Popular 3D Printing Youtuber alerted to tachycardia by Apple Watch

Thankfully, it turned out to be nothing serious!

What you need to know

  • Popular Youtuber Joel Telling wound up in hospital after his Apple Watch alerted him to a tachycardia.
  • Also known as '3D Printing Nerd', Joel was alerted by his Apple Watch to an elavated heart rate.
  • He went to hospital for testing, but thankfully doctors didn't find anything serious underlying issues.

Popular Youtuber Joel Telling, better known as 3D Printing Nerd, has revealed on Twitter that he spent the night in hospital after his Apple Watch alerted him to a potential tachycardia.

Joel took to Twitter to reveal that he had wound up in ER because his Apple Watch had notifed him that his pulse was higher than 120bpm saying:

Last night was fun. This is me in the ER because of tachycardia, with a pulse over 120bpm. Heart tests are fun.

This is because my @Apple Watch notified me of an elevated heart rate. This little device I wear on my wrist is amazing.

Tachycardia is a condition when your heart suddenly begins to beat much faster than normally despite your body being at rest. It's not usually serious but it can sometimes reveal a more serious underlying condition. Joel headed to the ER for tests.

Doctors confirmed that his Apple Watch readings were spot on and that his heart rate was indeed significantly higher than usual. Thankfully however, tests came back negative for any serious condition:

Thankfully, tests showed no pulmonary embolism, and no irregular heart electrical activity. Most likely this is from stress and dehydration from recent travel. Very VERY thankful to hear that because after a few bags of fluids, pulse was down.

One of the coolest things about Apple Watch and its health monitoring system is its ability to pick up conditions and symptons that we as humans might struggle to notice otherwise. We caught up with Joel after his ordeal to chat about what happened. Asked about whether he was at all aware about whether his heart rate my have been elevated he said:

I had noticed what I thought felt like a strong heart beat, but I was moving around and didn't really notice anything until my watch said something. Once it did, I paid closer attention.

Doctors suggested that he check in with a regular doctor who might want to run more tests, but that as far as they could tell, nothing serious had caused the issue.

Joel has the Apple Watch Series 4, which he bought for himself as a fun tool to help him get in better shape, he said that he didn't know that it would also catch a potential heart issue.

Fluids on board, he took to Twitter saying:

If you take anything from this - be mindful of your health and pay attention to any warning signs. Better safe than sorry, and even better when wrapped in warm hospital blankets.

Joel's story is just another example of how Apple Watch can change lives and keep us healthy in ways we'd never expect! We're sure Joel will be putting his feet up for a day or two after all that, so in the meantime, show his YouTube channel some love!

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