts, LiveFrame lays out your images and compiles them into easy-to-view slideshows in a digital picture frame setting.

You can choose to have photos on rotation for a day, a week, a month, or a year, or simply opt to have phot…

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Scania satsar på stöd för Carplay

Tekniken kommer att implementeras från och med juni.

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How to create and supervise your child’s Nintendo Account.

Want to have control over your child’s Nintendo Account? You can make one especially for them!

Nintendo has always prided itself on being a family-friendly gaming company, and in today’s connected world of gaming that can be hard. Our very own Russell Holly was impressed by how kid-friendly and how in-depth the parental controls on the Nintendo Switch — Nintendo’s newest console.

While systems like the Switch and the Nintendo 3DS have parentals controls you can set up on each device, Nintendo also offers you the ability to create and supervise a child’s Nintendo account. If you’re looking for even more security for your child, and capacity to supervise the activity on their Nintendo Account, I’ll show you how to set it all up.

How to create a Nintendo Account for your child

Go to accounts.nintendo.com in your web browser of choice.
Enter your login information for your Nintendo Account.

Click Sign-In
Click Parental Controls from the sidebar.

Click Create an account f…

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How to use the Amazon Echo as a Bluetooth speaker

You can use your Amazon Echo as a Bluetooth speaker, and guess what? You can even ask Alexa to help you get things set up!

The Amazon Echo might not be the best speaker money can buy but when you consider all the other features and benefits that come with owning an Echo, your music starts to sound a little sweeter. On top of offering several integrated music streaming services — Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio, and TuneIn — the Amazon Echo can serve as a regular Bluetooth speaker.

If you’re an Apple Music subscriber, for example, and want to play your iPhone’s tunes on Echo’s more powerful speakers, you just need to link up your Echo and your iPhone over Bluetooth and you’re good to go! Same goes for podcasts, audio books, and whatever else you might want to stream over your Amazon Echo.

How to pair your iOS device with the Amazon Echo

Given that most of your interactions with the Echo require communicating with Alexa, it’s not surprise the Bluetooth setup…

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Should you get a streaming music subscription?

Whether or not you should get a streaming music subscription really depends on your listening habits.

Streaming music services are all the rage right now, and I don’t mean that they’re merely trends to be blown away by the winds of change — they’re the future of music. My favorite CD store, HMV, just closed up shop in Canada. Now there’s nowhere to buy physical CDs, aside from the dwindling and tasteless selection that Walmart peddles.

I’ve always resisted streaming music services in favor of more ”purist” listening practices, like burning my CDs onto my laptop and then having them on my iPhone, rather than relying on Apple Music and the internet so I can stream. But gone are the CD drives and quickly dwindling is my patience for connecting, burning, waiting, transferring, and so on.

My sister recently added me to her Spotify Premium family, and I must say that I’m falling in love with streaming music. Here are some pros and cons to help you decide.

Why you should get a str…

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Grab the complete C# coding bootcamp for $41!

Learning to code can be difficult, especially diving head first into C# coding. If you are looking to create apps, develop websites or just learn some new skills, you could spend tons of money and dedicate lots of time to learn more about it. Luckily, you don’t have to go broke or spend all of your free time studying just to learn some new skills.

Pay less for this right now! Learn More

For a limited time, you can purchase this $41 complete C# coding bootcamp bundle that will get you started. You’ll have access to 11 different courses that will help you understand APIs, better understand arrays and collections and much more.

The bundle offers:

Dive into C# programming w/ 2.5 hours of content
Familiarize yourself w/ boxing, unboxing, type conversion & operators
Build decision-making capabilities into your program
Use access specifiers to describe the scope of a class member
Organize & store related items of data w/ arrays & collections
Utilize exception handling, c…

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