How to delete your search history and prior destinations in Google Maps

Clear out old data in Google Maps on your iPhone or iPad.

Google Maps is a great alternative to Apple’s built-in Maps app that offers turn-by-turn navigation, helps you find local points of interest, and more. If you use Google Maps a lot, you might feel the need to clear out some of the data once in awhile, including your old search terms and directions.

Here’s how you can manage your history in Google Maps.

How to delete your search history and prior destinations in Google Maps

Deleting old search items and directions in Google Maps is fairly easy. Unfortunately, you have to delete items one at a time.

Open Google Maps on your iPhone or iPad.
Tap the menu button (looks like three stacked lines).
Tap Settings.

Tap Maps history.
The the ”x” next to the item that you want to delete.
Tap Delete.

How to clear your app data from Google Maps

This is useful for clearing out downloaded maps, cache data, and resetting cookies. In fact, if you want to get rid of cached data but reta…

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Han byggde en fungerande Mac – av legobitar

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Varning: IOS 10.3 kan aktivera avstängda Icloud-funktioner

Apple har gått ut med en varning till användare som har uppdaterat till IOS 10.3 men inte nya uppdateringen 10.3.1.

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How to set up Amiibo on Nintendo Switch

Adding an Amiibo to your Nintendo Switch is a little bit of work.

If you are one of the many people that didn’t own a Wii U, Amiibo are entirely new to you and don’t do much on your Nintendo Switch right now. The good news is they’re going to get a lot more interesting as more games are released for the Switch. The better news is they all look really cool, so you can start collecting the ones you like now and worry about how they will help your game later.

As you buy Amiibo, if you decide to take the figuring out of its packaging, make sure you add your account to the model so its ready to play when you are. Not sure what any of that means? Don’t worry, this guide will walk you through everything!

How do Amiibo work?

At the base of each Amiibo figurine there’s a special chip that can be accessed wirelessly. When you place the figurine on the right Switch Joy-Con, it reads that chip and ”sees” which one you have. Your Switch will relay this information to whatever game you are p…

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Apple patenterar Magsafe-lösning för usb-c

Din dator kan bli smällsäker, även i framtiden.

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Protect your iPhone 7 Plus with this stylish case for $29.95 today

Looking for a protective iPhone 7 Plus case that doesn’t make it bulky and ugly? If so, Seidio’s Surface case is the way to go with its two-piece slide in design for just $29.95 today!

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Apple Music för Android får nya funktioner och nytt utseende

Nu ser även Android-appen ut som resten av Apples tjänster.

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Test: Filmic Pro gör din Iphone till rena proffskameran – så bra funkar appen

Den som vill ha det absolut bästa när det kommer till videokamera-appar behöver inte leta längre än till Filmic Pro. Appen låter dig filma som proffsen – i en vanlig Iphone.

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How to enable 2-factor authentication on iPhone and iPad

How do you set up Apple’s two-factor authentication and how do you get verification codes? Here’s what you need to know!

Updated April 2017: As part of iOS 10.3, Set Up Assistant, the wizard that walks you through signing in on a new or newly updated iPhone or iPad, will now prompt you to enable 2-factor authentication if you haven’t already. Do it.

Apple originally implemented two-step verification but now two-factor authentication (2FA) is where it’s at. The terms are contentious in the security community — some don’t consider an out-of-band token to be sufficient as a second factor — but the bottom line is this: If you want something more than just your password to protect your Apple ID, which is used for iCloud, iTunes, and App Store, then you want 2-factor turned on.

That way, if you used the same password on another service that got hacked, or you fell for a phishing scam, or your credentials got compromised in any way, your account still has some level of protec…

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Mac mini vs. iMac vs. Mac Pro: Which Apple desktop should you get?

Retina iMac, Mac mini, or Mac Pro — Which Apple desktop is right for you?

Updated April 2017: Updated to reflect the details and specs of Apple’s current Mac desktop line.

Though Apple’s Mac line is more limited than, say, its iPhone line, there is still a lot to think about before investing in your next (or first) desktop computer, like what screen size iMac should you get, or should you invest in the most powerful Mac mini processor, or should you just go all in and spend the big bucks on the Mac Pro? It’s a big decision to make, and that’s why you’re reading this buyers guide — to find out which desktop Mac is right for you.

See which Mac desktop Rene Ritchie thinks is the best

The Mac mini

The Mac mini is Apple’s least expensive desktop computer, and that’s because it’s basically just the aging guts of a Mac stuffed into a 7.7-inch box. It was last updated in October of 2014 — two and a half years ago — and isn’t the fastest of the bunch, but i…

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