Here’s where to find every Pokémon den and what raids they host
- jan
- 15
- Posted by Michael
- Posted in Okategoriserade
There are 99 Pokémon dens in the Wild Area, and each hosts different raids.
There are 99 regular Pokémon dens in Sword and Shield's Wild Area and each one hosts a different collection of raids, some common and some rare. We've rounded up a list of every den and what Pokémon are likely to show up in that den. Since there are multiple dens in various areas of the Galar map, we've assigned arbitrary numbers to the ones in the same sections to help us keep everything straight. There's also a giant den that only activates for special events. It's known as The Watchtower Lair. See which Pokémon you might encounter in any given den.
All Pokémon dens and their Max Raid Battles
The raids offered in each den differ between Sword and Shield. We'll include the Pokémon that are likely to appear in either version. We also list the Pokémon in order of how likely they are to appear within each den. However, if a den is home to a Gigantamax raid, we list the Gigantamax Pokémon first, even though it's the least likely to appear. Hopefully that helps you find all of the raids you're looking for faster.
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Axew's Eye
Location: This den is located in the middle of Lake Axewell in front of Motostoke.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Noibat (Sword)
- Applin (Sword)
- Jangmo-o (Sword)
- Dreepy (Sword)
- Drakloak (Sword)
- Noivern (Sword)
- Hakamo-o (Sword)
- Kommo-o (Sword)
- Flapple (Sword)
- Dragapult (Sword)
- Noibat (Shield)
- Applin (Shield)
- Goomy (Shield)
- Dreepy (Shield)
- Drakloak (Shield)
- Noivern (Shield)
- Sliggoo (Shield)
- Goodra (Shield)
- Appletun (Shield)
- Dragapult (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Trapinch (Sword)
- Applin (Sword)
- Axew (Sword)
- Jangmo-o (Sword)
- Dreepy (Sword)
- Fraxure (Sword)
- Hakamo-o (Sword)
- Turtonator (Sword)
- Kommo-o (Sword)
- Drakloak (Sword)
- Haxorus (Sword)
- Dragapult (Sword)
- Axew (Shield)
- Applin (Shield)
- Trapinch (Shield)
- Goomy (Shield)
- Dreepy (Shield)
- Vibrava (Shield)
- Sliggoo (Shield)
- Drampa (Shield)
- Goodra (Shield)
- Drakloak (Shield)
- Flygon (Shield)
- Dragapult (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Bridge Field #1
Location: This den is the first one you'll see when entering Bridge Field from the Motostoke Riverbank.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Diglett (Sword)
- Mudbray (Sword)
- Nincada (Sword)
- Drilbur (Sword)
- Onix (Sword)
- Barboach (Sword)
- Steelix (Sword)
- Whiscash (Sword)
- Diggersby (Sword)
- Dugtrio (Sword)
- Excadrill (Sword)
- Mudsdale (Sword)
- Diglett (Shield)
- Mudbray (Shield)
- Nincada (Shield)
- Drilbur (Shield)
- Onix (Shield)
- Barboach (Shield)
- Steelix (Shield)
- Whiscash (Shield)
- Diggersby (Shield)
- Dugtrio (Shield)
- Excadrill (Shield)
- Mudsdale (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page
- Wooper (Sword)
- Barboach (Sword)
- Yamask (Sword)
- Golett (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Quagsire (Sword)
- Stunfisk (Sword)
- Golurk (Sword)
- Gastrodon (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Runerigus (Sword)
- Rhyperior (Sword)
- Wooper (Shield)
- Barboach (Shield)
- Yamask (Shield)
- Golett (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Quagsire (Shield)
- Stunfisk (Shield)
- Golurk (Shield)
- Gastrodon (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Runerigus (Shield)
- Rhyperior (Shield)
Bridge Field #2
Location: This den is located against Motostoke's city walls in the Bridge Field area.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Mime Jr. (Sword)
- Blipbug (Sword)
- Natu (Sword)
- Hatenna (Sword)
- Dottler (Sword)
- Hattrem (Sword)
- Sigilyph (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Indeedee (Sword)
- Orbeetle (Sword)
- Hatternene (Sword)
- Mime Jr. (Shield)
- Blipbug (Shield)
- Natu (Shield)
- Hatenna (Shield)
- Ponyta (Shield)
- Hattrem (Shield)
- Sigilyph (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Indeedee (Shield)
- Oranguru (Shield)
- Rapidash (Shield)
- Hatternene (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Hatterene Gigantamax (Sword)
- Togepi (Sword)
- Swirlix (Sword)
- Impidimp (Sword)
- Ralts (Sword)
- Togetic (Sword)
- Morgrem (Sword)
- Slurpuff (Sword)
- Milcery (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Grimmsnarl (Sword)
- Togekiss (Sword)
- Hatterene Gigantamax (Shield)
- Togepi (Shield)
- Spritzee (Shield)
- Impidimp (Shield)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Togetic (Shield)
- Morgrem (Shield)
- Aromatisse (Shield)
- Milcery (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
- Grimmsnarl (Shield)
- Togekiss (Shield)
Bridge Field #3
Location: You'll find this den just after you cross the bridge coming from Motostoke.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Budew
- Gossifleur (Sword)
- Cottonee (Sword)
- Applin (Sword)
- Cherubi (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Ferrothorn (Sword)
- Cherrim (Sword)
- Eldegoss (Sword)
- Whimsicott (Sword)
- Flapple (Sword)
- Budew (Shield)
- Gossifleur (Shield)
- Cottonee (Shield)
- Applin (Shield)
- Cherubi (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Ferrothorn (Shield)
- Cherrim (Shield)
- Eldegoss (Shield)
- Whimsicott (Shield)
- Appletun (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Cherubi (Sword)
- Seedot (Sword)
- Gossifleur (Sword)
- Cottonee (Sword)
- Nuzleaf (Sword)
- Morelull (Sword)
- Cherrim (Sword)
- Shiinotic (Sword)
- Eldegoss (Sword)
- Whimsicott (Sword)
- Shiftry (Sword)
- Dhelmise (Sword)
- Cherubi (Shield)
- Lotad (Shield)
- Gossifleur (Shield)
- Cottonee (Shield)
- Lombre (Shield)
- Morelull (Shield)
- Cherrim (Shield)
- Shiinotic (Shield)
- Eldegoss (Shield)
- Whimsicott (Shield)
- Ludicolo (Shield)
- Dhelmise (Shield)
Bridge Field #4
Location: You'll find this den surrounded by water on the eastern side of Bridge Field.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Shellos (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Wailmer (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Drednaw (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Gastrodon (Sword)
- Wailord (Sword)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Shellos (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Wailmer (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Drednaw (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Gastrodon (Shield)
- Wailord (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Magikarp (Sword)
- Feebas (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Lapras (Sword)
- Milotic (Sword)
- Magikarp (Shield)
- Feebas (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
- Lapras (Shield)
- Milotic (Shield)
Bridge Field #5
Location: You'll find this den between the two bridges of Bridge Field. It's just after the watery section and in sight of the Pokémon Nursery.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Nickit (Sword)
- Zigzagoon (Sword)
- Purrloin (Sword)
- Impidimp (Sword)
- Deino (Sword)
- Thievul (Sword)
- Linoone (Sword)
- Morgrem (Sword)
- Grimmsnarl (Sword)
- Zweilous (Sword)
- Obstagoon (Sword)
- Hydreigon (Sword)
- Nickit (Shield)
- Zigzagoon (Shield)
- Purrloin (Shield)
- Impidimp (Shield)
- Vullaby (Shield)
- Thievul (Shield)
- Linoone (Shield)
- Morgrem (Shield)
- Grimmsnarl (Shield)
- Mandibuzz (Shield)
- Obstagoon (Shield)
- Tyranitar (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Nickit (Sword)
- Zigzagoon (Sword)
- Scraggy (Sword)
- Sneasel (Sword)
- Liepard (Sword)
- Linoone (Sword)
- Thievul (Sword)
- Pangoro (Sword)
- Weavile (Sword)
- Scrafty (Sword)
- Obstagoon (Sword)
- Hydreigon (Sword)
- Nickit (Shield)
- Zigzagoon (Shield)
- Vullaby (Shield)
- Sneasel (Shield)
- Liepard (Shield)
- Linoone (Shield)
- Thievul (Shield)
- Pangoro (Shield)
- Weavile (Shield)
- Mandibuzz (Shield)
- Obstagoon (Shield)
- Tyranitar (Shield)
Bridge Field #6
Location: This den is just West of the Digging Brothers near the Pokémon Nursery.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Caterpie (Sword)
- Grubbin (Sword)
- Nincada (Sword)
- Joltik (Sword)
- Metapod (Sword)
- Durant (Sword)
- Charjabug (Sword)
- Ninjask (Sword)
- Butterfree (Sword)
- Galvantula (Sword)
- Vikavolt (Sword)
- Durant (Sword)
- Caterpie (Shield)
- Grubbin (Shield)
- Nincada (Shield)
- Joltik (Shield)
- Metapod (Shield)
- Durant (Shield)
- Charjabug (Shield)
- Ninjask (Shield)
- Butterfree (Shield)
- Galvantula (Shield)
- Vikavolt (Shield)
- Durant (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Orbeetle Gigantamax (Sword)
- Wimpod (Sword)
- Blipbug (Sword)
- Karrablast (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Shelmet (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Dottler (Sword)
- Orbeetle (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Golisopod (Sword)
- Escavalier (Sword)
- Orbeetle Gigantamax (Shield)
- Wimpod (Shield)
- Blipbug (Shield)
- Shelmet (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Karrablast (Shield)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Dottler (Shield)
- Orbeetle (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Golisopod (Shield)
- Accelgor (Shield)
Bridge Field #7
Location: This den is located to the northwest of the Bridge Field Pokémon Nursery.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Caterpie (Sword)
- Combee (Sword)
- Cutiefly (Sword)
- Blipbug (Sword)
- Joltik (Sword)
- Metapod (Sword)
- Dottler (Sword)
- Galvantula (Sword)
- Butterfree (Sword)
- Ribombee (Sword)
- Vespiquen (Sword)
- Orbeetle (Sword)
- Caterpie (Shield)
- Combee (Shield)
- Cutiefly (Shield)
- Blipbug (Shield)
- Joltik (Shield)
- Metapod (Shield)
- Dottler (Shield)
- Galvantula (Shield)
- Butterfree (Shield)
- Ribombee (Shield)
- Vespiquen (Shield)
- Orbeetle (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Wimpod (Sword)
- Blipbug (Sword)
- Karrablast (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Shelmeet (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Dottler (Sword)
- Orbeetle (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Golisopod (Sword)
- Excavalier (Sword)
- Shedinja (Sword)
- Wimpod (Shield)
- Blipbug (Shield)
- Karrablast (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Shelmeet (Shield)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Dottler (Shield)
- Orbeetle (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Golisopod (Shield)
- Accelgor (Shield)
- Shedinja (Shield)
Bridge Field #8
Location: You'll find this den just before going under the second bridge as you're headed toward Hammerlocke.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Skwovet (Sword)
- Wooloo (Sword)
- Zigzagoon (Sword)
- Munchlax (Sword)
- Indeedee (Sword)
- Greedent (Sword)
- Linoone (Sword)
- Dubwool (Sword)
- Diggersby (Sword)
- Braviary (Sword)
- Snorlax (Sword)
- Skwovet (Shield)
- Wooloo (Shield)
- Zigzagoon (Shield)
- Munchlax (Shield)
- Indeedee (Shield)
- Greedent (Shield)
- Linoone (Shield)
- Dubwool (Shield)
- Diggersby (Shield)
- Oranguru (Shield)
- Snorlax (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Bunnelby (Sword)
- Pidove (Sword)
- Skwovet (Sword)
- Eevee (Sword)
- Tranquill (Sword)
- Wooloo (Sword)
- Unfezant (Sword)
- Dubwool (Sword)
- Braviary (Sword)
- Indeedee (Sword)
- Eevee (Sword)
- Snorlax (Sword)
- Bunnelby (Shield)
- Pidove (Shield)
- Skwovet (Shield)
- Eevee (Shield)
- Tranquill (Shield)
- Wooloo (Shield)
- Unfezant (Shield)
- Dubwool (Shield)
- Oranguru (Shield)
- Indeedee (Shield)
- Eevee (Shield)
- Snorlax (Shield)
Bridge Field #9
Location: This tricky den is pressed up against the Northern-most walls of Motostoke. It's basically on the opposite side of Bridge Field when facing the Pokémon Nursery.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Mime Jr. (Sword)
- Milcery (Sword)
- Impidimp (Sword)
- Ralts (Sword)
- Clefairy (Sword)
- Kirlia (Sword)
- Morgrem (Sword)
- Clefable (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Alcremie (Sword)
- Mawile (Sword)
- Grimmsnarl (Sword)
- Mime Jr. (Shield)
- Milcery (Shield)
- Impidimp (Shield)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Clefairy (Shield)
- Kirlia (Shield)
- Morgrem (Shield)
- Clefable (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
- Alcremie (Shield)
- Rapidash (Shield)
- Grimmsnarl (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Alcremie Gigantamax (Sword)
- Togepi (Sword)
- Morelull (Sword)
- Impidimp (Sword)
- Ralts (Sword)
- Togetic (Sword)
- Shiinotic (Sword)
- Morgrem (Sword)
- Mawile (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Togekiss (Sword)
- Grimmsnarl (Sword)
- Alcremie Gigantamax (Shield)
- Togepi (Shield)
- Ponyta (Shield)
- Impidimp (Shield)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Togetic (Shield)
- Shiinotic (Shield)
- Morgrem (Shield)
- Rapidash (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
- Togekiss (Shield)
- Grimmsnarl (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Dappled Grove #1
Location: This is the first den you see when coming into the Dappled Grove from the Rolling Fields. It's in a small clearing surrounded by grass and trees.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Budew (Sword)
- Seedot (Sword)
- Bounsweet (Sword)
- Oddish (Sword)
- Nuzleaf (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Gloom (Sword)
- Steenee (Sword)
- Shiftry (Sword)
- Tsareena (Sword)
- Vileplume (Sword)
- Bellossom (Sword)
- Budew (Shield)
- Lotad (Shield)
- Bounsweet (Shield)
- Oddish (Shield)
- Lombre (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Gloom (Shield)
- Steenee (Shield)
- Ludicolo (Shield)
- Tsareena (Shield)
- Vileplume (Shield)
- Bellossom (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Cherubi (Sword)
- Seedot (Sword)
- Gossifleur (Sword)
- Cottonee (Sword)
- Nuzleaf (Sword)
- Morelull (Sword)
- Cherrim (Sword)
- Shiinotic (Sword)
- Eldegoss (Sword)
- Whimsicott (Sword)
- Shiftry (Sword)
- Dhelmise (Sword)
- Cherubi (Shield)
- Lotad (Shield)
- Gossifleur (Shield)
- Cottonee (Shield)
- Lombre (Shield)
- Morelull (Shield)
- Cherrim (Shield)
- Shiinotic (Shield)
- Eldegoss (Shield)
- Whimsicott (Shield)
- Ludicolo (Shield)
- Dhelmise (Shield)
Dappled Grove #2
Location: You'll find this den smack dab in the middle of the path when riding from Rolling Fields to Watchtower Ruins.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Caterpie (Sword)
- Grubbin (Sword)
- Nincada (Sword)
- Joltik (Sword)
- Metapod (Sword)
- Durant (Sword)
- Charjabug (Sword)
- Ninjask (Sword)
- Butterfree (Sword)
- Galvantula (Sword)
- Vikavolt (Sword)
- Durant (Sword)
- Caterpie (Shield)
- Grubbin (Shield)
- Nincada (Shield)
- Joltik (Shield)
- Metapod (Shield)
- Durant (Shield)
- Charjabug (Shield)
- Ninjask (Shield)
- Butterfree (Shield)
- Galvantula (Shield)
- Vikavolt (Shield)
- Durant (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Orbeetle Gigantamax (Sword)
- Wimpod (Sword)
- Blipbug (Sword)
- Karrablast (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Shelmet (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Dottler (Sword)
- Orbeetle (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Golisopod (Sword)
- Escavalier (Sword)
- Orbeetle Gigantamax (Shield)
- Wimpod (Shield)
- Blipbug (Shield)
- Shelmet (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Karrablast (Shield)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Dottler (Shield)
- Orbeetle (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Golisopod (Shield)
- Accelgor (Shield)
Dappled Grove #3
Location: This den is at the top of the cliff looking over the lake below. On a clear day, you'll see Motostoke and a berry tree to the North.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Budew (Sword)
- Seedot (Sword)
- Bounsweet (Sword)
- Oddish (Sword)
- Nuzleaf (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Gloom (Sword)
- Steenee (Sword)
- Shiftry (Sword)
- Tsareena (Sword)
- Vileplume (Sword)
- Bellossom (Sword)
- Budew (Shield)
- Lotad (Shield)
- Bounsweet (Shield)
- Oddish (Shield)
- Lombre (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Gloom (Shield)
- Steenee (Shield)
- Ludicolo (Shield)
- Tsareena (Shield)
- Vileplume (Shield)
- Bellossom (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Cherubi (Sword)
- Seedot (Sword)
- Gossifleur (Sword)
- Cottonee (Sword)
- Nuzleaf (Sword)
- Morelull (Sword)
- Cherrim (Sword)
- Shiinotic (Sword)
- Eldegoss (Sword)
- Whimsicott (Sword)
- Shiftry (Sword)
- Dhelmise (Sword)
- Cherubi (Shield)
- Lotad (Shield)
- Gossifleur (Shield)
- Cottonee (Shield)
- Lombre (Shield)
- Morelull (Shield)
- Cherrim (Shield)
- Shiinotic (Shield)
- Eldegoss (Shield)
- Whimsicott (Shield)
- Ludicolo (Shield)
- Dhelmise (Shield)
Dappled Grove #4
Location: There are two dens next to each other on the western-most side of Dappled Grove. This particular den is the one furthest South.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Budew (Sword)
- Seedot (Sword)
- Bounsweet (Sword)
- Oddish (Sword)
- Nuzleaf (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Gloom (Sword)
- Steenee (Sword)
- Shiftry (Sword)
- Tsareena (Sword)
- Vileplume (Sword)
- Bellossom (Sword)
- Budew (Shield)
- Lotad (Shield)
- Bounsweet (Shield)
- Oddish (Shield)
- Lombre (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Gloom (Shield)
- Steenee (Shield)
- Ludicolo (Shield)
- Tsareena (Shield)
- Vileplume (Shield)
- Bellossom (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Budew (Sword)
- Seedot (Sword)
- Gossifleur (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Nuzleaf (Sword)
- Applin (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Shiftry (Sword)
- Eldegoss (Sword)
- Ferrothorn (Sword)
- Roserade (Sword)
- Flapple (Sword)
- Budew (Shield)
- Lotad (Shield)
- Gossifleur (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Lombre (Shield)
- Applin (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Ludicolo (Shield)
- Eldegoss (Shield)
- Ferrothorn (Shield)
- Roserade (Shield)
- Appletun (Shield)
Dappled Grove #5
Location: There are two dens next to each other on the western-most side of Dappled Grove. This particular den is the one furthest North between the two.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Pumpkaboo (Sword)
- Phantump (Sword)
- Morelull (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Shiinotic (Sword)
- Maractus (Sword)
- Treventant (Sword)
- Gourgeist (Sword)
- Dhelmise (Sword)
- Pumpkaboo (Shield)
- Phantump (Shield)
- Morelull (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Shiinotic (Shield)
- Maractus (Shield)
- Treventant (Shield)
- Gourgeist (Shield)
- Dhelmise (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Flapple Gigantamax (Sword)
- Budew (Sword)
- Seedot (Sword)
- Gossifleur (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Nuzleaf (Sword)
- Applin (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Shiftry (Sword)
- Eldegoss (Sword)
- Herrothorn (Sword)
- Roserade (Sword)
- Appletun Gigantamax (Shield)
- Budew (Shield)
- Lotad (Shield)
- Gossifleur (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Lombre (Shield)
- Applin (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Ludicolo (Shield)
- Eldegoss (Shield)
- Herrothorn (Shield)
- Roserade (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Dusty Bowl #1
Location: This den is situated just before the hill that rises up to Hammerlocke. You should see dead trees on your left and just barely be standing on green grass instead of brown dirt.
Common Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Tyrogue (Sword)
- Stufful (Sword)
- Clobbopus (Sword)
- Pancham (Sword)
- Farfetch'd (Sword)
- Sawk (Sword)
- Bewear (Sword)
- Pangoro (Sword)
- Hawlucha (Sword)
- Sirfetch'd (Sword)
- Grapploct (Sword)
- Falinks (Sword)
- Tyrogue (Shield)
- Stufful (Shield)
- Clobbopus (Shield)
- Pancham (Shield)
- Throh (Shield)
- Bewear (Shield)
- Pangoro (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Grapploct (Shield)
- Falinks (Shield)
Rare Raids
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Riolu (Sword)
- Machop (Sword)
- Scraggy (Sword)
- Stufful (Sword)
- Bewear (Sword)
- Falinks (Sword)
- Machoke (Sword)
- Scrafty (Sword)
- Machamp (Sword)
- Passimian (Sword)
- Lucario (Sword)
- Gallade (Sword)
- Riolu (Shield)
- Machop (Shield)
- Croagunk (Shield)
- Stufful (Shield)
- Bewear (Shield)
- Falinks (Shield)
- Machoke (Shield)
- Toxicroak (Shield)
- Machamp (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Lucario (Shield)
- Gallade (Shield)
Dusty Bowl #2
Location: This den is near the jagged rocks that poke out from the ground at a slanted angle. The den will just barely be on green grass instead of dirt.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Nickit (Sword)
- Zigzagoon (Sword)
- Purrloin (Sword)
- Impidimp (Sword)
- Deino (Sword)
- Thievul (Sword)
- Linoone (Sword)
- Morgrem (Sword)
- Grimmsnarl (Sword)
- Zweilous (Sword)
- Obstagoon (Sword)
- Hydreigon (Sword)
- Nickit (Shield)
- Zigzagoon (Shield)
- Purrloin (Shield)
- Impidimp (Shield)
- Vullaby (Shield)
- Thievul (Shield)
- Linoone (Shield)
- Morgrem (Shield)
- Grimmsnarl (Shield)
- Mandibuzz (Shield)
- Obstagoon (Shield)
- Tyranitar (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Grimmsnarl Gigantamax (Sword)
- Nickit (Sword)
- Zigzagoon (Sword)
- Scraggy (Sword)
- Impidimp (Sword)
- Liepard (Sword)
- Linoone (Sword)
- Morgrem (Sword)
- Thievul (Sword)
- Pangoro (Sword)
- Scrafty (Sword)
- Hydreigon (Sword)
- Grimmsnarl Gigantamax (Shield)
- Nickit (Shield)
- Zigzagoon (Shield)
- Vullaby (Shield)
- Impidimp (Shield)
- Liepard (Shield)
- Linoone (Shield)
- Morgrem (Shield)
- Thievul (Shield)
- Pangoro (Shield)
- Mandibuzz (Shield)
- Tyranitar (Shield)
Dusty Bowl #3
Location: You'll find this den surrounded by dead trees and grass on one side and a large rock on the other.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Silicobra (Sword)
- Yamask (Sword)
- Hippopotas (Sword)
- Swinub (Sword)
- Trapinch (Sword)
- Piloswine (Sword)
- Vibrava (Sword)
- Stunfisk (Sword)
- Runerigus (Sword)
- Hippowdon (Sword)
- Flygon (Sword)
- Sandaconda (Sword)
- Silicobra (Shield) -Yamask (Shield)
- Hippopotas (Shield)
- Swinub (Shield)
- Trapinch (Shield)
- Piloswine (Shield)
- Stunfisk (Shield)
- Vibrava (Shield)
- Runerigus (Shield)
- Flygon (Shield)
- Hippowdon (Shield)
- Sandaconda (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Sandaconda Gigantamax (Sword)
- Wooper (Sword)
- Barboach (Sword)
- Yamask (Sword)
- Golett (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Quagsire (Sword)
- Stunfisk (Sword)
- Golurk (Sword)
- Gastrodon (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Rhyperior (Sword)
- Sandaconda Gigantamax (Shield)
- Wooper (Shield)
- Barboach (Shield)
- Yamask (Shield)
- Golett (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Quagsire (Shield)
- Stunfisk (Shield)
- Golurk (Shield)
- Gastrodon (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Rhyperior (Shield)
Dusty Bowl #4
Location: This den is wedged between two trees near the small ponds in the Dusty Bowl section of the Wild Area.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Klink (Sword)
- Meowth (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Cufant (Sword)
- Klang (Sword)
- Perrserker (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Klinklang (Sword)
- Copperajah (Sword)
- Klink (Shield)
- Meowth (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Cufant (Shield)
- Klang (Shield)
- Perrserker (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Klinklang (Shield)
- Copperajah (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Meowth (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Honedge (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Perrserker (Sword)
- Ferrothorn (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Stunfisk (Sword)
- Copperajah (Sword)
- Duraludon (Sword)
- Meowth (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Honedge (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Perrserker (Shield)
- Ferrothorn (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Stunfisk (Shield)
- Copperajah (Shield)
- Duraludon (Shield)
Dusty Bowl #5
Location: There's a small pond on the Northern-most edge of Dusty Bowl. You'll find the den in the middle of the water.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Wooper (Sword)
- Tympole (Sword)
- Corphish (Sword)
- Shellder (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Drednaw (Sword)
- Quagsire (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Cloyster (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Crawdaunt (Sword)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Wooper (Shield)
- Tympole (Shield)
- Corphish (Shield)
- Shellder (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Drednaw (Shield)
- Quagsire (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Cloyster (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Crawdaunt (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Magikarp (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Wooper (Sword)
- Barboach (Sword)
- Krabby (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Kingler (Sword)
- Whiscash (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Quagsire (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Magikarp (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Wooper (Shield)
- Barboach (Shield)
- Krabby (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Kingler (Shield)
- Whiscash (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Quagsire (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
Dusty Bowl #6
Location: This den is located between the Dusty Bowl pond and the hill that rises up to Hammerlocke.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vanillite (Sword)
- Swinub (Sword)
- Snover (Sword)
- Bergmite (Sword)
- Delibird (Sword)
- Vanillish (Sword)
- Piloswine (Sword)
- Avalugg (Sword)
- Abomasnow (Sword)
- Cloyster (Sword)
- Vanilluxe (Sword)
- Lapras (Sword)
- Vanillite (Shield)
- Swinub (Shield)
- Snover (Shield)
- Bergmite (Shield)
- Delibird (Shield)
- Vanillish (Shield)
- Piloswine (Shield)
- Avalugg (Shield)
- Abomasnow (Shield)
- Cloyster (Shield)
- Vanilluxe (Shield)
- Lapras (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vanillite (Sword)
- Darumaka (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Bergmite (Sword)
- Snorunt (Sword)
- Delibird (Sword)
- Avalugg (Sword)
- Glalie (Sword)
- Vanilluxe (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Lapras (Sword)
- Darmanitan (Sword)
- Vanillite (Shield)
- Cubchoo (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Bergmite (Shield)
- Snorunt (Shield)
- Delibird (Shield)
- Avalugg (Shield)
- Glalie (Shield)
- Vanilluxe (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Lapras (Shield)
- Eiscue (Shield)
Dusty Bowl #7
Location: There's a large rock to the southeast side of the Dusty Bowl pond that's holding up an enormous rock slab. You'll find this den right next to it facing the hill up to Hammerlocke.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vulpix (Sword)
- Sizzlipede (Sword)
- Salandit (Sword)
- Litwick (Sword)
- Darumaka (Sword)
- Salazzle (Sword)
- Carkol (Sword)
- Ninetales (Sword)
- Torkoal (Sword)
- Centiskorch (Sword)
- Coalossal (Sword)
- Darmanitan (Sword)
- Growlithe (Shield)
- Sizzlipede (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Litwick (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Carkol (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
- Arcanine (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Centiskorch (Shield)
- Coalossal (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vulpix (Sword)
- Sizzlipede (Sword)
- Litwick (Sword)
- Salandit (Sword)
- Carkol (Sword)
- Lampent (Sword)
- Heatmor (Sword)
- Torkoal (Sword)
- Ninetales (Sword)
- Chandelure (Sword)
- Coalossal (Sword)
- Turtonator (Sword)
- Growlithe (Shield)
- Sizzlipede (Shield)
- Litwick (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Carkol (Shield)
- Heatmor (Shield)
- Lampent (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Arcanine (Shield)
- Chandelure (Shield)
- Coalossal (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
Dusty Bowl #8
Location: This den is just North of the large rock that's holding another rock up vertically. The pond is to the Northwest and the hill to Hammerlocke is to the East.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Silicobra (Sword)
- Yamask (Sword)
- Hippopotas (Sword)
- Swinub (Sword)
- Trapinch (Sword)
- Piloswine (Sword)
- Vibrava (Sword)
- Stunfisk (Sword)
- Runerigus (Sword)
- Hippowdon (Sword)
- Flygon (Sword)
- Sandaconda (Sword)
- Silicobra (Shield) -Yamask (Shield)
- Hippopotas (Shield)
- Swinub (Shield)
- Trapinch (Shield)
- Piloswine (Shield)
- Stunfisk (Shield)
- Vibrava (Shield)
- Runerigus (Shield)
- Flygon (Shield)
- Hippowdon (Shield)
- Sandaconda (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Wooper (Sword)
- Barboach (Sword)
- Yamask (Sword)
- Golett (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Quagsire (Sword)
- Stunfisk (Sword)
- Golurk (Sword)
- Gastrodon (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Runerigus (Sword)
- Rhyperior (Sword)
- Wooper (Shield)
- Barboach (Shield)
- Yamask (Shield)
- Golett (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Quagsire (Shield)
- Stunfisk (Shield)
- Golurk (Shield)
- Gastrodon (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Runerigus (Shield)
- Rhyperior (Shield)
Dusty Bowl #9
Location: The den is surrounded by rocks and is at the Northeast side of Dusty Bowl.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Rolycoly (Sword)
- Roggenrola (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Carkol (Sword)
- Boldore (Sword)
- Crustle (Sword)
- Barbaracle (Sword)
- Onix (Sword)
- Coalossal (Sword)
- Gigalith (Sword)
- Rhyperior (Sword)
- Rolycoly (Shield)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Roggenrola (Shield)
- Binacle (Shield)
- Carkol (Shield)
- Boldore (Shield)
- Crustle (Shield)
- Barbaracle (Shield)
- Coalossal (Shield)
- Gigalith (Shield)
- Onix (Shield)
- Rhyperior (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Sandaconda Gigantamax (Sword)
- Wooper (Sword)
- Barboach (Sword)
- Yamask (Sword)
- Golett (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Quagsire (Sword)
- Stunfisk (Sword)
- Golurk (Sword)
- Gastrodon (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Rhyperior (Sword)
- Sandaconda Gigantamax (Shield)
- Wooper (Shield)
- Barboach (Shield)
- Yamask (Shield)
- Golett (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Quagsire (Shield)
- Stunfisk (Shield)
- Golurk (Shield)
- Gastrodon (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Rhyperior (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
East Lake Axewell #1
Location: You'll find this den just to the West of the stairs leading into Motostoke.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Bunnelby (Sword)
- Hoothoot (Sword)
- Pidove (Sword)
- Mincinno (Sword)
- Helioptile (Sword)
- Stufful (Sword)
- Diggersby (Sword)
- Noctowl (Sword)
- Unfezant (Sword)
- Heliolisk (Sword)
- Cinccino (Sword)
- Bewear (Sword)
- Bunnelby (Shield)
- Hoothoot (Shield)
- Pidove (Shield)
- Mincinno (Shield)
- Helioptile (Shield)
- Stufful (Shield)
- Diggersby (Shield)
- Noctowl (Shield)
- Unfezant (Shield)
- Heliolisk (Shield)
- Cinccino (Shield)
- Bewear (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Bunnelby (Sword)
- Pidove (Sword)
- Skwovet (Sword)
- Eevee (Sword)
- Tranquill (Sword)
- Wooloo (Sword)
- Unfezant (Sword)
- Dubwool (Sword)
- Oranguru (Sword)
- Indeedee (Sword)
- Eevee (Sword)
- Snorlax (Sword)
- Bunnelby (Shield)
- Pidove (Shield)
- Skwovet (Shield)
- Eevee (Shield)
- Tranquill (Shield)
- Wooloo (Shield)
- Unfezant (Shield)
- Dubwool (Shield)
- Oranguru (Shield)
- Indeedee (Shield)
- Eevee (Shield)
- Snorlax (Shield)
East Lake Axewell #2
Location: This is the den that basically sits right in front of the Motostoke stairs.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Pidove (Sword)
- Hoothoot (Sword)
- Natu (Sword)
- Rufflet (Sword)
- Woobat (Sword)
- Tranquill (Sword)
- Unfezant (Sword)
- Noctowl (Sword)
- Swoobat (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Braviary (Sword)
- Sigilyph (Sword)
- Pidove (Shield)
- Hoothoot (Shield)
- Natu (Shield)
- Vullaby (Shield)
- Woobat (Shield)
- Tranquill (Shield)
- Unfezant (Shield)
- Noctowl (Shield)
- Swoobat (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Mandibuzz (Shield)
- Sigilyph (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Natu (Sword)
- Hoothoot (Sword)
- Rookidee (Sword)
- Wingull (Sword)
- Butterfree (Sword)
- Corvisquire (Sword)
- Noctowl (Sword)
- Pelipper (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Hawlucha (Sword)
- Corviknight (Sword)
- Delibird (Sword)
- Natu (Shield)
- Hoothoot (Shield)
- Rookidee (Shield)
- Seagull (Shield)
- Butterfree (Shield)
- Corvisquire (Shield)
- Noctowl (Shield)
- Pelipper (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Corviknight (Shield)
- Delibird (Shield)
East Lake Axewell #3
Location: This den is near the Southeast corner of Motostoke as you're heading towards Bridge Field.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Stunky (Sword)
- Trubbish (Sword)
- Skorupi (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Oddish (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Drapion (Sword)
- Vileplume (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Garbodor (Sword)
- Skuntank (Sword)
- Stunky (Shield)
- Trubbish (Shield)
- Skorupi (Shield)
- Oddish (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Drapion (Shield)
- Vileplume (Shield)
- Skuntank (Shield)
- Garbodor (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Garbodor Gigantamax (Sword)
- Stunky (Sword)
- Trubbish (Sword)
- Skorupi (Sword)
- Koffing (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Toxel (Sword)
- Drapion (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Skuntank (Sword)
- Weezing (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Garbodor Gigantamax (Shield)
- Stunky (Shield)
- Trubbish (Shield)
- Skorupi (Shield)
- Koffing (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Drapion (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Skuntank (Shield)
- Weezing (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
East Lake Axewell #4
Location: This den is on the East side of the lake just in front of Motostoke. You'll see it on the main path if you're coming from the Rolling Fields.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Pidove (Sword)
- Hoothoot (Sword)
- Natu (Sword)
- Rufflet (Sword)
- Woobat (Sword)
- Tranquill (Sword)
- Unfezant (Sword)
- Noctowl (Sword)
- Swoobat (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Braviary (Sword)
- Sigilyph (Sword)
- Pidove (Shield)
- Hoothoot (Shield)
- Natu (Shield)
- Vullaby (Shield)
- Woobat (Shield)
- Tranquill (Shield)
- Unfezant (Shield)
- Noctowl (Shield)
- Swoobat (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Mandibuzz (Shield)
- Sigilyph (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Natu (Sword)
- Hoothoot (Sword)
- Rookidee (Sword)
- Wingull (Sword)
- Butterfree (Sword)
- Corvisquire (Sword)
- Noctowl (Sword)
- Pelipper (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Hawlucha (Sword)
- Corvknight (Sword)
- Delibird (Sword)
- Natu (Shield)
- Hoothoot (Shield)
- Rookidee (Shield)
- Wingull (Shield)
- Butterfree (Shield)
- Corvisquire (Shield)
- Noctowl (Shield)
- Pelipper (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Corvknight (Shield)
- Delibird (Shield)
East Lake Axewell #5
Location: This den is found in Lake Axewell just to the Southeast of Axew's Eye.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Magikarp (Sword)
- Mantyke (Sword)
- Remoraid (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Wailmer (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Octillery (Sword)
- Mantine (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Wailord (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Magikarp (Shield)
- Mantyke (Shield)
- Remoraid (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Wailmer (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Octillery (Shield)
- Mantine (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Wailord (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Magikarp (Sword)
- Feebas (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Lapras (Sword)
- Milotic (Sword)
- Magikarp (Shield)
- Feebas (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
- Lapras (Shield)
- Milotic (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Giant's Cap #1
Location: You'll find this den to the Southwest of Hammerlock next to a large rock and a cliff.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Rookidee (Sword)
- Noibat (Sword)
- Wingull (Sword)
- Natu (Sword)
- Drifloon (Sword)
- Corvisquire (Sword)
- Drifblim (Sword)
- Pelipper (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Corviknight (Sword)
- Hawlucha (Sword)
- Cramorant (Sword)
- Rookidee (Shield)
- Noibat (Shield)
- Wingull (Shield)
- Natu (Shield)
- Drifloon (Shield)
- Corvisquire (Shield)
- Drifblim (Shield)
- Pelipper (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Corviknight (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Cramorant (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Natu (Sword)
- Corviknight Gigantamax (Sword)
- Hoothoot (Sword)
- Rookidee (Sword)
- Wingull (Sword)
- Butterfree (Sword)
- Corvisquire (Sword)
- Noctowl (Sword)
- Pelipper (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Hawlucha (Sword)
- Sigilyph (Sword)
- Corviknight Gigantamax (Shield)
- Natu (Shield)
- Hoothoot (Shield)
- Rookidee (Shield)
- Wingull (Shield)
- Butterfree (Shield)
- Corvisquire (Shield)
- Noctowl (Shield)
- Pelipper (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Sigilyph (Shield)
Giant's Cap #2
Location: This den is located just to the East of the Lake of Outrage. While standing next to it, you'll see Hammerlock to the Northeast.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Pichu (Sword)
- Electrike (Sword)
- Joltik (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Charjabug (Sword)
- Pikachu (Sword)
- Manectric (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Galvantula (Sword)
- Vikavolt (Sword)
- Raichu (Sword)
- Pichu (Shield)
- Electrike (Shield)
- Joltik (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Charjabug (Shield)
- Pikachu (Shield)
- Manectric (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Galvantula (Shield)
- Vikavolt (Shield)
- Raichu (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Drednaw Gigantamax (Sword)
- Magikarp (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Krabby (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Kingler (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Gastrodon (Sword)
- Drednaw Gigantamax (Shield)
- Magikarp (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Krabby (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Kingler (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
- Gastrodon (Shield)
Giant's Cap #3
Location: You'll find this den tucked against a large rock wall as you're heading from the Lake of Outrage towards the Stony Wilderness.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Snorunt (Sword)
- Snom (Sword)
- Darumaka (Sword)
- Sneasel (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Snover (Sword)
- Abomasnow (Sword)
- Glalie (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Frosmoth (Sword)
- Froslass (Sword)
- Darmanitan (Sword)
- Snorunt (Shield)
- Snom (Shield)
- Delibird (Shield)
- Sneasel (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Snover (Shield)
- Abomasnow (Shield)
- Glalie (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Frosmoth (Shield)
- Froslass (Shield)
- Eiscue (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vanillite (Sword)
- Darumaka (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Bergmite (Sword)
- Snorunt (Sword)
- Delibird (Sword)
- Avalugg (Sword)
- Glalie (Sword)
- Vanilluxe (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Lapras (Sword)
- Darmanitan (Sword)
- Vanillite (Shield)
- Cubchoo (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Bergmite (Shield)
- Snorunt (Shield)
- Delibird (Shield)
- Avalugg (Shield)
- Glalie (Shield)
- Vanilluxe (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Lapras (Shield)
- Eiscue (Shield)
Giant's Cap #4
Location: This den is near a patch of grass on the main path between the Dusty Bowl and the Giant's Cap sections of the Wild Area.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vulpix (Sword)
- Sizzlipede (Sword)
- Salandit (Sword)
- Litwick (Sword)
- Darumaka (Sword)
- Salazzle (Sword)
- Lampent (Sword)
- Ninetales (Sword)
- Torkoal (Sword)
- Centiskorch (Sword)
- Heatmor (Sword)
- Darmanitan (Sword)
- Growlithe (Shield)
- Sizzlipede (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Litwick (Shield)
- Heatmor (Shield)
- Lampent (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
- Arcanine (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Centiskorch (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vulpix (Sword)
- Sizzlipede (Sword)
- Litwick (Sword)
- Carkol (Sword)
- Lampent (Sword)
- Heatmor (Sword)
- Torkoal (Sword)
- Arcanine (Sword)
- Ninetales (Sword)
- Chandelure (Sword)
- Flareon (Sword)
- Growlithe (Shield)
- Sizzlipede (Shield)
- Litwick (Shield)
- Carkol (Shield)
- Heatmor (Shield)
- Lampent (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Ninetales (Shield)
- Arcanine (Shield)
- Chandelure (Shield)
- Flareon (Shield)
Giant's Cap #5
Location: This den is between a rock wall, a tree, and a small rock on the Southernmost side of Giant's Cap.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Toxel (Sword)
- Gastly (Sword)
- Skorupi (Sword)
- Oddish (Sword)
- Gloom (Sword)
- Haunter (Sword)
- Koffing (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Vileplume (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Weezing (Sword)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Gastly (Shield)
- Skorupi (Shield)
- Oddish (Shield)
- Gloom (Shield)
- Haunter (Shield)
- Koffing (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Vileplume (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Weezing (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Stunky (Sword)
- Trubbish (Sword)
- Skorupi (Sword)
- Koffing (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Toxel (Sword)
- Garbodor (Sword)
- Drapion (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Skuntank (Sword)
- Weezing (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Stunky (Shield)
- Trubbish (Shield)
- Skorupi (Shield)
- Koffing (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Garbodor (Shield)
- Drapion (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Skuntank (Shield)
- Weezing (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Giant's Mirror #1
Location: This is just barely on the Southeast corner of Giant's Cap. You'll know you're in the right place because there will be two stones directly Southwest of you and the Giant's Mirror pond will be to your Northeast.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Pumpkaboo (Sword)
- Phantump (Sword)
- Morelull (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Shiinotic (Sword)
- Maractus (Sword)
- Treventant (Sword)
- Gourgeist (Sword)
- Dhelmise (Sword)
- Pumpkaboo (Shield)
- Phantump (Shield)
- Morelull (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Shiinotic (Shield)
- Maractus (Shield)
- Treventant (Shield)
- Gourgeist (Shield)
- Dhelmise (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Gastly (Sword)
- Yamask (Sword)
- Sinistea (Sword)
- Duskull (Sword)
- Haunter (Sword)
- Pumpkaboo (Sword)
- Dusclops (Sword)
- Runerigus (Sword)
- Polteageist (Sword)
- Gourgeist (Sword)
- Dusknoir (Sword)
- Gengar (Sword)
- Gastly (Shield)
- Yamask (Shield)
- Sinistea (Shield)
- Duskull (Shield)
- Haunter (Shield)
- Corsola (Shield)
- Dusclops (Shield)
- Sableye (Shield)
- Runerigus (Shield)
- Cursola (Shield)
- Dusknoir (Shield)
- Gengar (Shield)
Giant's Mirror #2
Location: There's a pond on the East side of Giant's Mirror with a large pointed rock coming out of it. You'll find the den in the water next to the rock.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Shellos (Sword)
- Krabby (Sword)
- Corphish (Sword)
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Kingler (Sword)
- Crawdaunt (Sword)
- Barbaracle (Sword)
- Gastrodon (Sword)
- Jellicent (Sword)
- Drednaw (Sword)
- Shellos (Shield)
- Krabby (Shield)
- Corphish (Shield)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Binacle (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Kingler (Shield)
- Crawdaunt (Shield)
- Barbaracle (Shield)
- Gastrodon (Shield)
- Jellicent (Shield)
- Drednaw (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Mantyke (Sword)
- Corphish (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Crawdaunt (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Mantine (Sword)
- Lapras (Sword)
- Vaporeon (Sword)
- Mantyke (Shield)
- Corphish (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Crawdaunt (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Mantine (Shield)
- Lapras (Shield)
- Vaporeon (Shield)
Giant's Mirror #3
Location: You'll find this den to the Southeast of Hammerlocke just before the hill. It's between a long vertical slab and two large rocks that form a triangle.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Yamper (Sword)
- Helioptile (Sword)
- Toxel (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Pikachu (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Boltund (Sword)
- Heliolisk (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Pincurchin (Sword)
- Togedemaru (Sword)
- Morpeko (Sword)
- Yamper (Shield)
- Helioptile (Shield)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Pikachu (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Boltund (Shield)
- Heliolisk (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Pincurchin (Shield)
- Togedemaru (Shield)
- Morpeko (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Yamper (Sword)
- Toxel (Sword)
- Pikachu (Sword)
- Helioptile (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Boltund (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Heliolisk (Sword)
- Vikavolt (Sword)
- Jolteon (Sword)
- Yamper (Shield)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Pikachu (Shield)
- Helioptile (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Boltund (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Heliolisk (Shield)
- Vikavolt (Shield)
- Jolteon (Shield)
Giant's Mirror #4
Location: On the Northeast side of Giant's Mirror there are two rocks jutting out and forming a triangle. To the North of these rocks, you'll see a den surrounded by grass.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Nickit (Sword)
- Zigzagoon (Sword)
- Purrloin (Sword)
- Impidimp (Sword)
- Deino (Sword)
- Thievul (Sword)
- Linoone (Sword)
- Morgrem (Sword)
- Grimmsnarl (Sword)
- Zweilous (Sword)
- Obstagoon (Sword)
- Hydreigon (Sword)
- Nickit (Shield)
- Zigzagoon (Shield)
- Purrloin (Shield)
- Impidimp (Shield)
- Vullaby (Shield)
- Thievul (Shield)
- Linoone (Shield)
- Morgrem (Shield)
- Grimmsnarl (Shield)
- Mandibuzz (Shield)
- Obstagoon (Shield)
- Tyranitar (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Nickit (Sword)
- Zigzagoon (Sword)
- Inkay (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Liepard (Sword)
- Linoone (Sword)
- Thievul (Sword)
- Pangoro (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Malamar (Sword)
- Obstagoon (Sword)
- Umbreon (Sword)
- Nickit (Shield)
- Zigzagoon (Shield)
- Inkay (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Liepard (Shield)
- Linoone (Shield)
- Thievul (Shield)
- Pangoro (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Malamar (Shield)
- Obstagoon (Shield)
- Umbreon (Shield)
Giant's Mirror #5
Location: You'll find this den at the Northeast tip of Giant's Mirror near a tree, a felled log, and a rock wall.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Budew (Sword)
- Gossifleur (Sword)
- Cottonee (Sword)
- Applin (Sword)
- Cherubi (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Ferrothorn (Sword)
- Cherrim (Sword)
- Eldegoss (Sword)
- Whimsicott (Sword)
- Flapple (Sword)
- Budew (Shield)
- Gossifleur (Shield)
- Cottonee (Shield)
- Applin (Shield)
- Cherubi (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Ferrothorn (Shield)
- Cherrim (Shield)
- Eldegoss (Shield)
- Whimsicott (Shield)
- Appletun (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Cherubi (Sword)
- Bounsweet (Sword)
- Gossifleur (Sword)
- Cottonee (Sword)
- Steenee (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Cherrim (Sword)
- Ferrothorn (Sword)
- Eldegoss (Sword)
- Tsareena (Sword)
- Whimsicott (Sword)
- Leafeon (Sword)
- Cherubi (Shield)
- Bounsweet (Shield)
- Gossifleur (Shield)
- Cottonee (Shield)
- Steenee (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Cherrim (Shield)
- Ferrothorn (Shield)
- Eldegoss (Shield)
- Tsareena (Shield)
- Whimsicott (Shield)
- Leafeon (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Giant's Seat #1
Location: This den is on the East of East Lake Miloch and to the North of the bridge. On a clear day, you will see Motostoke to the Northwest and a steep rising hill directly North of you. If you were there in person you'll be able to reach out and touch the hill.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Klink (Sword)
- Meowth (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Cufant (Sword)
- Klang (Sword)
- Perrserker (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Klinklang (Sword)
- Copperajah (Sword)
- Klink (Shield)
- Meowth (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Cufant (Shield)
- Klang (Shield)
- Perrserker (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Klinklang (Shield)
- Copperajah (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Duraludon Gigantamax (Sword)
- Riolu (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Klink (Sword)
- Onix (Sword)
- Klang (Sword)
- Durant (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Steelix (Sword)
- Klinklang (Sword)
- Duraludon Gigantamax (Shield)
- Riolu (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Klink (Shield)
- Onix (Shield)
- Klang (Shield)
- Durant (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Steelix (Shield)
- Klinklang (Shield)
Giant's Seat #2
Location: This den is on the East of East Lake Miloch and to the North of the bridge. On a clear day, you will see Motostoke to the Northwest and a steep rising hill several feet to the North of you.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Klink (Sword)
- Meowth (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Cufant (Sword)
- Klang (Sword)
- Perrserker (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Klinklang (Sword)
- Copperajah (Sword)
- Klink (Shield)
- Meowth (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Cufant (Shield)
- Klang (Shield)
- Perrserker (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Klinklang (Shield)
- Copperajah (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Meowth (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Honedge (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Perrserker (Sword)
- Ferrothorn (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Stunfisk (Sword)
- Copperajah (Sword)
- Duraludon (Sword)
- Meowth (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Honedge (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Perrserker (Shield)
- Ferrothorn (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Stunfisk (Shield)
- Copperajah (Shield)
- Duraludon (Shield)
Giant's Seat #3
Location: There's a tree near the water's edge on the East side of East Lake Miloch. You'll find this den right next to it.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Klink (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Steelix (Sword)
- Ferrothorn (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Mawile (Sword)
- Togedemaru (Sword)
- Klink (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Steelix (Shield)
- Ferrothorn (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Togedemaru (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Riolu (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Klink (Sword)
- Onix (Sword)
- Durant (Sword)
- Klang (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Steelix (Sword)
- Klinklang (Sword)
- Lucario (Sword)
- Riolu (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Klink (Shield)
- Onix (Shield)
- Klang (Shield)
- Durant (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Steelix (Shield)
- Klinklang (Shield)
- Lucario (Shield)
Giant's Seat #4
Location: There's a giant pointed rock coming out of the ground in the Southeast section of Giant's Seat. Go around the backside and you'll find this den tucked up against it.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Rolycoly (Sword)
- Roggenrola (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Carkol (Sword)
- Boldore (Sword)
- Crustle (Sword)
- Barbaracle (Sword)
- Onix (Sword)
- Coalossal (Sword)
- Gigalith (Sword)
- Rhyperior (Sword)
- Rolycoly (Shield)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Roggenrola (Shield)
- Binacle (Shield)
- Carkol (Shield)
- Boldore (Shield)
- Crustle (Shield)
- Barbaracle (Shield)
- Coalossal (Shield)
- Gigalith (Shield)
- Onix (Shield)
- Rhyperior (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Bonsly (Sword)
- Rolycoly (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Carkol (Sword)
- Sudowoodo (Sword)
- Barbaracle (Sword)
- Onix (Sword)
- Crustle (Sword)
- Coalossal (Sword)
- Steelix (Sword)
- Stonjourner (Sword)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Bonsly (Shield)
- Rolycoly (Shield)
- Roggenrola (Shield)
- Carkol (Shield)
- Larvitar (Shield)
- Pupitar (Shield)
- Onix (Shield)
- Crustle (Shield)
- Coalossal (Shield)
- Steelix (Shield)
- Tyranitar (Shield)
Giant's Seat #5
Location: This den is located Southwest of the large pointed rock and almost on the water's edge. On a clear day, you'll see the bridge and a tree to your North with Motostoke in the distance.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Rolycoly (Sword)
- Roggenrola (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Carkol (Sword)
- Boldore (Sword)
- Crustle (Sword)
- Barbaracle (Sword)
- Onix (Sword)
- Coalossal (Sword)
- Gigalith (Sword)
- Rhyperior (Sword)
- Rolycoly (Shield)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Roggenrola (Shield)
- Binacle (Shield)
- Carkol (Shield)
- Boldore (Shield)
- Crustle (Shield)
- Barbaracle (Shield)
- Coalossal (Shield)
- Gigalith (Shield)
- Onix (Shield)
- Rhyperior (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Coalossal Gigantamax (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Bonsly (Sword)
- Rolycoly (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Carkol (Sword)
- Sudowoodo (Sword)
- Barbaracle (Sword)
- Onix (Sword)
- Crustle (Sword)
- Steelix (Sword)
- Stonjourner (Sword)
- Lapras Gigantamax (Shield)
- Vanillite (Shield)
- Cubchoo (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Bergmite (Shield)
- Snorunt (Shield)
- Delibird (Shield)
- Avalugg (Shield)
- Glalie (Shield)
- Vanilluxe (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Eiscue (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Hammerlocke Hills #1
Location: This den is located Southeast of Hammerlocke near the Northern-most border of Giant's Mirror.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Mime Jr. (Sword)
- Wynaut (Sword)
- Natu (Sword)
- Baltoy (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Sigilyph (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Indeedee (Sword)
- Claydol (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Wobbuffet (Sword)
- Mime Jr. (Shield)
- Wynaut (Shield)
- Natu (Shield)
- Baltoy (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Sigilyph (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Indeedee (Shield)
- Claydol (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Wobbuffet (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Inkay (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Woobat (Sword)
- Hatenna (Sword)
- Hattrem (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Swoobat (Sword)
- Malamar (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Hatterene (Sword)
- Espeon (Sword)
- Inkay (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Woobat (Shield)
- Hatenna (Shield)
- Hattrem (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Swoobat (Shield)
- Malamar (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Hatterene (Shield)
- Espeon (Shield)
Hammerlocke Hills #2
Location: This den butts up against Hammerlocke's East city wall. On a clear day, you should see Motostoke to the South while standing next to it.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Klink (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Steelix (Sword)
- Ferrothorn (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Mawile (Sword)
- Togedemaru (Sword)
- Klink (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Steelix (Shield)
- Ferrothorn (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Togedemaru (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Riolu (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Klink (Sword)
- Onix (Sword)
- Durant (Sword)
- Klang (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Steelix (Sword)
- Klinklang (Sword)
- Lucario (Sword)
- Riolu (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Klink (Shield)
- Onix (Shield)
- Klang (Shield)
- Durant (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Steelix (Shield)
- Klinklang (Shield)
- Lucario (Shield)
Hammerlocke Hills #3
Location: This den is located just Southeast of Hammerlocke's dragon stairs. When you're standing here, you'll have the Dusty Bowl cliff directly South of you.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Rookidee (Sword)
- Noibat (Sword)
- Wingull (Sword)
- Natu (Sword)
- Drifloon (Sword)
- Corvisquire (Sword)
- Drifblim (Sword)
- Pelipper (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Corviknight (Sword)
- Hawlucha (Sword)
- Cramorant (Sword)
- Rookidee (Shield)
- Noibat (Shield)
- Wingull (Shield)
- Natu (Shield)
- Drifloon (Shield)
- Corvisquire (Shield)
- Drifblim (Shield)
- Pelipper (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Corviknight (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Cramorant (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Natu (Sword)
- Hoothoot (Sword)
- Rookidee (Sword)
- Wingull (Sword)
- Butterfree (Sword)
- Corvisquire (Sword)
- Noctowl (Sword)
- Pelipper (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Hawlucha (Sword)
- Corviknight (Sword)
- Delibird (Sword)
- Natu (Shield)
- Hoothoot (Shield)
- Rookidee (Shield)
- Seagull (Shield)
- Butterfree (Shield)
- Corvisquire (Shield)
- Noctowl (Shield)
- Pelipper (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Corviknight (Shield)
- Delibird (Shield)
Hammerlocke Hills #4
Location: This den is almost directly South of the Hammerlocke dragon-head stairs. It's next to a large boulder overlooking the Dusty Bowl.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vulpix (Sword)
- Salandit (Sword)
- Litwick (Sword)
- Salazzle (Sword)
- Lampent (Sword)
- Ninetales (Sword)
- Torkoal (Sword)
- Chandelure (Sword)
- Turtonator (Sword)
- Growlithe (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Litwick (Shield)
- Lampent (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
- Arcanine (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Chandelure (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vulpix (Sword)
- Sizzlipede (Sword)
- Litwick (Sword)
- Charmander (Sword)
- Charmeleon (Sword)
- Ninetales (Sword)
- Heatmor (Sword)
- Torkoal (Sword)
- Salazzle (Sword)
- Centiskorch (Sword)
- Charizard (Sword)
- Growlithe (Shield)
- Sizzlipede (Shield)
- Litwick (Shield)
- Charmander (Shield)
- Charmeleon (Shield)
- Heatmor (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
- Arcanine (Shield)
- Centiskorch (Shield)
- Charizard (Shield)
Hammerlocke Hills #5
Location: This den is the first one you'll see directly West of Hammerlocke's dragon-head stairs.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Cleffa (Sword)
- Togepi (Sword)
- Cutiefly (Sword)
- Swirlix (Sword)
- Clefairy (Sword)
- Morelull (Sword)
- Togetic (Sword)
- Clefable (Sword)
- Ribombee (Sword)
- Shiinotic (Sword)
- Slurpuff (Sword)
- Togekiss (Sword)
- Cleffa (Shield)
- Togepi (Shield)
- Cutiefly (Shield)
- Spritzee (Shield)
- Clefairy (Shield)
- Morelull (Shield)
- Togetic (Shield)
- Clefable (Shield)
- Ribombee (Shield)
- Shiinotic (Shield)
- Aromatisse (Shield)
- Togekiss (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Togepi (Sword)
- Morelull (Sword)
- Impidimp (Sword)
- Ralts (Sword)
- Togetic (Sword)
- Shiinotic (Sword)
- Morgrem (Sword)
- Mawile (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Togekiss (Sword)
- Grimmsnarl (Sword)
- Mimikyu (Sword)
- Togepi (Shield)
- Morelull (Shield)
- Impidimp (Shield)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Togetic (Shield)
- Shiinotic (Shield)
- Morgrem (Shield)
- Rapidash (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
- Togekiss (Shield)
- Grimmsnarl (Shield)
- Mimikyu (Shield)
Hammerlocke Hills #6
Location: This den is tucked between Hammerlocke's Southeast city walls and a tree.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Toxel (Sword)
- Gastly (Sword)
- Skorupi (Sword)
- Oddish (Sword)
- Gloom (Sword)
- Haunter (Sword)
- Koffing (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Vileplume (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Weezing (Sword)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Gastly (Shield)
- Skorupi (Shield)
- Oddish (Shield)
- Gloom (Shield)
- Haunter (Shield)
- Koffing (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Vileplume (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Weezing (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Pichu (Sword)
- Electrike (Sword)
- Toxel (Sword)
- Helioptile (Sword)
- Joltik (Sword)
- Pikachu (Sword)
- Mow Rotom (Sword)
- Fan Rotom (Sword)
- Wash Rotom (Sword)
- Frost Rotom (Sword)
- Heat Rotom (Sword)
- Pichu (Shield)
- Electrike (Shield)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Helioptile (Shield)
- Joltik (Shield)
- Pikachu (Shield)
- Mow Rotom (Shield)
- Fan Rotom (Shield)
- Wash Rotom (Shield)
- Frost Rotom (Shield)
- Heat Rotom (Shield)
Hammerlocke Hills #7
Location: You'll find this den on the Northwest side of Hammerlocke Hills near the cliff looking down on The Lake of Outrage.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Snorunt (Sword)
- Snom (Sword)
- Darumaka (Sword)
- Sneasel (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Snover (Sword)
- Abomasnow (Sword)
- Glalie (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Frosmoth (Sword)
- Froslass (Sword)
- Darmanitan (Sword)
- Snorunt (Shield)
- Snom (Shield)
- Delibird (Shield)
- Sneasel (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Snover (Shield)
- Abomasnow (Shield)
- Glalie (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Frosmoth (Shield)
- Froslass (Shield)
- Eiscue (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vanillite (Sword)
- Snom (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Bergmite (Sword)
- Snorunt (Sword)
- Vanillish (Sword)
- Avalugg (Sword)
- Frosmoth (Sword)
- Vanilluxe (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Foslass (Sword)
- Glaceon (Sword)
- Vanillite (Shield)
- Snom (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Bergmite (Shield)
- Snorunt (Shield)
- Vanillish (Shield)
- Avalugg (Shield)
- Frosmoth (Shield)
- Vanilluxe (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Foslass (Shield)
- Glaceon (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Lake of Outrage #1
Location: When you first head into the Lake of Outrage from Giant's Cap, head North. There's a small strip of land with a regular tree and a berry tree. The den will be in front of them.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Yamper (Sword)
- Helioptile (Sword)
- Toxel (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Pikachu (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Boltund (Sword)
- Heliolisk (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Pincurchin (Sword)
- Togedemaru (Sword)
- Morpeko (Sword)
- Yamper (Shield)
- Helioptile (Shield)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Pikachu (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Boltund (Shield)
- Heliolisk (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Pincurchin (Shield)
- Togedemaru (Shield)
- Morpeko (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Yamper (Sword)
- Toxel (Sword)
- Pikachu (Sword)
- Joltik (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Boltund (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Puncurchin (Sword)
- Galvantula (Sword)
- Togedemaru (Sword)
- Morpeko (Sword)
- Yamper (Shield)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Pikachu (Shield)
- Joltik (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Boltund (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Puncurchin (Shield)
- Galvantula (Shield)
- Togedemaru (Shield)
- Morpeko (Shield)
Lake of Outrage #2
Location: You'll see this den hugging the cliff on the West side of the Lake of Outrage.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Shellos (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Wailmer (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Drednaw (Sword)
- Barraskewda (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Gastrodon (Sword)
- Wailord (Sword)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Shellos (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Wailmer (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Drednaw (Shield)
- Barraskewda (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Gastrodon (Shield)
- Wailord (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Magikarp (Sword)
- Feebas (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Lapras (Sword)
- Milotic (Sword)
- Magikarp (Shield)
- Feebas (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
- Lapras (Shield)
- Milotic (Shield)
Lake of Outrage #3
Location: When you cross the Lake of Outrage heading West, you'll eventually come across a circle of stones. This den will be located in the middle of them.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vulpix (Sword)
- Sizzlipede (Sword)
- Salandit (Sword)
- Litwick (Sword)
- Darumaka (Sword)
- Salazzle (Sword)
- Lampent (Sword)
- Ninetales (Sword)
- Torkoal (Sword)
- Centiskorch (Sword)
- Heatmor (Sword)
- Darmanitan (Sword)
- Growlithe (Shield)
- Sizzlipede (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Litwick (Shield)
- Heatmor (Shield)
- Lampent (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
- Arcanine (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Centiskorch (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Charizard Gigantamax (Sword)
- Vulpix (Sword)
- Sizzlipede (Sword)
- Litwick (Sword)
- Charmander (Sword)
- Charmeleon (Sword)
- Ninetales (Sword)
- Heatmor (Sword)
- Torkoal (Sword)
- Salazzle (Sword)
- Centiskorch (Sword)
- Charizard Gigantamax (Shield)
- Growlithe (Shield)
- Sizzlipede (Shield)
- Litwick (Shield)
- Charmander (Shield)
- Charmeleon (Shield)
- Heatmor (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
- Arcanine (Shield)
- Centiskorch (Shield)
Lake of Outrage #4
Location: Use your bike to ride over the water on the Lake of Outrage. Once you've made it to the land on the Westside, head as far North as you can. You'll see this den on top of a cliff overlooking Hammerlocke.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Mime Jr. (Sword)
- Milcery (Sword)
- Impidimp (Sword)
- Ralts (Sword)
- Clefairy (Sword)
- Kirlia (Sword)
- Morgrem (Sword)
- Clefable (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Alcremie (Sword)
- Mawile (Sword)
- Grimmsnarl (Sword)
- Mime Jr. (Shield)
- Milcery (Shield)
- Impidimp (Shield)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Clefairy (Shield)
- Kirlia (Shield)
- Morgrem (Shield)
- Clefable (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
- Alcremie (Shield)
- Rapidash (Shield)
- Grimmsnarl (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Togepi (Sword)
- Swirlix (Sword)
- Impidimp (Sword)
- Ralts (Sword)
- Togetic (Sword)
- Morgrem (Sword)
- Slurpuff (Sword)
- Milcery (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Grimmsnarl (Sword)
- Togekiss (Sword)
- Sylveon (Sword)
- Togepi (Shield)
- Spritzee (Shield)
- Impidimp (Shield)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Togetic (Shield)
- Morgrem (Shield)
- Aromatisse (Shield)
- Milcery (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
- Grimmsnarl (Shield)
- Togekiss (Shield)
- Sylveon (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Motostoke Riverbank #1
Location: This den is just on the other side of the bridge when you're heading from Motostoke to Bridge Field.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Skwovet (Sword)
- Wooloo (Sword)
- Zigzagoon (Sword)
- Munchlax (Sword)
- Indeedee (Sword)
- Greedent (Sword)
- Linoone (Sword)
- Dubwool (Sword)
- Diggersby (Sword)
- Braviary (Sword)
- Snorlax (Sword)
- Skwovet (Shield)
- Wooloo (Shield)
- Zigzagoon (Shield)
- Munchlax (Shield)
- Indeedee (Shield)
- Greedent (Shield)
- Linoone (Shield)
- Dubwool (Shield)
- Diggersby (Shield)
- Oranguru (Shield)
- Snorlax (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Bunnelby (Sword)
- Pidove (Sword)
- Skwovet (Sword)
- Eevee (Sword)
- Tranquill (Sword)
- Wooloo (Sword)
- Unfezant (Sword)
- Dubwool (Sword)
- Oranguru (Sword)
- Indeedee (Sword)
- Eevee (Sword)
- Snorlax (Sword)
- Bunnelby (Shield)
- Pidove (Shield)
- Skwovet (Shield)
- Eevee (Shield)
- Tranquill (Shield)
- Wooloo (Shield)
- Unfezant (Shield)
- Dubwool (Shield)
- Oranguru (Shield)
- Indeedee (Shield)
- Eevee (Shield)
- Snorlax (Shield)
Motostoke Riverbank #2
Location: This den is located just Northeast of the bridge that connects North Lake Miloch to the Motostoke Riverbank.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Pichu (Sword)
- Electrike (Sword)
- Joltik (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Charjabug (Sword)
- Pikachu (Sword)
- Manectric (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Galvantula (Sword)
- Vikavolt (Sword)
- Raichu (Sword)
- Pichu (Shield)
- Electrike (Shield)
- Joltik (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Charjabug (Shield)
- Pikachu (Shield)
- Manectric (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Galvantula (Shield)
- Vikavolt (Shield)
- Raichu (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Yamper (Sword)
- Toxel (Sword)
- Pikachu (Sword)
- Joltik (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Boltund (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Puncurchin (Sword)
- Galvantula (Sword)
- Togedemaru (Sword)
- Morpeko (Sword)
- Yamper (Shield)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Pikachu (Shield)
- Joltik (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Boltund (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Puncurchin (Shield)
- Galvantula (Shield)
- Togedemaru (Shield)
- Morpeko (Shield)
Motostoke Riverbank #3
Location: This den is located on the East side of the Motostoke Riverbank section of the Wild Area next to a tree.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Mime Jr. (Sword)
- Wynaut (Sword)
- Natu (Sword)
- Baltoy (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Sigilyph (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Indeedee (Sword)
- Claydol (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Wobbuffet (Sword)
- Mime Jr. (Shield)
- Wynaut (Shield)
- Natu (Shield)
- Baltoy (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Sigilyph (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Indeedee (Shield)
- Claydol (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Wobbuffet (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Inkay (Sword)
- Ralts (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Woobat (Sword)
- Hatenna (Sword)
- Hattrem (Sword)
- Kirlia (Sword)
- Swoobat (Sword)
- Hatterene (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Malamar (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Inkay (Shield)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Woobat (Shield)
- Hatenna (Shield)
- Hattrem (Shield)
- Kirlia (Shield)
- Swoobat (Shield)
- Hatterene (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Malamar (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
Motostoke Riverbank #4
Location: You'll find this den tucked up against Motostoke's East city wall.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Toxel (Sword)
- Gastly (Sword)
- Skorupi (Sword)
- Oddish (Sword)
- Gloom (Sword)
- Haunter (Sword)
- Koffing (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Vileplume (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Weezing (Sword)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Gastly (Shield)
- Skorupi (Shield)
- Oddish (Shield)
- Gloom (Shield)
- Haunter (Shield)
- Koffing (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Vileplume (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Weezing (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Stunky (Sword)
- Trubbish (Sword)
- Skorupi (Sword)
- Koffing (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Toxel (Sword)
- Garbodor (Sword)
- Drapion (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Skuntank (Sword)
- Weezing (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Stunky (Shield)
- Trubbish (Shield)
- Skorupi (Shield)
- Koffing (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Garbodor (Shield)
- Drapion (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Skuntank (Shield)
- Weezing (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
North Lake Miloch #1
Location: This den is Southeast of the bridge that connects the North Lake Miloch section to the Motostoke Riverbank section of the Wild Area.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Stunky (Sword)
- Trubbish (Sword)
- Skorupi (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Oddish (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Drapion (Sword)
- Vileplume (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Garbodor (Sword)
- Skuntank (Sword)
- Stunky (Shield)
- Trubbish (Shield)
- Skorupi (Shield)
- Oddish (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Drapion (Shield)
- Vileplume (Shield)
- Skuntank (Shield)
- Garbodor (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Stunky (Sword)
- Trubbish (Sword)
- Skorupi (Sword)
- Koffing (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Toxel (Sword)
- Garbodor (Sword)
- Drapion (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Skuntank (Sword)
- Weezing (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Stunky (Shield)
- Trubbish (Shield)
- Skorupi (Shield)
- Koffing (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Garbodor (Shield)
- Drapion (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Skuntank (Shield)
- Weezing (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
North Lake Miloch #2
Location: This den is on the Northeast side of North Lake Miloch. On a clear day, you'll easily see Motostoke to the Northeast and Bridge Field to the North.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Tyrogue (Sword)
- Stufful (Sword)
- Clobbopus (Sword)
- Pancham (Sword)
- Farfetch'd (Sword)
- Sawk (Sword)
- Bewear (Sword)
- Pangoro (Sword)
- Hawlucha (Sword)
- Sirfetch'd (Sword)
- Grapploct (Sword)
- Falinks (Sword)
- Tyrogue (Shield)
- Stufful (Shield)
- Clobbopus (Shield)
- Pancham (Shield)
- Farfetch'd (Shield)
- Throh (Shield)
- Bewear (Shield)
- Pangoro (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Sirfetch'd (Shield)
- Grapploct (Shield)
- Falinks (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Riolu (Sword)
- Machop (Sword)
- Scraggy (Sword)
- Stufful (Sword)
- Bewear (Sword)
- Falinks (Sword)
- Machoke (Sword)
- Scrafty (Sword)
- Machamp (Sword)
- Passimian (Sword)
- Lucario (Sword)
- Gallade (Sword)
- Riolu (Shield)
- Machop (Shield)
- Croagunk (Shield)
- Stufful (Shield)
- Bewear (Shield)
- Falinks (Shield)
- Machoke (Shield)
- Toxicroak (Shield)
- Machamp (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Lucario (Shield)
- Gallade (Shield)
North Lake Miloch #3
Location: When on the far East side of North Lake Miloch, there's a cliff that rises up and looks over at the pointed rock to the South. You'll find the den at the top of this cliff.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Tyrogue (Sword)
- Stufful (Sword)
- Clobbopus (Sword)
- Pancham (Sword)
- Farfetch'd (Sword)
- Sawk (Sword)
- Bewear (Sword)
- Pangoro (Sword)
- Hawlucha (Sword)
- Sirfetch'd (Sword)
- Grapploct (Sword)
- Falinks (Sword)
- Tyrogue (Shield)
- Stufful (Shield)
- Clobbopus (Shield)
- Pancham (Shield)
- Farfetch'd (Shield)
- Throh (Shield)
- Bewear (Shield)
- Pangoro (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Sirfetch'd (Shield)
- Grapploct (Shield)
- Falinks (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Riolu (Sword)
- Machop (Sword)
- Scraggy (Sword)
- Stufful (Sword)
- Bewear (Sword)
- Falinks (Sword)
- Machoke (Sword)
- Scrafty (Sword)
- Machamp (Sword)
- Passimian (Sword)
- Lucario (Sword)
- Gallade (Sword)
- Riolu (Shield)
- Machop (Shield)
- Croagunk (Shield)
- Stufful (Shield)
- Bewear (Shield)
- Falinks (Shield)
- Machoke (Shield)
- Toxicroak (Shield)
- Machamp (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Lucario (Shield)
- Gallade (Shield)
North Lake Miloch #4
Location: You'll find this den at the very Northeast corner of North Lake Miloch. While standing here, the Motostoke city entrance will be directly West and you'll be able to see the Motostoke Riverbank to your Northwest.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Stunky (Sword)
- Trubbish (Sword)
- Skorupi (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Oddish (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Drapion (Sword)
- Vileplume (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Garbodor (Sword)
- Skuntank (Sword)
- Stunky (Shield)
- Trubbish (Shield)
- Skorupi (Shield)
- Oddish (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Drapion (Shield)
- Vileplume (Shield)
- Skuntank (Shield)
- Garbodor (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Stunky (Sword)
- Trubbish (Sword)
- Skorupi (Sword)
- Koffing (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Toxel (Sword)
- Garbodor (Sword)
- Drapion (Sword)
- Toxtricity (Sword)
- Skuntank (Sword)
- Weezing (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Stunky (Shield)
- Trubbish (Shield)
- Skorupi (Shield)
- Koffing (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Toxel (Shield)
- Garbodor (Shield)
- Drapion (Shield)
- Toxtricity (Shield)
- Skuntank (Shield)
- Weezing (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
North Lake Miloch #5
Location: To get to this den, you'll need to enter the water just south of the bridge that connects Motostoke Riverbank to North Lake Miloch. There are two dens in this area, you'll find this one on the Southside next to the tall cliff.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Tympole (Sword)
- Shellder (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Cloyster (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Barraskewda (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Tympole (Shield)
- Shellder (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
- Cloyster (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Barraskewda (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Mantyke (Sword)
- Remoraid (Sword)
- Wailmer (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Krabby (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Kingler (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Octillery (Sword)
- Wailord (Sword)
- Mantine (Sword)
- Mantyke (Shield)
- Remoraid (Shield)
- Wailmer (Shield)
- Binacle (Shield)
- Krabby (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Kingler (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Octillery (Shield)
- Wailord (Shield)
- Mantine (Shield)
North Lake Miloch #6
Location: To get to this den, you'll need to enter the water just south of the bridge that connects Motostoke Riverbank to North Lake Miloch. There are two dens in this area, you'll find this one on the Westside near the city of Motostoke.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Tympole (Sword)
- Shellder (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Cloyster (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Barraskewda (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Tympole (Shield)
- Shellder (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
- Cloyster (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Barraskewda (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Mantyke (Sword)
- Remoraid (Sword)
- Wailmer (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Krabby (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Kingler (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Octillery (Sword)
- Wailord (Sword)
- Mantine (Sword)
- Mantyke (Shield)
- Remoraid (Shield)
- Wailmer (Shield)
- Binacle (Shield)
- Krabby (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Kingler (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Octillery (Shield)
- Wailord (Shield)
- Mantine (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Rolling Fields #1
Location: This den is located in the far Southeast section of the Rolling Fields next to a tree and a cliff that overlook South Lake Miloch.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Cleffa (Sword)
- Togepi (Sword)
- Cutiefly (Sword)
- Swirlix (Sword)
- Clefairy (Sword)
- Morelull (Sword)
- Togetic (Sword)
- Clefable (Sword)
- Ribombee (Sword)
- Shiinotic (Sword)
- Slurpuff (Sword)
- Togekiss (Sword)
- Cleffa (Shield)
- Togepi (Shield)
- Cutiefly (Shield)
- Spritzee (Shield)
- Clefairy (Shield)
- Morelull (Shield)
- Togetic (Shield)
- Clefable (Shield)
- Ribombee (Shield)
- Shiinotic (Shield)
- Aromatisse (Shield)
- Togekiss (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Togepi (Sword)
- Morelull (Sword)
- Impidimp (Sword)
- Ralts (Sword)
- Togetic (Sword)
- Shiinotic (Sword)
- Morgrem (Sword)
- Mawile (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Togekiss (Sword)
- Grimmsnarl (Sword)
- Mimikyu (Sword)
- Togepi (Shield)
- Morelull (Shield)
- Impidimp (Shield)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Togetic (Shield)
- Shiinotic (Shield)
- Morgrem (Shield)
- Rapidash (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
- Togekiss (Shield)
- Grimmsnarl (Shield)
- Mimikyu (Shield)
Rolling Fields #2
Location: This den is on the Southeast side of the Rolling Fields half surrounded by grass and tucked up against a rock wall.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Bonsly (Sword)
- Roggenrola (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Rhyhorn (Sword)
- Boldore (Sword)
- Barbaracle (Sword)
- Rhydon (Sword)
- Sudowoodo (Sword)
- Crustle (Sword)
- Gigalith (Sword)
- Shuckle (Sword)
- Bonsly (Shield)
- Binacle (Shield)
- Roggenrola (Shield)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Rhyhorn (Shield)
- Boldore (Shield)
- Barbaracle (Shield)
- Rhydon (Shield)
- Sudowoodo (Shield)
- Gigalith (Shield)
- Crustle (Shield)
- Shuckle (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Bonsly (Sword)
- Rolycoly (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Carkol (Sword)
- Sudowoodo (Sword)
- Barbaracle (Sword)
- Onix (Sword)
- Crustle (Sword)
- Coalossal (Sword)
- Steelix (Sword)
- Stonjourner (Sword)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Bonsly (Shield)
- Rolycoly (Shield)
- Roggenrola (Shield)
- Carkol (Shield)
- Larvitar (Shield)
- Pupitar (Shield)
- Onix (Shield)
- Crustle (Shield)
- Coalossal (Shield)
- Steelix (Shield)
- Tyranitar (Shield)
Rolling Fields #3
Location: You'll find this den on the East side of the Rolling Fields in a clearing surrounded by grass. Motostoke will be in view to your North.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Caterpie (Sword)
- Grubbin (Sword)
- Nincada (Sword)
- Joltik (Sword)
- Metapod (Sword)
- Durant (Sword)
- Charjabug (Sword)
- Ninjask (Sword)
- Butterfree (Sword)
- Galvantula (Sword)
- Vikavolt (Sword)
- Durant (Sword)
- Caterpie (Shield)
- Grubbin (Shield)
- Nincada (Shield)
- Joltik (Shield)
- Metapod (Shield)
- Durant (Shield)
- Charjabug (Shield)
- Ninjask (Shield)
- Butterfree (Shield)
- Galvantula (Shield)
- Vikavolt (Shield)
- Durant (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Wimpod (Sword)
- Blipbug (Sword)
- Karrablast (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Shelmet (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Dottler (Sword)
- Orbeetle (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Golisopod (Sword)
- Excavalier (Sword)
- Shedinja (Sword)
- Wimpod (Shield)
- Blipbug (Shield)
- Shelmet (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Karrablast (Shield)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Dottler (Shield)
- Orbeetle (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Golisopod (Shield)
- Accelgor (Shield)
- Shedinja (Shield)
Rolling Fields #4
Location: When heading to Motostoke around the East side of Lake Axewell you'll see this den on the left side of the path. There will be a large section of grass on the left.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Pidove (Sword)
- Hoothoot (Sword)
- Natu (Sword)
- Rufflet (Sword)
- Woobat (Sword)
- Tranquill (Sword)
- Unfezant (Sword)
- Noctowl (Sword)
- Swoobat (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Braviary (Sword)
- Sigilyph (Sword)
- Pidove (Shield)
- Hoothoot (Shield)
- Natu (Shield)
- Vullaby (Shield)
- Woobat (Shield)
- Tranquill (Shield)
- Unfezant (Shield)
- Noctowl (Shield)
- Swoobat (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Mandibuzz (Shield)
- Sigilyph (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Butterfree Gigantamax (Sword)
- Wimpod (Sword)
- Blipbug (Sword)
- Karrablast (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Shelmet (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Dottler (Sword)
- Orbeetle (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Golisopod (Sword)
- Escavalier (Sword)
- Butterfree Gigantamax (Shield)
- Wimpod (Shield)
- Blipbug (Shield)
- Shelmet (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Karrablast (Shield)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Dottler (Shield)
- Orbeetle (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Golisopod (Shield)
- Accelgor (Shield)
Rolling Fields #5
Location: This den is located South across the lake from the Motostoke city stairs near some trees. If you're heading towards it from the Wild Area Station, it will be to the Northwest.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Bunnelby (Sword)
- Hoothoot (Sword)
- Pidove (Sword)
- Mincinno (Sword)
- Helioptile (Sword)
- Stufful (Sword)
- Diggersby (Sword)
- Noctowl (Sword)
- Unfezant (Sword)
- Heliolisk (Sword)
- Cinccino (Sword)
- Bewear (Sword)
- Bunnelby (Shield)
- Hoothoot (Shield)
- Pidove (Shield)
- Mincinno (Shield)
- Helioptile (Shield)
- Stufful (Shield)
- Diggersby (Shield)
- Noctowl (Shield)
- Unfezant (Shield)
- Heliolisk (Shield)
- Cinccino (Shield)
- Bewear (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Bunnelby (Sword)
- Pidove (Sword)
- Skwovet (Sword)
- Eevee (Sword)
- Tranquill (Sword)
- Wooloo (Sword)
- Unfezant (Sword)
- Dubwool (Sword)
- Oranguru (Sword)
- Indeedee (Sword)
- Eevee (Sword)
- Snorlax (Sword)
- Bunnelby (Shield)
- Pidove (Shield)
- Skwovet (Shield)
- Eevee (Shield)
- Tranquill (Shield)
- Wooloo (Shield)
- Unfezant (Shield)
- Dubwool (Shield)
- Oranguru (Shield)
- Indeedee (Shield)
- Eevee (Shield)
- Snorlax (Shield)
Rolling Fields #6
Location: This den is located on the East side of the Rolling Fields in the middle of a path. If it's a clear day, you'll see the Watchtower Ruins immediately North across the lake.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Diglett (Sword)
- Mudbray (Sword)
- Nincada (Sword)
- Drilbur (Sword)
- Onix (Sword)
- Barboach (Sword)
- Steelix (Sword)
- Whiscash (Sword)
- Diggersby (Sword)
- Dugtrio (Sword)
- Excadrill (Sword)
- Mudsdale (Sword)
- Diglett (Shield)
- Mudbray (Shield)
- Nincada (Shield)
- Drilbur (Shield)
- Onix (Shield)
- Barboach (Shield)
- Steelix (Shield)
- Whiscash (Shield)
- Diggersby (Shield)
- Dugtrio (Shield)
- Excadrill (Shield)
- Mudsdale (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Wooper (Sword)
- Barboach (Sword)
- Yamask (Sword)
- Golett (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Quagsire (Sword)
- Stunfisk (Sword)
- Golurk (Sword)
- Gastrodon (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Runerigus (Sword)
- Rhyperior (Sword)
- Wooper (Shield)
- Barboach (Shield)
- Yamask (Shield)
- Golett (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Quagsire (Shield)
- Stunfisk (Shield)
- Golurk (Shield)
- Gastrodon (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Runerigus (Shield)
- Rhyperior (Shield)
Rolling Fields #7
Location: This den is tucked into a nook in the Southwest corner of Rolling Fields.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Noibat (Sword)
- Trapinch (Sword)
- Axew (Sword)
- Jangmo-o (Sword)
- Vibrava (Sword)
- Hakamo-o (Sword)
- Fraxure (Sword)
- Haxorus (Sword)
- Flygon (Sword)
- Turtonator (Sword)
- Kommo-o (Sword)
- Noibat (Shield)
- Axew (Shield)
- Trapinch (Shield)
- Goomy (Shield)
- Vibrava (Shield)
- Fraxure (Shield)
- Sliggoo (Shield)
- Flygon (Shield)
- Haxorus (Shield)
- Drampa (Shield)
- Goodra (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Trapinch (Sword)
- Applin (Sword)
- Axew (Sword)
- Jangmo-o (Sword)
- Dreepy (Sword)
- Fraxure (Sword)
- Hakamo-o (Sword)
- Turtonator (Sword)
- Kommo-o (Sword)
- Drakloak (Sword)
- Haxorus (Sword)
- Dragapult (Sword)
- Axew (Shield)
- Applin (Shield)
- Trapinch (Shield)
- Goomy (Shield)
- Dreepy (Shield)
- Vibrava (Shield)
- Sliggoo (Shield)
- Drampa (Shield)
- Goodra (Shield)
- Drakloak (Shield)
- Flygon (Shield)
- Dragapult (Shield)
Rolling Fields #8
Location: This den is on the Northeast side of the Rolling Fields near a berry tree. You'll have an unobstructed view of the Watchtower Ruins and will be close to a cliff looking down on West Lake Axewell.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Pidove (Sword)
- Hoothoot (Sword)
- Natu (Sword)
- Rufflet (Sword)
- Woobat (Sword)
- Tranquill (Sword)
- Unfezant (Sword)
- Noctowl (Sword)
- Swoobat (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Braviary (Sword)
- Sigilyph (Sword)
- Pidove (Shield)
- Hoothoot (Shield)
- Natu (Shield)
- Vullaby (Shield)
- Woobat (Shield)
- Tranquill (Shield)
- Unfezant (Shield)
- Noctowl (Shield)
- Swoobat (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Mandibuzz (Shield)
- Sigilyph (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Butterfree Gigantamax (Sword)
- Wimpod (Sword)
- Blipbug (Sword)
- Karrablast (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Shelmet (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Dottler (Sword)
- Orbeetle (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Golisopod (Sword)
- Escavalier (Sword)
- Butterfree Gigantamax (Shield)
- Wimpod (Shield)
- Blipbug (Shield)
- Shelmet (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Karrablast (Shield)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Dottler (Shield)
- Orbeetle (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Golisopod (Shield)
- Accelgor (Shield)
Rolling Fields #9
Location: This den is located Southeast up the hill from the bridge that connects the Rolling Fields to the Watchtower Ruins.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Tyrogue (Sword)
- Machop (Sword)
- Timburr (Sword)
- Scraggy (Sword)
- Machoke (Sword)
- Gurdurr (Sword)
- Hitmonlee (Sword)
- Hitmonchan (Sword)
- Scrafty (Sword)
- Conkeldurr (Sword)
- Machamp (Sword)
- Hitmontop (Sword)
- Tyrogue (Shield)
- Machop (Shield)
- Timburr (Shield)
- Croagunk (Shield)
- Gurdurr (Shield)
- Machoke (Shield)
- Hitmonchan (Shield)
- Hitmonlee (Shield)
- Toxicroak (Shield)
- Hitmontop (Shield)
- Machamp (Shield)
- Conkeldurr (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Riolu (Sword)
- Machop (Sword)
- Scraggy (Sword)
- Stufful (Sword)
- Bewear (Sword)
- Falinks (Sword)
- Machoke (Sword)
- Scrafty (Sword)
- Machamp (Sword)
- Passimian (Sword)
- Lucario (Sword)
- Gallade (Sword)
- Riolu (Shield)
- Machop (Shield)
- Croagunk (Shield)
- Stufful (Shield)
- Bewear (Shield)
- Falinks (Shield)
- Machoke (Shield)
- Toxicroak (Shield)
- Machamp (Shield)
- Hawlucha (Shield)
- Lucario (Shield)
- Gallade (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
South Lake Miloch #1
Location: When you're heading towards Motostoke from the Wild Area Station, there's a section on the East side of the lake that splits into a hill going up and a hill going down. If you take the hill going down you'll soon see this den near the cliff edge.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Caterpie (Sword)
- Combee (Sword)
- Cutiefly (Sword)
- Blipbug (Sword)
- Joltik (Sword)
- Metapod (Sword)
- Dottler (Sword)
- Galvantula (Sword)
- Butterfree (Sword)
- Ribombee (Sword)
- Vespiquen (Sword)
- Orbeetle (Sword)
- Caterpie (Shield)
- Combee (Shield)
- Cutiefly (Shield)
- Blipbug (Shield)
- Joltik (Shield)
- Metapod (Shield)
- Dottler (Shield)
- Galvantula (Shield)
- Butterfree (Shield)
- Ribombee (Shield)
- Vespiquen (Shield)
- Orbeetle (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Wimpod (Sword)
- Blipbug (Sword)
- Karrablast (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Shelmet (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Dottler (Sword)
- Orbeetle (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Golisopod (Sword)
- Excavalier (Sword)
- Shedinja (Sword)
- Wimpod (Shield)
- Blipbug (Shield)
- Shelmet (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Karrablast (Shield)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Dottler (Shield)
- Orbeetle (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Golisopod (Shield)
- Accelgor (Shield)
- Shedinja (Shield)
South Lake Miloch #2
Location: This den is on the top of the cliff that overlooks the Motostoke Riverbank. While standing here, the Motostoke city stairs will be to your Northwest.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Tyrogue (Sword)
- Machop (Sword)
- Timburr (Sword)
- Scraggy (Sword)
- Machoke (Sword)
- Gurdurr (Sword)
- Hitmonlee (Sword)
- Hitmonchan (Sword)
- Scrafty (Sword)
- Conkeldurr (Sword)
- Machamp (Sword)
- Hitmontop (Sword)
- Tyrogue (Shield)
- Machop (Shield)
- Timburr (Shield)
- Croagunk (Shield)
- Gurdurr (Shield)
- Machoke (Shield)
- Hitmonchan (Shield)
- Hitmonlee (Shield)
- Toxicroak (Shield)
- Hitmontop (Shield)
- Machamp (Shield)
- Conkeldurr (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Gastly (Sword)
- Yamask (Sword)
- Sinistea (Sword)
- Duskull (Sword)
- Haunter (Sword)
- Pumpkaboo (Sword)
- Dusclops (Sword)
- Runerigus (Sword)
- Polteageist (Sword)
- Gourgeist (Sword)
- Dusknoir (Sword)
- Gengar (Sword)
- Gastly (Shield)
- Yamask (Shield)
- Sinistea (Shield)
- Duskull (Shield)
- Haunter (Shield)
- Corsola (Shield)
- Dusclops (Shield)
- Sableye (Shield)
- Runerigus (Shield)
- Cursola (Shield)
- Dusknoir (Shield)
- Gengar (Shield)
South Lake Miloch #3
Location: To get to this den, you'll need to enter the water near the bridge in the Southern end of South Lake Miloch. Head Northwest and you'll eventually see this den in the middle of the water.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Shellos (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Wailmer (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Drednaw (Sword)
- Barraskewda (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Gastrodon (Sword)
- Wailord (Sword)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Shellos (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Wailmer (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Drednaw (Shield)
- Barraskewda (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Gastrodon (Shield)
- Wailord (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Kingler Gigantamax (Sword)
- Corphish (Sword)
- Krabby (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Crawdaunt (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Lapras (Sword)
- Kingler Gigantamax (Shield)
- Corphish (Shield)
- Krabby (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Crawdaunt (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
- Lapras (Shield)
South Lake Miloch #4
Location: To get to this den, you'll need to enter the water near the bridge in the Southern end of South Lake Miloch. There are two dens in this area, you'll want the one that's the most Southwest.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page
- Tympole (Sword)
- Shellder (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Cloyster (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Barraskewda (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Tympole (Shield)
- Shellder (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
- Cloyster (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Barraskewda (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Mantyke (Sword)
- Remoraid (Sword)
- Wailmer (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Krabby (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Kingler (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Octillery (Sword)
- Wailord (Sword)
- Mantine (Sword)
- Mantyke (Shield)
- Remoraid (Shield)
- Wailmer (Shield)
- Binacle (Shield)
- Krabby (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Kingler (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Octillery (Shield)
- Wailord (Shield)
- Mantine (Shield)
South Lake Miloch #5
Location: To get to this den, you'll need to enter the water near the bridge in the Southern end of South Lake Miloch. There are two dens in this area, you'll want the one that's the most Southeast.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Tympole (Sword)
- Shellder (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Cloyster (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Barraskewda (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Tympole (Shield)
- Shellder (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
- Cloyster (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Barraskewda (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Mantyke (Sword)
- Remoraid (Sword)
- Wailmer (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Krabby (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Kingler (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Octillery (Sword)
- Wailord (Sword)
- Mantine (Sword)
- Mantyke (Shield)
- Remoraid (Shield)
- Wailmer (Shield)
- Binacle (Shield)
- Krabby (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Kingler (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Octillery (Shield)
- Wailord (Shield)
- Mantine (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Stony Wilderness #1
Location: This den is on the very Southwest side of the Stony Wilderness near some rocks.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Bonsly (Sword)
- Roggenrola (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Rhyhorn (Sword)
- Boldore (Sword)
- Barbaracle (Sword)
- Rhydon (Sword)
- Sudowoodo (Sword)
- Crustle (Sword)
- Gigalith (Sword)
- Shuckle (Sword)
- Bonsly (Shield)
- Binacle (Shield)
- Roggenrola (Shield)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Rhyhorn (Shield)
- Boldore (Shield)
- Barbaracle (Shield)
- Rhydon (Shield)
- Sudowoodo (Shield)
- Gigalith (Shield)
- Crustle (Shield)
- Shuckle (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Dwebble (Sword)
- Bonsly (Sword)
- Rolycoly (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Carkol (Sword)
- Sudowoodo (Sword)
- Barbaracle (Sword)
- Onix (Sword)
- Crustle (Sword)
- Coalossal (Sword)
- Steelix (Sword)
- Stonjourner (Sword)
- Dwebble (Shield)
- Bonsly (Shield)
- Rolycoly (Shield)
- Roggenrola (Shield)
- Carkol (Shield)
- Larvitar (Shield)
- Pupitar (Shield)
- Onix (Shield)
- Crustle (Shield)
- Coalossal (Shield)
- Steelix (Shield)
- Tyranitar (Shield)
Stony Wilderness #2
Location: This den is near the tall rocks on the Southeast side of the Stony Wilderness.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Klink (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Steelix (Sword)
- Ferrothorn (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Mawile (Sword)
- Togedemaru (Sword)
- Klink (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Steelix (Shield)
- Ferrothorn (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Togedemaru (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Copperajah Gigantamax (Sword)
- Meowth (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Honedge (Sword)
- Bronzong (Sword)
- Perrserker (Sword)
- Ferrothorn (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Stunfisk (Sword)
- Duraludon (Sword)
- Copperajah Gigantamax (Shield)
- Meowth (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Honedge (Shield)
- Bronzong (Shield)
- Perrserker (Shield)
- Ferrothorn (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Stunfisk (Shield)
- Duraludon (Shield)
Stony Wilderness #3
Location: This den is in the very Southeast section of the Stony Wilderness between a large rock and the Bridge Field section of the Wild Area.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Skwovet (Sword)
- Wooloo (Sword)
- Zigzagoon (Sword)
- Munchlax (Sword)
- Indeedee (Sword)
- Greedent (Sword)
- Linoone (Sword)
- Dubwool (Sword)
- Diggersby (Sword)
- Braviary (Sword)
- Snorlax (Sword)
- Skwovet (Shield)
- Wooloo (Shield)
- Zigzagoon (Shield)
- Munchlax (Shield)
- Indeedee (Shield)
- Greedent (Shield)
- Linoone (Shield)
- Dubwool (Shield)
- Diggersby (Shield)
- Oranguru (Shield)
- Snorlax (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Ditto (Sword)
- Ditto (Shield)
Stony Wilderness #4
Location: This den is found In the Northwest section of the Stony Wilderness. You'll be able to see the Dusty Bowl section directly in front of you while standing here.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Ralts (Sword)
- Munna (Sword)
- Espurr (Sword)
- Gothita (Sword)
- Elgyem (Sword)
- Kirlia (Sword)
- Meowstic (Sword)
- Gothorita (Sword)
- Musharna (Sword)
- Gothitelle (Sword)
- Solrock (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Munna (Shield)
- Espurr (Shield)
- Solosis (Shield)
- Elgyem (Shield)
- Kirlia (Shield)
- Meowstic (Shield)
- Duosion (Shield)
- Musharna (Shield)
- Reuniclus (Shield)
- Lunatone (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Inkay (Sword)
- Ralts (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Woobat (Sword)
- Hatenna (Sword)
- Hattrem (Sword)
- Kirlia (Sword)
- Swoobat (Sword)
- Hatterene (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Malamar (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Inkay (Shield)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Woobat (Shield)
- Hatenna (Shield)
- Hattrem (Shield)
- Kirlia (Shield)
- Swoobat (Shield)
- Hatterene (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Malamar (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
Stony Wilderness #5
Location: You'll find this den to the Southeast of the Dusty Bowl surrounded by green grass.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Budew (Sword)
- Gossifleur (Sword)
- Cottonee (Sword)
- Applin (Sword)
- Cherubi (Sword)
- Roselia (Sword)
- Ferroseed (Sword)
- Ferrothorn (Sword)
- Cherrim (Sword)
- Eldegoss (Sword)
- Whimsicott (Sword)
- Flapple (Sword)
- Budew (Shield)
- Gossifleur (Shield)
- Cottonee (Shield)
- Applin (Shield)
- Cherubi (Shield)
- Roselia (Shield)
- Ferroseed (Shield)
- Ferrothorn (Shield)
- Cherrim (Shield)
- Eldegoss (Shield)
- Whimsicott (Shield)
- Appletun (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Cherubi (Sword)
- Seedot (Sword)
- Gossifleur (Sword)
- Cottonee (Sword)
- Nuzleaf (Sword)
- Morelull (Sword)
- Cherrim (Sword)
- Shiinotic (Sword)
- Eldegoss (Sword)
- Whimsicott (Sword)
- Shiftry (Sword)
- Dhelmise (Sword)
- Cherubi (Shield)
- Lotad (Shield)
- Gossifleur (Shield)
- Cottonee (Shield)
- Lombre (Shield)
- Morelull (Shield)
- Cherrim (Shield)
- Shiinotic (Shield)
- Eldegoss (Shield)
- Whimsicott (Shield)
- Ludicolo (Shield)
- Dhelmise (Shield)
Stony Wilderness #6
Location: This is in the Northeast section of the Stony Wilderness. While standing here if you look North, you'll see two rocks propping each other up in a triangular shape as well as Hammerlocke to the Northwest.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Purrloin (Sword)
- Stunky (Sword)
- Sneasel (Sword)
- Inkay (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Liepard (Sword)
- Skuntank (Sword)
- Weavile (Sword)
- Malamar (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Crawdaunt (Sword)
- Shiftry (Sword)
- Purrloin (Shield)
- Stunky (Shield)
- Sneasel (Shield)
- Inkay (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Liepard (Shield)
- Skuntank (Shield)
- Weavile (Shield)
- Malamar (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Crawdaunt (Shield)
- Sableye (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Nickit (Sword)
- Zigzagoon (Sword)
- Scraggy (Sword)
- Sneasel (Sword)
- Liepard (Sword)
- Linoone (Sword)
- Thievul (Sword)
- Pangoro (Sword)
- Weavile (Sword)
- Scrafty (Sword)
- Obstagoon (Sword)
- Hydreigon (Sword)
- Nickit (Shield)
- Zigzagoon (Shield)
- Vullaby (Shield)
- Sneasel (Shield)
- Liepard (Shield)
- Linoone (Shield)
- Thievul (Shield)
- Pangoro (Shield)
- Weavile (Shield)
- Mandibuzz (Shield)
- Obstagoon (Shield)
- Tyranitar (Shield)
Stony Wilderness #7
Location: If you head to the Northeast section of the Stony Wilderness, you'll see three dens next to each other. This particular den is the one furthest to the Northwest.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Swinub (Sword)
- Cubchoo (Sword)
- Snom (Sword)
- Sneasel (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Piloswine (Sword)
- Cloyster (Sword)
- Beartic (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Mamoswine (Sword)
- Frosmoth (Sword)
- Weavile (Sword)
- Swinub (Shield)
- Cubchoo (Shield)
- Snom (Shield)
- Sneasel (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Piloswine (Shield)
- Cloyster (Shield)
- Beartic (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Mamoswine (Shield)
- Frosmoth (Shield)
- Weavile (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vanillite (Sword)
- Darumaka (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Bergmite (Sword)
- Snorunt (Sword)
- Delibird (Sword)
- Avalugg (Sword)
- Glalie (Sword)
- Vanilluxe (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Lapras (Sword)
- Darmanitan (Sword)
- Vanillite (Shield)
- Cubchoo (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Bergmite (Shield)
- Snorunt (Shield)
- Delibird (Shield)
- Avalugg (Shield)
- Glalie (Shield)
- Vanilluxe (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Lapras (Shield)
- Eiscue (Shield)
Stony Wilderness #8
Location: If you head to the Northeast section of the Stony Wilderness, you'll see three dens next to each other. This particular den is the one furthest to the South near the large rocks.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Mime Jr. (Sword)
- Wynaut (Sword)
- Natu (Sword)
- Baltoy (Sword)
- Bronzor (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Sigilyph (Sword)
- Xatu (Sword)
- Indeedee (Sword)
- Claydol (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Wobbuffet (Sword)
- Mime Jr. (Shield)
- Wynaut (Shield)
- Natu (Shield)
- Baltoy (Shield)
- Bronzor (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Sigilyph (Shield)
- Xatu (Shield)
- Indeedee (Shield)
- Claydol (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Wobbuffet (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Inkay (Sword)
- Ralts (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Woobat (Sword)
- Hatenna (Sword)
- Hattrem (Sword)
- Kirlia (Sword)
- Swoobat (Sword)
- Hatterene (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Malamar (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Inkay (Shield)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Woobat (Shield)
- Hatenna (Shield)
- Hattrem (Shield)
- Kirlia (Shield)
- Swoobat (Shield)
- Hatterene (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Malamar (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
Stony Wilderness #9
Location: If you head to the Northeast section of the Stony Wilderness, you'll see three dens next to each other. This particular den is the one furthest to the South near the large rocks.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vulpix (Sword)
- Sizzlipede (Sword)
- Salandit (Sword)
- Litwick (Sword)
- Darumaka (Sword)
- Salazzle (Sword)
- Lampent (Sword)
- Ninetales (Sword)
- Torkoal (Sword)
- Centiskorch (Sword)
- Heatmor (Sword)
- Darmanitan (Sword)
- Growlithe (Shield)
- Sizzlipede (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Litwick (Shield)
- Heatmor (Shield)
- Lampent (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
- Arcanine (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Centiskorch (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vulpix (Sword)
- Sizzlipede (Sword)
- Litwick (Sword)
- Salandit (Sword)
- Carkol (Sword)
- Lampent (Sword)
- Heatmor (Sword)
- Torkoal (Sword)
- Ninetales (Sword)
- Chandelure (Sword)
- Coalossal (Sword)
- Turtonator (Sword)
- Growlithe (Shield)
- Sizzlipede (Shield)
- Litwick (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Carkol (Shield)
- Heatmor (Shield)
- Lampent (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Arcanine (Shield)
- Chandelure (Shield)
- Coalossal (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
Stony Wilderness #10
Location: On the far East side of the Stony Wilderness you'll see two dens hugging the rock wall. This particular den is the Southern-most one.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Tyrogue (Sword)
- Machop (Sword)
- Timburr (Sword)
- Scraggy (Sword)
- Machoke (Sword)
- Gurdurr (Sword)
- Hitmonlee (Sword)
- Hitmonchan (Sword)
- Scrafty (Sword)
- Conkeldurr (Sword)
- Machamp (Sword)
- Hitmontop (Sword)
- Tyrogue (Shield)
- Machop (Shield)
- Timburr (Shield)
- Croagunk (Shield)
- Gurdurr (Shield)
- Machoke (Shield)
- Hitmonchan (Shield)
- Hitmonlee (Shield)
- Toxicroak (Shield)
- Hitmontop (Shield)
- Machamp (Shield)
- Conkeldurr (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Machamp Gigantamax (Sword)
- Riolu (Sword)
- Machop (Sword)
- Stufful (Sword)
- Farfetch'd (Sword)
- Bewear (Sword)
- Machoke (Sword)
- Falinks (Sword)
- Hawlucha (Sword)
- Lucario (Sword)
- Gallade (Sword)
- Sirfetch'd (Sword)
- Gengar Gigantamax (Shield)
- Honedge (Shield)
- Yamask (Shield)
- Sinistea (Shield)
- Gastly (Shield)
- Doublade (Shield)
- Corsola (Shield)
- Haunter (Shield)
- Sableye (Shield)
- Polteageist (Shield)
- Cursola (Shield)
- Runerigus (Shield)
Stony Wilderness #11
Location: On the far East side of the Stony Wilderness you'll see two dens hugging the rock wall. This particular den is the Northern-most one.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Gastly (Sword)
- Duskull (Sword)
- Drifloon (Sword)
- Phantump (Sword)
- Frillish (Sword)
- Pumpkaboo (Sword)
- Haunter (Sword)
- Dusclops (Sword)
- Drifblim (Sword)
- Trevenant (Sword)
- Gourgeist (Sword)
- Jellicent (Sword)
- Gastly (Shield)
- Duskull (Shield)
- Drifloon (Shield)
- Phantump (Shield)
- Frillish (Shield)
- Pumpkaboo (Shield)
- Haunter (Shield)
- Dusclops (Shield)
- Drifblim (Shield)
- Trevenant (Shield)
- Gourgeist (Shield)
- Jellicent (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Gastly (Sword)
- Yamask (Sword)
- Sinistea (Sword)
- Duskull (Sword)
- Haunter (Sword)
- Pumpkaboo (Sword)
- Dusclops (Sword)
- Runerigus (Sword)
- Polteageist (Sword)
- Gourgeist (Sword)
- Dusknoir (Sword)
- Gengar (Sword)
- Gastly (Shield)
- Yamask (Shield)
- Sinistea (Shield)
- Duskull (Shield)
- Haunter (Shield)
- Corsola (Shield)
- Dusclops (Shield)
- Sableye (Shield)
- Runerigus (Shield)
- Cursola (Shield)
- Dusknoir (Shield)
- Gengar (Shield)
Stony Wilderness #12
Location: This den is found in the Northern-most section of the Stony Wilderness against a large rock slab and surrounded by yellow grass.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Vulpix (Sword)
- Salandit (Sword)
- Litwick (Sword)
- Salazzle (Sword)
- Lampent (Sword)
- Ninetales (Sword)
- Torkoal (Sword)
- Chandelure (Sword)
- Turtonator (Sword)
- Growlithe (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Litwick (Shield)
- Lampent (Shield)
- Salazzle (Shield)
- Arcanine (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Chandelure (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Centiskorch Gigantamax (Sword)
- Vulpix (Sword)
- Sizzlipede (Sword)
- Litwick (Sword)
- Salandit (Sword)
- Carkol (Sword)
- Lampent (Sword)
- Heatmor (Sword)
- Torkoal (Sword)
- Ninetales (Sword)
- Chandelure (Sword)
- Coalossal (Sword)
- Centiskorch Gigantamax (Shield)
- Growlithe (Shield)
- Sizzlipede (Shield)
- Litwick (Shield)
- Salandit (Shield)
- Carkol (Shield)
- Lampent (Shield)
- Heatmor (Shield)
- Torkoal (Shield)
- Arcanine (Shield)
- Chandelure (Shield)
- Coalossal (Shield)
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
Watchtower Ruins #1
Location: This den is right next to the ruined Watchtower to the West of Motostoke.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Ralts (Sword)
- Munna (Sword)
- Espurr (Sword)
- Gothita (Sword)
- Elgyem (Sword)
- Kirlia (Sword)
- Meowstic (Sword)
- Gothorita (Sword)
- Musharna (Sword)
- Gothitelle (Sword)
- Solrock (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Munna (Shield)
- Espurr (Shield)
- Solosis (Shield)
- Elgyem (Shield)
- Kirlia (Shield)
- Meowstic (Shield)
- Duosion (Shield)
- Musharna (Shield)
- Reuniclus (Shield)
- Lunatone (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Inkay (Sword)
- Ralts (Sword)
- Mr. Mime (Sword)
- Woobat (Sword)
- Hatenna (Sword)
- Hattrem (Sword)
- Kirlia (Sword)
- Swoobat (Sword)
- Hatterene (Sword)
- Mr. Rime (Sword)
- Malamar (Sword)
- Gardevoir (Sword)
- Inkay (Shield)
- Ralts (Shield)
- Mr. Mime (Shield)
- Woobat (Shield)
- Hatenna (Shield)
- Hattrem (Shield)
- Kirlia (Shield)
- Swoobat (Shield)
- Hatterene (Shield)
- Mr. Rime (Shield)
- Malamar (Shield)
- Gardevoir (Shield)
Watchtower Ruins #2
Location: This den is found to the Southwest of the Watchtower Ruins near the lake.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Gastly (Sword)
- Duskull (Sword)
- Drifloon (Sword)
- Phantump (Sword)
- Frillish (Sword)
- Pumpkaboo (Sword)
- Haunter (Sword)
- Dusclops (Sword)
- Drifblim (Sword)
- Trevenant (Sword)
- Gourgeist (Sword)
- Jellicent (Sword)
- Gastly (Shield)
- Duskull (Shield)
- Drifloon (Shield)
- Phantump (Shield)
- Frillish (Shield)
- Pumpkaboo (Shield)
- Haunter (Shield)
- Dusclops (Shield)
- Drifblim (Shield)
- Trevenant (Shield)
- Gourgeist (Shield)
- Jellicent (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Honedge (Sword)
- Yamask (Sword)
- Sinistea (Sword)
- Drifloon (Sword)
- Doublade (Sword)
- Pumpkaboo (Sword)
- Drifblim (Sword)
- Gourgeist (Sword)
- Polteageist (Sword)
- Runerigus (Sword)
- Aegislash (Sword)
- Honedge (Shield)
- Yamask (Shield)
- Sinistea (Shield)
- Drifloon (Shield)
- Doublade (Shield)
- Corsola (Shield)
- Drifblim (Shield)
- Sableye (Shield)
- Polteageist (Shield)
- Cursola (Shield)
- Runerigus (Shield)
- Aegislash (Shield)
The Watchtower Lair
Location: This den is found to the West of the entrance to Motostoke. It's easy to identify because it's a large tower in shambles.
If you ordered the Pokémon Sword and Shield Double Pack, you receive Dynamax Crystals that can be used to activate this den. Other than that, we are unaware of any other uses for the Watchtower Lair at present. The Pokémon Sword & Pokémon Shield: Official Strategy Guide gives us more insight to this special den where it states:
This one won't ever become active through normal means. You'll need to toss special items into this giant den in order to attract Dynamax Pokémon. These items will only be available through certain events, so make sure to keep your eyes on for updates.
We'll update this section when we learn more. As of right now, it doesn't seem like any items in the single versions of the game currently attract a Dynamax Pokémon to this giant den.
Pokémon dens and Max Raid Battles
- Axew's Eye
- Bridge Field
- Dappled Grove
- Dusty Bowl
- East Lake Axewell
- Giant's Cap
- Giant's Mirror
- Giant's Seat
- Hammerlocke Hills
- Lake of Outrage
- Motostoke Riverbank
- North Lake Miloch
- Rolling Fields
- South Lake Miloch
- Stony Wilderness
- Watchtower Ruins
- West Lake Axewell
West Lake Axewell #1
Location: This den is found across the grass to the East of the Watchtower Ruins.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Purrloin (Sword)
- Stunky (Sword)
- Sneasel (Sword)
- Inkay (Sword)
- Pawniard (Sword)
- Liepard (Sword)
- Skuntank (Sword)
- Weavile (Sword)
- Malamar (Sword)
- Bisharp (Sword)
- Crawdaunt (Sword)
- Shiftry (Sword)
- Purrloin (Shield)
- Stunky (Shield)
- Sneasel (Shield)
- Inkay (Shield)
- Pawniard (Shield)
- Liepard (Shield)
- Skuntank (Shield)
- Weavile (Shield)
- Malamar (Shield)
- Bisharp (Shield)
- Crawdaunt (Shield)
- Sableye (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Nickit (Sword)
- Zigzagoon (Sword)
- Scraggy (Sword)
- Sneasel (Sword)
- Liepard (Sword)
- Linoone (Sword)
- Thievul (Sword)
- Pangoro (Sword)
- Weavile (Sword)
- Scrafty (Sword)
- Obstagoon (Sword)
- Hydreigon (Sword)
- Nickit (Shield)
- Zigzagoon (Shield)
- Vullaby (Shield)
- Sneasel (Shield)
- Liepard (Shield)
- Linoone (Shield)
- Thievul (Shield)
- Pangoro (Shield)
- Weavile (Shield)
- Mandibuzz (Shield)
- Obstagoon (Shield)
- Tyranitar (Shield)
West Lake Axewell #2
Location: You'll find this den next to the bridge that's to the South of Watchtower Ruins.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Wooper (Sword)
- Tympole (Sword)
- Corphish (Sword)
- Shellder (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Drednaw (Sword)
- Quagsire (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Cloyster (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Crawdaunt (Sword)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Wooper (Shield)
- Tympole (Shield)
- Corphish (Shield)
- Shellder (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Drednaw (Shield)
- Quagsire (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Cloyster (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Crawdaunt (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Kingler Gigantamax (Sword)
- Corphish (Sword)
- Krabby (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Crawdaunt (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Lapras (Sword)
- Kingler Gigantamax (Shield)
- Corphish (Shield)
- Krabby (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Crawdaunt (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
- Lapras (Shield)
West Lake Axewell #3
Location: This den is to the West of the Motostoke city stairs next to the lake.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Wooper (Sword)
- Tympole (Sword)
- Corphish (Sword)
- Shellder (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Drednaw (Sword)
- Quagsire (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Cloyster (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Crawdaunt (Sword)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Wooper (Shield)
- Tympole (Shield)
- Corphish (Shield)
- Shellder (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Drednaw (Shield)
- Quagsire (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Cloyster (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Crawdaunt (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Magikarp (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Wooper (Sword)
- Barboach (Sword)
- Krabby (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Kingler (Sword)
- Whiscash (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Quagsire (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Magikarp (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Wooper (Shield)
- Barboach (Shield)
- Krabby (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Kingler (Shield)
- Whiscash (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Quagsire (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
West Lake Axewell #4
Location: This den is on the Southside of the bridge that connects Watchtower Ruins to Rolling Fields.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Wooper (Sword)
- Tympole (Sword)
- Corphish (Sword)
- Shellder (Sword)
- Palpitoad (Sword)
- Drednaw (Sword)
- Quagsire (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Cloyster (Sword)
- Seismitoad (Sword)
- Crawdaunt (Sword)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Wooper (Shield)
- Tympole (Shield)
- Corphish (Shield)
- Shellder (Shield)
- Palpitoad (Shield)
- Drednaw (Shield)
- Quagsire (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Cloyster (Shield)
- Seismitoad (Shield)
- Crawdaunt (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Magikarp (Sword)
- Dewpider (Sword)
- Wooper (Sword)
- Barboach (Sword)
- Krabby (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Kingler (Sword)
- Whiscash (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Quagsire (Sword)
- Araquanid (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Magikarp (Shield)
- Dewpider (Shield)
- Wooper (Shield)
- Barboach (Shield)
- Krabby (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Kingler (Shield)
- Whiscash (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Quagsire (Shield)
- Araquanid (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
West Lake Axewell #5
Location: You'll find this den in the Southwest section of the lake, just South of the Watchtower Ruins.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Shellos (Sword)
- Krabby (Sword)
- Corphish (Sword)
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Binacle (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Kingler (Sword)
- Crawdaunt (Sword)
- Barbaracle (Sword)
- Gastrodon (Sword)
- Jellicent (Sword)
- Drednaw (Sword)
- Shellos (Shield)
- Krabby (Shield)
- Corphish (Shield)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Binacle (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Kingler (Shield)
- Crawdaunt (Shield)
- Barbaracle (Shield)
- Gastrodon (Shield)
- Jellicent (Shield)
- Drednaw (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Magikarp (Sword)
- Feebas (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Lapras (Sword)
- Milotic (Sword)
- Magikarp (Shield)
- Feebas (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
- Lapras (Shield)
- Milotic (Shield)
West Lake Axewell #6
Location: You'll find this den in the Southwest section of the lake, just South of the Watchtower Ruins.
Common Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Magikarp (Sword)
- Mantyke (Sword)
- Remoraid (Sword)
- Chinchou (Sword)
- Wailmer (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Octillery (Sword)
- Mantine (Sword)
- Lanturn (Sword)
- Wailord (Sword)
- Wishiwashi (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Magikarp (Shield)
- Mantyke (Shield)
- Remoraid (Shield)
- Chinchou (Shield)
- Wailmer (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Octillery (Shield)
- Mantine (Shield)
- Lanturn (Shield)
- Wailord (Shield)
- Wishiwashi (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
Rare Raid
If you want to know more specifics about what your chances are of encountering each Pokémon and what items each Pokémon drops in this den specifically, check out Serebii's page.
- Magikarp (Sword)
- Feebas (Sword)
- Arrokuda (Sword)
- Chewtle (Sword)
- Mareanie (Sword)
- Basculin (Sword)
- Qwilfish (Sword)
- Toxapex (Sword)
- Pyukumuku (Sword)
- Gyarados (Sword)
- Lapras (Sword)
- Milotic (Sword)
- Magikarp (Shield)
- Feebas (Shield)
- Arrokuda (Shield)
- Chewtle (Shield)
- Mareanie (Shield)
- Basculin (Shield)
- Qwilfish (Shield)
- Toxapex (Shield)
- Pyukumuku (Shield)
- Gyarados (Shield)
- Lapras (Shield)
- Milotic (Shield)
Dens, dens everywhere
There you have it all 99 Pokémon dens and the Pokémon that spawn from them. As you can see, the Pokémon available in Max Raid Battles differ from one version of the game to the next. If you want to get any of those super-powerful Pokémon not in your own version, you'll want to do Max Raid Battles with other trainers online or with friends. Have fun and good luck catching Pokémon!
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- iOS 8.4.1
- iOS 9
- iOS 9 beta 4
- iOS 9.1
- iOS 9.1 beta 2
- iOS 9.2
- iOS 9.2.1
- iOS 9.3
- IOS Games
- ios uppdatering
- iOS, iPad, MacOS
- iOS, iPhone
- ios9
- iPad
- iPad Accessories
- iPad Air
- iPad Air 2
- iPad Air 3
- iPad Air 5
- iPad Apps
- iPad Mini
- iPad mini 4
- iPad Mini 6
- iPad mini retina
- iPad Pro
- iPad, iPhone, Mac
- iPad, iPhone, Mobile Apps
- iPad, iPhone, Streaming Media
- iPados
- iphone
- iPhone 12
- iPhone 14
- iPhone 14 Pro
- iPhone 15
- iPhone 16
- iPhone 17
- iPhone 5
- iPhone 5S
- iPhone 5se
- iPhone 6
- iphone 6 plus
- iPhone 6c
- iPhone 6s
- iPhone 6S plus
- iPhone 7
- iPhone 7 display
- iPhone 7 Plus
- iPhone 7s
- iPhone Accessories
- iPhone Apps
- iPhone Cases
- iPhone SE
- iphone x
- iPhone XS
- iPhone XS Max
- iPhone, Mobile Apps
- iPhone, Mobile Phone Accessories
- iPhone, Smart Locks
- iPhone7
- iPhoneGuiden
- iPhones
- iPod
- iPod Nano
- iPod shuffle
- ipod touch
- iSight
- iTunes
- iWatch
- iWork
- iWork för iCloud beta
- Jailbreak
- James Corden
- Jämförande test
- Jämförelse
- Jet Black
- Jet White
- Jönssonligan
- Jony Ive
- Juice Pack
- Juridik
- Just mobile
- kalender
- kalkylator
- Kamera
- Kameratest
- Karriär/Utbildning
- Kartor
- Kevin Hart
- keynote
- Keynote 2016
- KGI Security
- Kina
- Klassiskt läderspänne
- Kod
- Kollage
- koncept
- konceptbilder
- köpguide
- krasch
- Krascha iPhone
- Krönika
- Kvartalsrapport
- Laddhållare
- laddningsdocka
- Laddunderlägg
- läderloop
- lagar
- Lagring
- Lajka
- Länder
- lansering
- Laptop Accessories
- laserfokus
- Layout
- leather loop
- LG
- Liam
- Lifeproof
- Lightnigport
- lightning
- Linux
- LinX
- live
- Live GIF
- Live Photos
- Live-event
- Livsstil
- Ljud & Bild
- Logitech
- Lösenkod
- Lösenkodlås
- Lovande spel
- Luxe Edition
- M3
- M3TV
- Mac
- Mac App Store
- Mac Apps
- Mac Mini
- Mac OS
- Mac OS X
- Mac OS X (generellt)
- Mac OS X Snow Leopard
- Mac Pro
- Mac, MacOS
- Mac, Online Services
- Mac, Security Software and Services
- Mac, VPN
- Macbook
- Macbook Air
- Macbook Pro
- MacBook, MacOS
- Macforum
- Macintosh
- macOS
- MacOS, Security Software and Services
- Macs
- MacWorld
- Made for Apple Watch
- magi
- Magic
- MagSafe
- Martin Hajek
- matematik
- Meddelanden
- Media Markt
- Medieproduktion
- Mediocre
- Messaging Apps
- Messenger
- MetaWatch
- Mfi
- Michael Fassbender
- microsoft
- Mikrofon
- Minecraft
- Ming-Chi Kuo
- miniräknare
- minne
- Mixer
- Mixning
- Mjukvara
- mobbning
- Mobile Apps
- Mobile Content
- Mobilt
- Mobilt/Handdator/Laptop
- Mobiltelefon
- Mockup
- Mophie
- mors dag
- moto 360
- Motor
- multitasking
- Music
- Music Apps
- Music, Movies and TV
- Musik
- Musikmemon
- MW Expo 2008
- native union
- Nätverk
- Navigation Apps
- nedgradera
- Netatmo Welcome
- Netflix
- Netgear Arlo
- News
- Niantic
- Nike
- Nikkei
- Nintendo
- Nintendo Switch
- Nöje
- Norge
- Notis
- Notiscenter
- nya färger
- Nyfödd
- Nyheter
- Officeprogram
- Okategoriserade
- omdöme
- Omsättning
- OS X
- OS X El Capitan
- OS X Mavericks
- OS X Yosemite
- Outlook
- Övrig mjukvara
- Övrigt
- PanGu
- papper
- patent
- PC
- pebble
- Pebble Smartwatch
- Pebble Steel
- Pebble Time
- Pebble Time Steel
- Persondatorer
- Petter Hegevall
- PewDiePie
- Philips
- Philips Hue
- Phones
- Photoshop
- Planet of the apps
- Plex
- Pluggar
- Plus
- Plusbox
- Podcast
- Podcast Apps
- Pokemon
- Pokemon Go
- Policy
- Porträttläge
- PP
- Pris
- priser
- problem
- Problems
- Productivity Apps
- Program
- Prylar & tillbehör
- Publik
- publik beta
- QuickTime
- räkenskapsår
- räkna
- ram
- RAM-minne
- Rapport/Undersökning/Trend
- Rea
- Reading Apps
- recension
- Red
- reklaamfilm
- reklam
- reklamfilm
- reklamfilmer
- rekord
- Rendering
- reparation
- Reportage
- Reptest
- ResearchKit
- Retro
- Review
- Ring
- Ringa
- Rocket Cars
- Rosa
- Rumors
- Rumours
- RunKeeper
- rykte
- Rykten
- Safir
- Säkerhet
- Säkerhetsbrist
- Samhälle/Politik
- samsung
- Samtal
- San Francisco
- security
- Security Software and Services
- Security Software and Services, VPN
- Series 2
- Servrar
- Shigeru Miyamoto
- Sia
- Simulation Games
- Siri
- SJ Min resa
- skal
- Skal iPhone 6
- skal iPhone 6s
- skärm
- SKärmdump
- Skärmglas
- Skribent
- skribenter medarbetare
- Skriva ut
- skruvmejsel
- skydd
- Skyddsfilm
- Skype
- slice intelligence
- Smart
- smart hem
- Smart Home
- Smart Keyboard
- Smart klocka
- Smart Lights
- smartphone
- Smartwatch
- Snabbt
- Snapchat
- Social Apps
- Software
- Solo2
- sommar
- Sonos
- Sony
- soundtouch
- Space Marshals
- spår
- Speakers
- Special Event
- Spel
- Spelkonsol
- Spellistor
- Split Screen
- Split View
- Sport
- Sportband
- Sports Apps
- spotify
- Spring forward
- Statistik
- Steve Jobs
- Stickers
- Stockholm
- Stor iPhone
- Storlek
- Story Mode
- Strategy Games
- streama
- Streaming
- Streaming Devices
- Streaming Media
- stresstest
- Ström
- Studentrabatt
- stylus
- Super Mario Run
- support
- Surf
- Surfplatta
- svenska
- sverige
- Sverigelansering
- Switch
- Systemstatus
- Systemutveckling
- tåg
- Taig
- Tangentbord
- Taptic Engine
- Tårta
- tät
- Tävling
- Taylor Swift
- Teknik
- tele 2
- Telefoner
- Telekom
- Telia
- Test
- Tid
- TikTok
- Tile
- tillbehör
- Tim Cook
- TimeStand
- Tiny Umbrella
- Tips
- Toppnyhet
- Touch ID
- TouchID
- tower defence
- trådlös laddning
- Trådlösa hörlurar
- trådlöst
- trailer
- Travel Apps
- Tre
- TrendForce
- TripAdvisor
- Trolleri
- trump
- Tum
- tv
- TV Apps
- tvätta
- tvOS
- tvOS 9.2
- tvOS beta 2
- Tweak
- Typsnitt
- Ubytesprogram
- UE MegaBoom
- Unboxing
- Underhållning/Spel
- unidays
- United Daily News
- Unix
- Updates
- Uppdatera
- uppdatering
- Upplösning
- upptäckt
- Ut på Twitter
- utbyte
- utbytesprogram
- Utilities Apps
- Utlottning
- utrymme
- utvecklare
- varumärke
- Vatten
- Vattentålig
- vattentät
- vävt nylon
- Verktyg
- Viaplay
- Vibrator
- video
- Videoartiklar och webb-tv (M3/TW/CS)
- Villkor
- viloknapp
- Virtual Reality
- Virus
- visa
- Vision Pro
- Volvo on call
- W1
- Waitrose
- Watch OS
- WatchOS
- WatchOS 2
- watchOS 2.0.1
- watchOS 2.2
- Webbtv (AppTV)
- wi-fi
- Wifi-samtal
- Windows
- Windows 8
- WWDC2015
- yalu
- Youtube
- Zlatan