Here are all of the Gen 8 Pokémon leaks
- nov
- 05
- Posted by Michael
- Posted in Okategoriserade
Whether your upset or happy about the look of the new Pokémon, here they are.
It's less than a month away from the release of Pokémon Sword and Shield, but that hasn't stopped several gamers from leaking specific creatures from the Galar region Pokédex. We've collected the images and names of each of these Pokémon leaks in one place so you can see them all from one convenient location.
Just keep in mind that since these are leaks, it's possible that some of these are fakes. We'll keep an eye out and will update this section as more pocket monsters are revealed.
There are some serious spoilers ahead! Turn back now if you don't want to see anything.
All Gen 8 Pokémon Sword and Shield leaks
Grookey evolutions
Grookey's final evolution, Rillaboom, looks like he'd be the leader of the drum section for college football.
Grookey (Grass) --> ??? (Grass) --> Rillaboom (Grass)
Sobble evolutions
This slinky water Pokémon ends up looking like some kind of spy.
Sobble (Water) --> Sizzle (Water) --> Intellion (Water)
Scorebunny evolutions
Scorebunny's final evolution looks like he would be the mascot for a sports team.
Scorebunny (Fire) --> Rabboot (Fire) --> Cinderace (Fire)
Wooloo evolutions
We know that Wooloo turns into Dubwool, but we aren't sure what this final evolution's typing is.
Wooloo (Normal) --> Dubwool (???)
Chewtle evolutions
Some think Drednaw's pre-evolution is weird-looking while others find him adorable. We'll be curious to see if he's also Water type.
Chewtle (???) --> Drednaw (Water)
Rookidee evolutions
Wondering how the flying taxi got his start? Here's every evolution leading up to Corviknight.
Rookidee (Flying) --> Corvisquire (Flying) --> Corviknight (Steel/Flying)
Galarian Ponyta evolutions
We were shocked to discover that the rainbow-maned Galarian Ponyta was Psychic type and not Fairy type. We'll have to see if the same holds true for Galarian Rapidash.
Galarian Ponyta (Psychic) --> Galarian Rapidash (???)
Yamper evolutions
The queen is sure to be seen with a buzzing number of these electric canines.
Yamper (Electric) --> Boltund (Electric)
Impidimp evolutions
This mischeivious fellow jumped straight out of a fairytale. We'll be curious to see if his later two evolutions are still Dark/Fairy type or if they're something else.
Impidimp (Dark/Fairy) --> Morgrem (???) --> Grimmsnarl (???)
Milcry evolutions
You should never cry over spilled milk, but the cuteness of these sweet evolutions might just move you to tears.
Milcry (Fairy) --> Alcremie (Fairy)
Rolycoly evolutions
These charcoal Pokémon are a great way to allude to England's Industrial Revolution. Fittingly, they're all Rock/Fire types.
Rolycoly (Rock) --> Carkoal (Rock/Fire) --> Coalossal (Rock/Fire)
Sinistea evolutions
I'm honestly in love with these spook-tea Pokémon evolutions. We know for sure that the second evolution is Ghost type, but we still need clarification on the first evolution.
Sinistea (???) --> Polteageist (Ghost)
Arrokuda evolutions
We aren't sure what these types these creatures are, but we wouldn't be surprised to learn they're Water and something else.
Arrokuda (???) --> Baraskewda (???)
Unnamed Fox evolution
This gorgeous creature popped up online, but so far we don't know the names of the evolutions or their types. We'll update when we learn more.
??? (???) --> ??? (???)
We don't know much about these Pokémon other than they appear to be Galarian Meowth forms and/or their Galarian evolutions. We'll dig and see if we can learn more about them.
Purrzerker (???)
Cufant evolution
These awesome looking elephany Pokémon have some interesting color variation. Unfortunately, we don't currently know what type either of them are.
Cufant (???) --> Copperajah (???)
Toxel evolution
I absolutely love this grumpy-looking purple dude and his Spyro-colored evolution. We'll have to wait and see if the evolved form is also Poison/Electric.
Toxel (Poison/Electric) --> ??? (???)
Hattena evolution
It's hard to say what type these three will be. If I was to guess, I'd say either Normal or Fairy.
Hattena (???) --> Hattrem (???) --> Hatterne (???)
Silcobra evolution
My guess is that these snakes are Ground-type Pokémon. Either way, I think they both have fun designs.
Silcobra (???) --> Sandacondra (???)
Sizzlepede evolution
No Pokémon game would be complete without a new batch of bugs. It looks like these are Fire types, but that hasn't been confirmed.
Sizzlepede (???) --> Centiskortch (???) --> ??? (???)
Clobbopus evolution
These sweet new Pokémon are Water and Fighting types. Look how the worried little guy becomes a confident boxer.
Clobbopus (Water/Fighting) --> Grapploct (Water/Fighting)
Snom evolution
Snom nom nom. Ooh, these Pokémon are so cute! They're both Ice/Bug types.
Snom (Ice/Bug) --> Frosmoth (Ice/Bug)
Blipbug evolution
This evolutionary trio are all Bug/Psychic types. It looks like it starts off like a caterpillar and eventually turns into a ladybug Pokémon.
Blipbug (Bug/Psychic) --> Dottler (Bug/Psychic) --> Orbeetle (Bug/Psychic)
Skwovet evolution
D'aww! Look at those chubby cheeks! These Normal-type Pokémon definitely belong in the U.K.-inspired Galar region.
Skwovet (Normal) --> Greedunt (Normal)
Cursola (Galarian Corsola) evolution
This haunting Galarian version is a statement on the current state of the ocean; sad and somber.
Cursola (Ghost) -->Pinchurchin (???)
Galarian Mr. Mime
It looks like Mr. Mime has made some unfortunate life choices to get where he is now. We currently aren't sure what type this variant is.
Mr. Mime (???)
Mr. Rime
This guy looks like he'd either be Mr. Mime's best friend or his bitter rival. We're not sure what his type is just yet, but we'll update when we learn more.
Mr. Rime (???)
I can imagine this Pokémon turning to me after I've said something stupid and condescendingly saying, "indeed." It's absolutely adorable. We currently don't know this Pokémon's type.
Indeedee (???)
Unnamed pengin evolution
We currently don't know that names of these adorable penguin Pokémon. Our guess is that they are Ice types, but we don't know for sure.
??? (???) --> ??? (???)
Stonejourner is likely a Ground or Rock-type Pokémon seeing as how he resembles Stonehenge. We'll update when we learn more about it.
Stonejourner (???)
Applin evolution
These adorable creatures appear to be apple Pokémon. Currently, it's unclear if there's a third evolution or not and we're not sure on their typing either.
Applin (???) --> Flapple (???) --> ??? (???)
Dreepy evolution
This trio of Pokémon each have a head shaped somewhat like a paper airplane. We currently don't know their typing, but I'd guess it might be Flying type.
Dreepy (???) --> Darkloak (???) --> Dragapult (???)
We don't know much about this caterpillar bug. It's likely that it has an evolution, but we don't know for sure.
Falinks (???)
Darumaka evolution
Not sure if the name is trying to sound like the Three Musketeers' d'Artagnan or a variation of Orangutan. It does have a ape-like appearance, though. It looks like it's going to be an Ice type, but we don't know for sure.
Darumaka (???) --> Darmanitan (???)
Fossil Pokémon
In Sword and Shield, you can choose a top fossil and a bottom fossil. Depending on which ones you choose, you'll get one of these four Pokémon.
- Dracozolt (???)
- Dracovish (???)
- Arctozolt (???)
- Arctovish (???)
This appears to be the legendary Pokémon for the Galar region. We currently don't know his type, but my guess is Psychic or Ghost.
Eternatus (???)
So many new Pokémon!
There you have it. Every Pokémon that's been leaked so far. What do you think? Have we missed any? Do you love any of them? Do any of them seriously disappoint you? Tell us about it in the comments.
Defenders of the realm
Pokémon Sword and Shield
One of two new Pokémon adventures
Travel around the Galar region acquiring new Pokemon. You'll take on eight different gyms and the Champion to prove that you're the greatest trainer there ever was.
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