How to take on Heatran the Lava Dome Pokémon

Starting Tuesday, January 7, 2020, at 1:00 p.m., Heatran, The Lava Dome Pokémon will be taking over Legendary Raids in Pokémon Go, and this time, you might even catch a shiny Heatran. It will be available for four weeks, ending on Tuesday, February 4, 2020, at 1:00 p.m. PST. This Legendary Fire and Steel-type Pokémon is very strong and quite useful, so you won't want to miss your chance to catch one. We're here to walk you through building the perfect team for taking on this Legendary Pokémon!

What is Heatran?

Something like a tortoise mixed with a ram comprised of rocks and magma, Heatran is a Legendary Gen IV Pokémon from the Sinnoh Region. Unlike most Legendary Pokémon, Heatran can be male or female, and it is the only Pokémon with its particular mix of Fire and Steel typing, giving it some pretty incredible resistances. While it's not in the top 20 attackers, it is extremely useful in Pokémon Go. Plus, it looks really cool!

What are the best counters?

A unique Fire and Steel type, Heatran has a lot of resistances. However, it is extra weak against Ground-type Pokémon, while also being weak against Water and Fighting types.


Excadrill is the best counter you can bring against Heatran. With Mud Slap and Drill Run, it is the best Ground-type Pokémon in Go and will make quick work of Heatran by taking advantage of the Lava Dome Pokémon's double weakness to Ground-type moves. It's still relatively new to Pokémon Go, but as Drilbur are relatively common, you likely have at least one of these by now, and it's certainly easier to catch and boost than the Legendaries.


While not quite as effective as Excadrill, Groudon is still an incredible Ground-type Pokémon. Although it is a Legendary and so limited, it has been available enough times that most players have at least one or two. With the moveset Mud Shot and Earthquake, Groudon will be an indispensable part of your team for taking on Heatran.


Another relative newcomer, Garchomp, is the final evolution of Gible. Gible tend to be a little harder to find, so you might not have one of these yet, but if you do, it's definitely worth bringing up against Heatran. With Mud Shot and Earthquake, it makes for a powerful Ground-type, plus it is resistant to Heatran's Fire-type moves.


The final evolution of Gen I Rhyhorn, Rhyperior, is one of the top Ground-type Pokémon that no player has an excuse not to have by now (except maybe the Sinnoh Stone necessary to evolve it.) Another one with Mud Slap and Earthquake, Rhyperior can easily stand up to Heatran.


The final evolution of Mudkip, Swampert is a Ground and Water-type that takes advantage of two of Heatran's weaknesses. You'll want to focus on its Ground-type moves, Mud Shot and Earthquake for this battle, but its Water-type moves, Water Gun and Hydro Cannon will do in a pinch if you just cannot spare the TMs.


A Ghost and Ground-type from Gen V, Golurk with Mud Slap, and Earth Power also takes advantage of Heatrans double weakness against Ground-type moves. While its pre-evolution Golett isn't super common, you only need 50 Candies to evolve one, making it a solid choice to finish off our top counters list.

Back ups

If you don't have a solid team of the best counters, there are still plenty of back ups to choose from. Remember, Ground-type moves are ideal, but you can also use Water and Fighting-type moves.

  • Kyogre with Water Fall and Surf
  • Rhydon with Mud Slap and Earthquake
  • Golem with Mud Slap and Earthquake
  • Flygon with Mud Shot and Earth Power
  • Donphan with Mud Slap and Earthquake
  • Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch
  • Kingler with Mud Shot and Crabhammer

How many players does it take to beat Heatran?

While it is technically possible for two max-level players to take on Heatran, you probably want four or more. Weather will also be unlikely to play a big factor in this Raid. You'll want to be careful of snow as that will boost Heatran's Steel-type moves, but the Sunny/Clear weather that boosts its Fire-type moves will also boost your Ground-type counters, leveling the playing field.

Questions about taking on Heatran?

Do you have any questions about taking on the Lava Dome Pokémon? Any tips for fellow trainers? Drop us a comment below, and be sure to check out our many other Pokémon Go Guides!

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