Nya datorer, Ipads och Iphones i all ära, men vad sägs om en ny Siri? 

När Apple lanserade Siri i samband med Iphone 4s 2011 var det med buller, bång och fanfar. Apple hade skapat en röstassistent med artificiell intelligens som kunde förstå sammanhang. Om du frågade hur vädret …

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USA:s justitiedepartement stämmer Apple för dess “Iphone-monopol”

USA:s justitiedepartement (DOJ) har tillsammans med 16 delstats- och distriktsåklagare lämnat in en civil antitruststämning mot Apple för monopolisering eller försök till monopolisering av smartphonemarknaden i stri…

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”Buy your mom an iPhone”: Will these five words come to haunt Apple CEO Tim Cook? Probably not

The US Department of Justice filed a bombshell lawsuit against Apple alleging anti-competitive practices. But how much merit is there to the lawsuit?

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visionOS 1.1.1 drops with bug fixes for the Apple Vision Pro headset

Apple has released visionOS 1.1.1, a new software update available to all Vision Pro headset users.

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Apple’s ’circumventing both the spirit and underlying goals’ of an injunction forcing it to allow apps to steer customers to external payments, Microsoft & others warn

Apple has been accused of playing games with developers over the way it is complying with an injunction requiring it to allow developers to steer users to alternative payments.

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iOS 17.4.1 finally arrives with new bug fixes… just hours after DOJ drops lawsuit bombshell

Apple has released the first beta version of the new iOS 17.4.1 software update, introducing some new changes for your iPhone.

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Apple Vision Pro job listings pop up in new countries as a potential global headset launch nears

Apple Vision Pro job listings have appeared in countries where the spatial computer may launch soon.

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Apple vs the United States: Department of Justice sues over anti-competitive smartphone ’chokehold’ by iPhone maker

The US Department of Justice is suing Apple over anti-competitive smartphone ’chokehold’.

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UPS employee accused of stealing $1.3 million worth of Macs and iPhones en-route to customers

A UPS employee has been accused of stealing and then reselling Apple devices worth more than $1.3 million.

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’Not true’ — rumored March 26 iPad Pro and Air launch isn’t happening, insider warns

Apple is expected to unveil new iPad Pro and iPad Air tablets soon, but those hoping for a rumored March 26 announcement date to be correct are set to be disappointed.

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