Pokémon Go: All the Regionals and where to find them

Where do you find and how do you catch Reginal Pokémon like Tropias, Ralicanth, Lunatone, Torkoal, Corsola, Heracross, Mr. Mime, Kangaskhan, and Farfetch'd?

From the very beginning, the goal of Pokémon Go has been to get you to get up and go. Around the neighborhood, sure, but also around the world. That's where regional exclusive — or Regional — Pokémon come in. Since Gen 1, Pokémon Go has kept a handful of Pokémon exclusive to some regions, and with each new generation, they've increased the number of Pokémon and places.

Here's the updated list!

What are Regional Pokémon in Pokémon Go?

Pokémon Go is all about getting up and going, both walking and traveling. To help promote the traveling part, Pokémon Go makes some Pokémon only available in certain regions of the world. Sometimes it's a country or island, sometimes a subcontinent or continent or part thereof, or in one case, coastlines around the equator. Whatever the region is, you have to go there to find its exclusive Pokémon.

What are the current Regionals in Pokémon Go?

Map created by u/oktimeforplanb, updated by GamePress.

As of December 2019:

  • Farfetch'd — Asia
  • Kangaskhan — Oceania
  • Mr. Mime — Europe
  • Tauros — Canada, and the US, excluding some areas of Southern Florida
  • Heracross — Central and South America, including areas of Southern Florida where Tauros does not appear
  • Corsola — Tropical areas along the equator
  • Torkoal — India and surrounding countries
  • Zangoose — Europe, Asia, and Oceania
  • Seviper — Americas and Africa
  • Solrock — Americas, Africa
  • Lunatone — Europe, Asia, Oceania
  • Relicanth —New Zealand and surrounding islands
  • Illumise — Americas and Africa
  • Volbeat — Europe, Asia, Oceania
  • Tropius — Africa and surrounding areas
  • Pachirisu - Northern Canada, Russia, Alaska
  • Shellos (Pink) - West of Longitude 0
  • Shellos (Blue) - East of Longitude 0
  • Chatot - Southern Hemisphere
  • Mime Jr. - Europe (5 KM eggs)
  • Carnivine - Southeastern USA
  • Uxie - Asia-Pacific
  • Mesprit - Europe, Africa
  • Azelf - Americas
  • Pansage - Asia-Pacific
  • Pansear - Europe, Africa
  • Panpour - Americas
  • Heatmor - Western Hemisphere
  • Durant - Eastern Hemisphere

Are there Pokémon Go Regionals in each generation?

There are! These are the Pokémon Go Kanto Regionals from Gen 1:

  • Farfetch'd
  • Kangaskhan
  • Mr. Mime
  • Tauros

And are the Pokémon Go Johto Regionals from Gen 2:

  • Heracross
  • Corsola

The Pokémon Go Hoenn Regionals from Gen 3:

  • Torkoal
  • Zangoose
  • Seviper
  • Solrock
  • Lunatone
  • Relicanth
  • Illumise
  • Volbeat
  • Tropius

The Gen 4 regionals are:

  • Pachirisu
  • Shellos (West Sea and East Sea or Pink and Blue)
  • Chatot
  • Mime Jr.
  • Carnivine
  • Uxie
  • Mesprit
  • Azelf

And, newly-added, we have the Gen 5 regionals:

  • Pansage
  • Pansear
  • Panpour
  • Heatmor
  • Durant

Do Pokémon Go Regionals ever change region?

They do! There are currently a few pairs that have swapped regions since their introduction. Plusle and Minun now both appear globally.

Additionally, Pokemon Go occasionally holds events where certain regional Pokemon will appear in eggs globally. This has now happened multiple times for the first generation regionals: Mr. Mime, Kangaskhan, Farfetch'd, and Tauros.

Have any Pokémon ever stopped being Regional and gone worldwide?

Plusle and Minun! They started off separate, like Zangoose and Seviper, but now both spawn globally. Rumor has it; the Pokémon Company told Niantic the two best buddies shouldn't be separated.

Do Regionals sometimes appear in other regions, like during events?

Almost always at real-world events like Go Fest Chicago, and sometimes during in-game events. Some examples include:

  • July 2018: Torkoal at Pokémon Go Fest in Chicago, U.S.A.
  • June 2018: Corsola at Pokémon Go Safari Zone in Dortmund, Germany
  • November 2017: Farfetch'd globally and Kangaskhan in parts of South East Asia.
  • November 2017: Mr. Mime at Safari Zone in Tottori, Japan.
  • August 2017: Mr. Mime at Pokémon Outbreak in Yokahama, Japan.
  • August 2017: Kangaskhan at Safari Zone Europe and Pokémon World Championships in Anaheim, California
  • July 2017: Heracross at Pokémon Go Fest in Chicago, U.S.A.

How do you catch Regionals in Pokémon Go?

You catch Regionals just like you catch any Pokémon in Pokémon Go but, if you have limited time or limited spawns, you're going to want to maximize your chances.

  1. ABC. Always be curving. Once you can nail Curve Ball every time, you'll get a 1.7x bonus every time.
  2. Max out your medals. Some are easier to get than others, but they consume no resources like Great or Ultra Balls or Razz Berries, so once you get them, that 1.1x to 1.3x is automatically applied each time.
  3. Consistency counts. Aim for the smallest target you can nail every time. If that's Nice, it's nice. If that's Great or Excellent, even better. But better the bonus you get then one you miss, and that extra 1.3 to 2x also doesn't consume resources and can make a difference.
  4. Razz for real. Use Razz Berries when you need to. Unlike Great or Ultra Balls, you can't miss with a Razz Berry, and its 1.5x bonus will last until you hit. For Golden Razz Berries, it's 2.5x!
  5. Bump them Balls. Use Great and Ultra Balls to maximize your odds. You get an extra 1.5x for a Great Ball and 2x for an Ultra Ball, so use them to get those super rare or hard to catch Pokémon.

For a complete explanation and many more details:

How to catch tough Pokémon in Pokémon Go

Trading for Regionals

If you just cannot afford to travel the globe in search of regionals, it is possible to trade with someone who has. Well, for a price. If the Regional is new to your Pokédex, it'll be considered a Special trade and cost both you and the person you're trading with a non-trivial amount of stardust. Here are the numbers:

  • Friend: No Special Trades
  • Good Friend: 20,000 Stardust
  • Great Friend: 16,000 Stardust
  • Ultra Friend: 1,600
  • Best Friend: 800

You can only trade when you're physically in the same place as another player, within 100 feet of each other to be precise, and you have to be friends. So, if you're looking for people to trade with, try using any existing Raid or Gym network you might belong to, or look for local Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, Discord, and other groups. Many of these groups already have posts or threads set up for people to coordinate trades.

How to trade in Pokémon Go

Any questions about Regional Pokémon in Pokémon Go?

If you have any questions about where to find or how to catch region exclusive Pokémon in Pokémon Go, leave them in the comments!

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