Apples offensiv mot inofficiella jättearkivet: Kan snart försvinna

Sam Golds Apple-arkiv har krympt rejält de senaste dagarna, sedan Vimeo plockade bort över 1 000 videor efter klagomål från Apple.

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Steve Jobs announced iPad 10 years ago today

What you need to know

iPad was announced on January 27, 2010.
It’s gone through many iterations in ten years.
It hasn’t replaced notebooks. Not for everyone.

Time flies.

Today is the tenth anniversary of Apple’s iPad announcement on January 27, 2010. That announcement came after months of rumors and it largely lived up to expectations. Although some people would still like to have seen Mac OS X on there instead of a blown-up version of iPhoneOS 3.2.

At the time Steve Jobs called iPad ”a magical and revolutionary device at an unbelievable price” and he had a point. Although way more costly than the netbooks Jobs railed against, it was a nicer machine to use. Its screen was better. It was sturdier. And it already ran ”almost all of the over 140,000 apps on the App Store.”

Apple went on to sell around 300,000 iPads in its opening weekend.

It feels great to have the iPad launched into the world—it’s going to be a game changer. iPad users, on average, downloaded more than th…

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’Powder’ is Apple’s latest ’Shot on iPhone’ video featuring iPhone 11 Pro

What you need to know

Apple has shared a new ”Shot on iPhone” video.
It’s shot using iPhone 11 and looks stunning.
The three cameras on iPhone 11 are capable of some amazing shots.

You don’t need to be a snowboarding fan to enjoy this one.

Apple has shared the latest of its ongoing ”Shot on iPhone” videos to YouTube. ”Powder” follows past and present Winter X Games snowboarding competitors as they work their way through possibly the whitest snow you’ll ever see.

Follow past and present Winter X Games snowboarding competitors Red Gerard, Danny Davis, Kimmy Fasani, and Ben Ferguson as they explore untouched powder in the backcountry of the British Columbia Interior at the legendary Baldface Lodge.

The video was shot using iPhone 11 Pro and uses its three rear-facing cameras. There also appears to be liberal use of the infamous slowfie feature in there, too.

Apple only recently shared another snow-related video with ”Snowbrawel” also using iPhone 11 Pro throughout. Keep …

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Get ready for the Gen V Pokémon GO lineup — here are the details

What Gen V Pokémon are available in Pokémon Go? Here’s what you need to know about them!

Pokémon Go Niantic has already rolled out many Pokémon from the fifth generation of games — Pokémon Black, White, Black 2, and White 2 — to Pokémon Go, but there are still many more to come. Here’s everything you need to know!

Which Pokémon from Gen V can you catch in Pokémon Go right now?

Pokémon Go has released over 90 Gen V Pokémon so far. These Pokémon include several Region Locked Pokémon, and several Legendaries, so you might not be able to catch all of them just yet. All the Gen V Pokémon released so far are:

Pansage (Only in Asia-Pacific)
Simisage (Only on Asia-Pacific)
Pansear (Only in Europe and Africa)
Simisear (Only in Europe and Africa)
Panpour (Only in the Americas)
Simipour (Only in the Americas)

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Onelink Safe and Sound update adds support for AirPlay 2

Update makes the Onelink truly Safe and Sound.

What you need to know

A firmware update for the Onelink Safe and Sound is rolling out now which adds AirPlay 2.
AirPlay 2 enables multi-room music streaming that stays in sync across all devices.
Update is only available for the Safe and Sound.

First Alert has begun its roll-out of a new firmware update that adds AirPlay 2 to the Onelink Safe and Sound smoke and carbon monoxide detector. AirPlay 2 support enables multi-room audio playback that stays in sync across all devices, making the Onelink a convenient way to keep the tunes flowing across the home.

To enable AirPlay 2 on the Safe & Sound, you will need Firmware Version 1.04.32 or higher. This version will be automatically pushed to customers in an automatic over-the-air (OTA) firmware update.

Owners of the Safe and Sound can locate the latest feature in the Onelink Home app if their hardware has been updated to firmware version 1.04.32. Within the app, users will now…

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Apple skyldiga 85 miljoner dollar i royalties

Jury i San Diego dömer Apple för att ha gjort patentintrång i teknik som gör det möjligt att båda ringa samtal och ladda ner data samtidigt.

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Let’s talk about 10 years of iPad and Rise of the Resistance

Welcome back to another ”From the Editor’s Desk,” awesome iMorians!

With the iPad announced on January 27, 2010 by Steve Jobs, we are now hitting a decade of iPad. A decade! The iPad is almost hitting its teen years, folks, and that’s crazy. I remember the original iPad keynote like yesterday, and 512 Pixel’s Stephen Hackett has done a nice re-watch of the announcement with real-time commentary that you can find here.

Honestly, I can’t believe that it’s been 10 years since that Jobs revealed the iPad. I remember being in awe of the device, as it was always exciting whenever Apple unveiled a new product. But I was still in college at the time, and all I thought of was how useful the iPad would be for replacing my heavy textbooks back then. I had an Amazon Kindle around then, but the idea of having full color digital copies of textbooks on a tablet, and being able to annotate pages excited me like no other back then, and that’s how I wanted finish off my last year of university. …

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Unown S will make a showing at the Pokémon GO Safari Zone in St. Louis

How do you find and catch all 26 — make that all 28! — of the Unown Pokémon in Pokémon Go Gen 2? Here are our top tips, from A to Z…?!

Unown is one of the rarest and hardest to find Pokémon in Pokémon Go — period. That’s because it doesn’t spawn very often in most areas and, when it does, it can manifest as any one of the 28 forms, stylized after the letters of the alphabet, from A to Z, as well as the punctuation ? and !. So, how do you catch ’em all?

Update: Unown S will be spawning for the Pokémon GO Safari Zone St. Louis from March 27, 2020 to March 29, 2020

For the Pokémon GO Safari Zone St. Louis, Unown S will be spawning in Tower Grove Park. You must purchase tickets through the app in order to attend the event, which will run for three days with multiple time slots per day, from March 27 to the 29. More details can be found at Pokémon Go Live Events.

What’s ’Unown’ and how many forms does it really have?

Unown is one of the Pokémon introduced in…

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Here are the latest changes to Pokémon Go Eggs examined and explained!

Which Pokémon can you hatch from 10 KM, 7 KM, 5 KM, and 2 KM Eggs? And what are the odds of hatching them? Here’s the answer!

Pokémon Go isn’t just about catching — hatching is a big part of the game as well. You get Pokémon Go eggs from spinning Pokéstops and from friend Gifts, incubate them, walk them for 2 KM, 5 KM, 7 KM, or 10 KM, and then hatch Pokémon from the common to the hyper-rare. Which Pokémon are in which Pokémon Eggs? And what’s the best — read: fastest! — way to hatch them? Here’s the updated list along with some tips and tricks — and maybe a cheat or two!

What kind of Pokémon Eggs are there in Pokémon Go?

Aside from the very different Lucky Eggs, available in the Shop, there are six kinds of Pokémon Eggs in Pokémon Go:

2 KM Eggs with green spots.
5 KM Eggs (standard) with yellow spots.
5 KM Eggs* (Weekly Fitness 25 KM) with purple spots.
7 KM Eggs that are yellow with pink spots
10 KM Eggs (standard) with purple spots.
10 KM Eggs* (Weekly Fitne…

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Which iPad model do you have? It’s easy to find out

Have you forgotten which current iPad model you own? Here’s how to find the model number on your tablet.

Apple tends to release new iPads each fall, although new ones have been introduced at other times during the year. While you might recognize the name iPad Pro, iPad, and iPad mini, these distinctions don’t tell you which model you own, only the product line.

Here’s how to find this information.

What iPad models are there?
How do you find your iPad model number?
How to find regulatory information for your iPad

What current iPad models are there?

Each iPad model has a different number including cellular versions. For some, there are also models for China only.

What iPad (7th generation) (2019) models are there?

Apple maintains a list of all iPad (7th generation) models on The models are:

Model A2197 – Wi-Fi only
Model A2200, A2198 on the iPad (7th generation) Wi-Fi + Cellular

What iPad Air (3rd generation) (2019) models are there?

Apple maintains a list of a…

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