iPhone 12 to contain ”refreshed” Face ID system

There’s a good chance however that Barclay’s is reporting pre-existing rumors…

What you need to know

A Barclay’s research note suggests that Apple’s iPhone 12 may come with a ”refreshed” Face ID camera.
They also suggested that Apple is planning to do away with the Lightning connector in 2021.
Previous rumors have suggested Apple may take the iPhone completely wireless next year.

A Barclay’s research note suggests that Apple’s next iPhone may debut with a ”refreshed” Face ID setup.

According to MacRumors:

iPhone 12 models will feature a ”refreshed” front-facing TrueDepth system that benefits Apple supplier Lite-On Semiconductor, according to Barclays analysts Blayne Curtis, Thomas O’Malley, and Baylie Harri. This suggests that Face ID could be improved on iPhone 12 models, but no specific details were provided.

Previous rumors have already suggested that the next iPhone may come with a new Face ID configuration, possibly with a smaller notch to maximize display size.

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Use the Nintendo Switch’s Wishlist feature so you never miss another game

Keep track of the games you want.

The Switch has gained a ton of momentum not just in terms of sales, but also in game launches. Third-party and independent developers are releasing games left and right on the platform, and it can be hard to keep up.

That’s where the Wishlist feature comes in handy. We’ll show you what it is, how to use it, and what you should use it for on your Nintendo Switch.

What’s the Wishlist feature used for?
How to set up your Wishlist

What’s the Wishlist feature used for?

You may have heard of a wishlist on your favorite shopping websites. Essentially, it’s a list of items that you intend to buy. Some services implement wishlists differently and for different reasons.

The most common usage is to offer price drop notifications on items you’ve saved. You can also share wishlists with people, so they get a convenient list of things they could buy you as a gift.

On the Nintendo Switch, the Wishlist feature is pretty barebones. You can go to the eShop an…

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A Smash Direct on January 16 has brought a newcomer!

Along with what you missed out on from the last few Directs.

Nintendo Direct is Nintendo’s newest way to update you on what is coming to their consoles, but it’s changed routes and made it mostly Nintendo Switch content. With these updates, Nintendo tells us about its plans for future games and about any updates that may be coming sometime soon. Here is a recap of the past Directs and when we expect the new one to come.

January 16, 2020

On January 16, a new Smash Direct was held, showing that Byleth from Fire Emblem: Three Houses was joining the ever-growing fray.

January 9, 2020

A Pokémon Direct has been announced and is being held on January 9, 2020. The presentation will go live at 6:30 a.m P.T, or 9:30 a.m E.T. It will be roughly 20 minutes long, the usual length of a Direct. Naturally, it’ll be all about Pokémon.

December 10, 2019

A new Indie World showcase is being held on December 10, 2019. We don’t know what games will be shown but we do know the event will be …

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Is it finally time to ditch Apple Safari on Mac for Microsoft’s Edge?

Microsoft’s new browser offers useful tools for Mac users and presents a challenge to Apple.

The new Chromium-based Microsoft Edge offers a fresh take on web browsing and is available across multiple platforms, including macOS. If you’re looking for reasons to switch from the increasingly stale Apple Safari on your Mac, you’ve come to the right place. Here are five reasons to make the switch, and one reason maybe you shouldn’t.

Flexible privacy settings

Web trackers collect data about how you interact with a site. By doing so, they can offer web content and ads customized for your benefit. Unfortunately, some web trackers have been designed to harm. Microsoft Edge addresses good and bad web trackers in a way that other browsers do not. Rather than taking an all-or-nothing approach, the browser offers you three levels of tracking prevention for which to choose.

Under the Basic setting, Microsoft blocks trackers it thinks are potentially harmful while allowing others that are inten…

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Steve Bannon: US government should 100% force Apple to backdoor iPhones

He also said that Apple should treat the President’s tweets ”like a papal bull”.

What you need to know

Steve Bannon has said that President Trump will ”drop the hammer” on tech companies that don’t cooperate with investigators seeking information.
He further suggested that Apple should treat the tweets of President Trump ”like a papal bull.”
When asked if he thought it was appropriate for the government to force Apple to provide backdoor access to phones he said: ”Yes, a hundred percent”.

In an interview with CNBC, Steve Bannon has stated that he believes it is 100% appropriate for the US government to force Apple to provide backdoor access to iPhones.

In wake of ever-growing chatter around the FBI and Apple’s role in assisting the government with unlocking the phones of criminals, Bannon interviewed with the network on Wednesday, January 15.

When asked ”Do you believe it’s appropriate for the US government to force Apple to provide a.. backdoor access to those phones?” he re…

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Restrict account changes and volume control

Keep your child from messing with the account settings or volume on iPhone or iPad.

Parental Controls, also known as Restrictions, let you manage which features, apps, and content your kids can and can’t access on your iPhone or iPad. This includes preventing any changes being made to your email, contacts, and calendar accounts, and to volume limits. Whether you’re worried your young child will accidentally delete your accounts or your pre-teen might try to add a new account, you can quickly and easily lock it all in Settings.

How to block the ability to make changes to accounts and volume limits on iPhone and iPad

Before you start, you’ll need to make sure you have set up Screen Time on your device.

Launch Settings from the home screen.
Tap Screen Time.
Tap Content & Privacy Restrictions.

Tap on the category to change their settings:

Passcode Changes
Account Changes
Cellular Data Chnages
Volume Limit
Do Not Disturb While Driving
TV Provider
Background App Activities

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Fortnite för IOS uppdaterat – bättre stöd för handkontroller och 120 bilder per sekund

Epic har släppt en uppdatering av Fortnite för IOS som utnyttjar kraften i senaste Ipad Pro fullt ut och dessutom fungerar bättre med handkontroller.

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Apple hires drone and aviation law specialist to lobby Washington

The question is why?

What you need to know

Apple has hired a drone and aviation law specialist as a lobbyist.
Lisa Ellman, of Hogan Lovells, will lobby Washington on Apple’s behalf.
Ellman is the head of the law firm’s Unmanned Aircraft System’s practice and a co-founder of the Commercial Drone Alliance.

Apple has hired drone and aviation law specialist Lisa Ellman as a Washington lobbyist, according to reports.

As reported by Bloomberg:

Apple Inc. has engaged a specialist in drone and aviation law as a Washington lobbyist, suggesting the company is pushing further into the growing field.

The Cupertino, California-based tech giant retained Lisa Ellman, a partner at Hogan Lovells, to conduct the lobbying. Ellman leads the law firm’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems practice. She also co-founded the Commercial Drone Alliance and is working to expand the commercial drone industry, according to her biography online.

Ellman has reportedly been working with Apple since December, …

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The FBI reportedly extracted data from a locked iPhone 11 Pro last year

If true, it calls the FBI’s entire argument into question…

What you need to know

The FBI reportedly extracted data from an iPhone 11 Pro Max in 2019.
A Forbes report states that FBI investigators in Ohio used a GrayKey to extract data from the device.
The lawyer of the accused in question confirmed the device was locked, as did the search warrant obtained by Forbes.

A Forbes report claims that the FBI was able to extract data from an iPhone 11 Pro Max using a hacking tool called GrayKey.

According to the report:

Last year, FBI investigators in Ohio used a hacking device called a GrayKey to draw data from the latest Apple model, the iPhone 11 Pro Max. The phone belonged to Baris Ali Koch, who was accused of helping his convicted brother flee the country by providing him with his own ID documents and lying to the police. He has now entered a plea agreement and is awaiting sentencing.

Forbes has reportedly confirmed with Koch’s lawyer, that the device in question was locke…

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Spike Jonze-regisserad Beastie Boys-dokumentär till Apple TV Plus

”Beastie Boys story” är en ny dokumentärfilm från Spike Jonze som kommer till Apple TV Plus i vår efter en smal biolansering.

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