The Morning Show vinner igen – Jennifer Aniston tar pris för bästa kvinnliga skådespelare

Apple TV Plus-serien The Morning Show som produceras av bland andra Jennifer Aniston själv och Reese Witherspoon har fått sin andra utmärkelse.

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iPad Pro can run Fortnite at 120 frames per second after update

Incredibly smooth gameplay!

What you need to know

Fortnite and TikTok are partnering together to create the Emote Royale Contest.
Players can create their personalized dance and upload it to TikTok, with the chance to have their dance animated into the game.
Other prizes include 25,000 V-Bucks, real-life swag, and more.

Fortnite players who have been utilizing an iPad Pro are in for a big treat, as the game has just received an update that allows for the tablet to run Fortnite at 120 frames per second.

The latest update for the iOS version of Fortnite is out now, and if you happen to have the 2018 iPad Pro, you can now enable 120fps mode, which should leave your game feeling incredibly smoother and running a bit better.

However, it’s important to note that enabling the mode does come at a cost, as the resolution and visual settings for Fortnite get dropped down to ”medium” when 120fps mode is activated. This means you’re unable to play Fortnite at its maximum settings, but t…

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Apple begins selling refurbished models of the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max

Grab a refurbished iPhone XS from Apple for the first time.

What you need to know

Apple has begun selling the iPhone XS and iPhone Max refurbished.
The phones are currently available on Apple’s refurbished section of the Apple Store website.
You can grab savings of $200 to $250 off the current selling price a brand new phone.

Today, Apple has begun selling refurbished models of the iPhone XS and the iPhone XS Max on the refurbished section of the Apple Store website. This is the first time that the website has seen refurbished models of the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max available since the phones originally launched in September of 2018.

You can currently find the iPhone XS in all three colors: Space Gray, Silver, and Gold. The Space Gray and Silver are both available in all three size configurations: 64GB, 256GB, and 512GB. The Gold model is currently only available in 64GB and 256GB. The price ranges from $699 for the 64GB to $999 for the 512GB and all of the phones are unlocke…

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Pokémon 068 Machamp

Name: Machamp (Japanese: カイリキー Kairiky)

Classification: Superpower Pokémon

Type: Fighting

Generation: Gen I Kanto Region

Gender Ratio: 75% Male to 25% Female


5′ 3″ (Machamp)
82’+ (Gigantamax Machamp)


286.6 lbs (Machamp)
??? lbs (Gigantamax Machamp)


Evolves from Machoke when traded.
Evolves from Machoke with 100 Candies in Pokémon Go.
Evolves from Machoke for free when Traded in Pokémon Go.

Alternate Formes:

Gigantamax Machamp

How to catch in Sword/Shield:

Strong Spawn in Wild Area
Dusty Bowl
North Lake Miloch
Rolling Fields
South Lake Miloch
Stony Wilderness
Max Raid Battles
Gigantamax Raid Battles

How to catch in Go:

Evolve Machoke
Raid Battles

Description: Machamp is humanoid in shape, but it has an extra set of muscular arms coming out of its shoulder blades. His body is almost entirely bluish grey, save for pale yellow lips, three brown ridges atop its head, and black markings that resemble wrestler’s briefs. It…

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Apple launches Activity Challenge, but this one is reserved for employees

Run that infinity loop.

What you need to know

Apple has launched a new Activity Challenge.
The challenge is reserved for internal employees only.
Employees are eligible to win and shirt and pin for completing the challenge.

Apple has announced a new Activity Challenge for the month of February, but before you check your Apple Watch to see what it is, know that this is only for internal Apple employees.

Reported by MacRumors, the company announced that it is hosting its annual company-wide fitness challenge in February. In order to complete the challenge, Apple employees must work to close all three Activity rings on their Apple Watch for the whole month.

Employees who successfully complete the challenge at the end of the month will receive some pretty cool rewards. As shared by an Apple employee, those who finish the challenge will receive a commemorative ”2020” shirt where the year is made out of the Activity ring colors.

The company is also giving out gold, silver, and br…

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Pokémon 067 Machoke

Name: Machoke (Japanese: ゴーリキー Goriky)

Classification: Superpower Pokémon

Type: Fighting

Generation: Gen I Kanto Region

Gender Ratio: 75% Male to 25% Female

Height: 4′ 11″

Weight: 155.4 lbs


Evolves from Machop at level 28.
Evolves from Machop with 25 Candies in Pokémon Go.
Evolves into Machamp when traded.
Evolves into Machamp with 100 Candies in Pokémon Go.
Evolves into Machamp for free when Traded in Pokémon Go.

Alternate Formes: None

How to catch in Sword/Shield:

Giant’s Mirror
Dusty Bowl
North Lake Miloch
Rolling Fields
South Lake Miloch
Stony Wilderness
Max Raid Battles

How to catch in Go:

Evolve Machop
Rare Spawn

Description: Much like Machop, Machoke is a grey skinned, humanoid Pokémon with a muscles as hard as steel. Its eyes are still bright red and it still has the bone ridges it had in its previous stage, but it also has dark red stripes going down its arms and black markings that look like wrestling briefs. Machoke also have a…

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Pokémon 066 Machop

Name: Machop (Japanese: ワンリキー Wanriky)

Classification: Superpower Pokémon

Type: Fighting

Generation: Gen Region

Gender Ratio: 75% Male to 25% Female

Height: 2′ 7″

Weight: 43 lbs


Evolves into Machoke at level 28.
Evolves into Machoke with 25 Candies in Pokémon Go,

Alternate Formes: None

How to catch in Sword/Shield:

Axew’s Eye
Giant’s Seat
Hammerlocke Hills
South Lake Miloch
Stony Wilderness
Dusty Bowl
North Lake Miloch
Rolling Fields
Max Raid Battles

How to catch in Go:


Description: A muscular, humanoid Pokémon, Machop is incredibly strong for its small size. It has greyish blue skin, bright red eyes, a stubby tail, and three bone ridges atop its head. Its muscles never cramp or fatigue, and allow it to lift many times its own body weight. Machop are entirely focused on building up their muscles, and train daily by lifting Graveler. They can be found in the mountains where they practice martial arts to improve their Fight…

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Apple börjar påminna om gratisperioden på Apple TV Plus

Har du köpt en ny Apple-pryl efter den 10 september har du rätt till 12 månaders prenumeration på Apple TV Plus utan kostnad.

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Pokémon 132 Ditto

Name: Ditto (Japanese: メタモン Metamon)

Classification: Transform Pokémon

Type: Normal

Generation: Gen I Kanto Region

Gender Ratio: Genderless

Height: 1′

Weight: 8.8 lbs

Evolution: None

Alternate Formes: None

How to catch in Sword/Shield:

Lake of Outrage
Stony Wilderness
Max Raid Battles

How to catch in Go:

Disguised as other Pokémon (Weedle, Paras, Venonat, Hoothoot, Ledyba, Spinarak, Hoppip, Gulpin, Whismur, Remoraid, Seedot, Skitty, Nummel, Bidoof)

Description: A light purple blob, Ditto may not seem like much, but this little Pokémon is capable of transforming into an exact copy of any Pokémon it encounters. If a Ditto tries to transform from memory, it will often get details wrong, and there are some Ditto who cannot transform their faces. Ditto can get along with most other Pokémon, but don’t get along well with other Ditto. They often transform themselves into objects as well; in particular, Ditto will turn into rocks while they sleep. Wild Ditto are…

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Watch the Xbox Adaptive Controller work with the Nintendo Switch

A father created a way for his daughter with HSP to play the Nintendo Switch.

What you need to know

A father created a customized controller that allows his daughter with HSP to play the Nintendo Switch.
The controller works with the Xbox Adaptive Controller.
A video shows the controller in action controlling The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

A father created a customized controller that allows his daughter to play on the Nintendo Switch. The controller’s inventor, Rory Steel, refers to it as his homemade accessibility controller V1.0 in a Tweet. The controller from Steel works by connecting to the Xbox Adaptive Controller and then connecting to the Nintendo Switch.

Steel’s daughter, Ava, has hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), which makes her struggle with fine motor control and finger dexterity, as explained in a tweet from Steel. The controller Steel shows off in the video has buttons around the edge of a large rectangular body. Each button can be customized to contr…

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