Two of Apple’s best MacBook Pros are $200 off for Prime Day – but be quick!

Apple’s two M2 Pro MacBook Pro models are discounted by $200 for Prime Day day two.

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Eve Flare 2023 review: Mood lighting; now with a handle

Smart lighting comes in all shapes and sizes, and now Eve has updated its Flare light for the space year 2023.

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AirPods on your Prime Day shopping list? Check out these 5 alternatives

Prime Day is coming, and the deals could be some of the hottest around – but casting a wide net is always a good plan.

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It’s official, Hijack on Apple TV Plus is another certified banger

Hijack on Apple TV Plus has been Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes with a 94% score, confirming Apple has another epic show on its hands.

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Reddit destroyed its most popular app, here’s how you can have the last laugh

With Apollo about to shut its doors on July 1, its creator has come up with a great way to share your thanks.

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Reddits app hatbombas på App Store

Trots protester från moderatorer och användare valde Reddits ledning att avsluta allt stöd för tredjepartsappar. Istället hoppas företaget att dess minst sagt dyra api:er ska bli en genväg till en överv&au…

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Beats Studio Pro could be the AirPods Max 2 you’ve been waiting for

The Beats Studio Pro spec sheet has leaked, and they could be the AirPods Max successor you’ve been waiting for.

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Apple Vision Pro komfortband kan kosta extra

Apples Vision Pro-headset, som presenterades på WWDC tidigare den här månaden, är bara det första steget på företagets resa in på mixed-reality-marknaden, och det är helt klart inte perfekt. Det &a…

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Apple chockhöjer priserna på Icloud

Apples molnlagring, Icloud, höjer priserna dramatiskt. Till exempel går priset för två terabyte lagringsutrymme upp från 89 kronor till 129 kronor, det vill säga en ökning på 44 procent. 

De &ou…

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Google’s video ads are shortchanging advertisers and failing standards, report claims

Google’s video ads are failing its standards according to a new report.

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