January 2020’s Community Day will introduce new times for Hemispheres

Pokémon Go's 25th monthly Community Day takes place on Sunday, January 19, 2020 from 11 AM to 2 PM local time in the Northern Hemisphere and from 3 PM to 6 PM local time in the Southern Hemisphere.

Pokémon Go Community Days are exactly what the name implies — a way to get trainers out catching and raiding together. As an incentive, Pokémon Go is throwing in bonuses like extra XP, Stardust, faster egg hatching, lure modules that last three hours, and a special Pokémon with an exclusive move. All once a month, for three hours.

The January 2020 Community Day will introduce different times for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

Get out and play together in your local community parks on Pokémon GO Community Day. For just a few hours each month, you can encounter a special Pokémon in the wild. During these hours, there's a chance to learn a previously unavailable move for that Pokémon or its Evolution, as well as earn some Community Day bonuses. Celebrate what it means to be a part of the Pokémon GO community and make new friends along the way!

Note: Fast TMs and Charged TMs will not grant exclusive moves during Community Day. To learn the exclusive move, you must catch or evolve the featured Pokémon during Community Day hours.

Event Date + Time

The January, 2020 Community Day will be held on Sunday, January 19, 2020 from 11 AM to 2 PM local time in the Northern Hemisphere and from 3 PM to 6 PM local time in the Southern Hemisphere.

Event Features

The January, 2020 Community Day will feature Piplup, the penguin Pokémon. The Gen IV Water type starter from the Sinnoh Region, Piplup can be evolved on Community Day into Empoleon with the Community Day exclusive move Hydro Cannon.


The January, 2020 Community Day will feature 1/4 Egg Hatch Distance. Shiny Piplup will also be available for the first time.

What is Pokémon Go Community Day?

It's all part of Pokémon Go's ongoing efforts to encourage players to get out, discover new places, and meet new people.

From Pokémon Go:

Pokémon GO Community Day is an opportunity for Trainers around the world to meet up at their local parks to make new friends and experience what it means to be a part of this special community.

Once a month, we'll host a Pokémon GO Community Day event starring a special Pokémon, which will frequently appear around the world for just a few hours. When caught during the event, this special Pokémon will know an exclusive move. Other bonuses will be in effect during the event, such as increased XP or Stardust, and Lure Modules activated during the event will last for three hours.

We're constantly blown away by the passion of Pokémon GO players around the world, and we hope that each Pokémon GO Community Day will help add to the excitement of local events and meetups. Remember always to be alert and stay safe while playing and be respectful of public spaces when exploring your community. Stay tuned to our social media channels and check out the Pokémon GO Community Day event page each month to learn about that month's featured Pokémon, special bonuses, and event times.

What were the previous Pokémon Go Community Days?

Starting with the most recent one and working our way back, here's what Pokémon Go has offered for the previous Community Days.

  • December 14 and 15, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured all previous Community Day Pokémon, including Bulbasaur, Charmander, Pikachu, Dratini, Totodile, Mareep, Swinub, Larvitar, Treecko, Torchic, Slakoth, Bagon, Squirtle, Eevee, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Mudkip, Ralts, Trapinch, Beldum, Turtwig, and Chimchar. These Pokémon took over spawns, Eggs, and even Raids for much of the weekend.

  • November 16, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Chimchar, which you could evolve into Infernape with Blast Burn, the shiny Chimchar family, 1/4 Egg distance, and 3-hour Lure Modules.

  • October 12, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Trapinch, which you could evolve into Flygon with Earth Power, the shiny Trapinch family, 3x Catch Experience, and 3-hour Lure Modules.

  • September 15, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Turtwig, which you could evolve into Torterra with Frenzy Plant, the shiny Turtwig family, 3x Catch Stardust, and 3-hour Lure Modules.

  • August 3, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Ralts, which you could evolve into Gardevoir or Gallade with Synchronize, the Shiny Ralts family, and 25% egg distance and 3-hour Lure Modules.

  • July 21st, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Mudkip, which you could evolve into Swampert with Hydro Cannon, the Shiny Mudkip family, and 3x capture XP and 3-hour Lure Modules.

  • June 8th, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Slakoth, which you could evolve into Slaking with Body Slam, the Shiny Slakoth family, and 1/4 egg hatching distance and 3-hour Lure Modules.

  • May 19th, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Torchic, which you could evolve into Blaziken with Blast Burn, the Shiny Torchic family, and 3x catch Stardust and 3-hour Lure Modules.

  • April 13th, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Bagon, which you could evolve into Salamence with Outrage, the Shiny Bagon family, and 3x Capture EXP and 3-hour Lure Modules.

  • March 23, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Treecko, which you could evolve into Sceptile with Frenzy Plant, the Shiny Treecko family, and 25% egg distance and 3-hour Lure Modules.

  • February 16, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Swinub, which you could evolve into Mamoswine with Ancient Power, the Shiny Swinub family, and 3x capture Stardust, guaranteed Sinnoh Stone rewards, 3-hour Lure Modules, and extra rewards from Trainer Battles.

  • January 12th, 2019: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Totodile, which you could evolve into Feraligatr with Hydro Cannon, the Shiny Totodile family, and 25% egg distance and 3-hour Lure Modules.

  • November 30 - December 3rd: Pokemon Go Community Weekend was a special year-end event featuring all previous Pokemon from Community Days past. The special Pokemon were available the entire weekend, with bonuses in a three-hour window of 2x Catch Stardust, 2x Catch XP, 50% egg distance hatch speed, and three-hour Lure Modules.

  • November 10, 2018: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Cyndaquil, which you could evolve into Typhlosion with Blast Burn, the Shiny Cyndaquil family, and 2x catch XP and 2x Stardust.

  • October 22, 2018: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Beldum, which you could evolve into Metagross with Meteor Mash, the Shiny Beldum family, and 1/4 egg hatching distance.

  • September 22, 2018: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Chikorita, which you could evolve into Meganium with Frenzy Plant, the Shiny Chikorita family, and 3x XP for catches.

  • August 11 & 12, 2018: Pokémon Go Community Day featured Eevee with Last Resort, Shiny Eevee and the Eevee-lutions, and 3x Stardust for catches.

  • July 8, 2018: Pokemon Go Community Day featured Gen 1 starter, Squirtle, which you could evolve into Blastoise with Hydro Cannon, the Shiny Squirtle family, Sunglasses Squirtle, and 1/4 egg walking distance.

  • June 16, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day featured Gen 2's, Larvitar, which you could evolve into Tyranitar with Smack Down, the Shiny Larvitar family, and 3x XP for catches.

  • May 19, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day featured the Gen 1 starter, Charmander, which you could evolve into Charizard with Blast Burn, the Shiny Charmander family, and 3x Stardust for catches.

  • April 15, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day featured Gen 2's Mareep, which you could evolve into Ampharos with Dragon Pulse, the Shiny Mareep family, 1/4 walking distance for Eggs.

  • March 15, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day featured the Gen 1 starter, Bulbasaur. It also offered 3x XP bonuses for catches, 3-hour lures, the Shiny Bulbasaur family, and the ability to evolve a Venusaur with Frenzy Plant.

  • February 24, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day featured everyone's favorite — and only! — base-level Gen 1 dragon-type: Dratini. It'll also offer 3x Stardust on any Pokémon you caught in the wild, 3-hour lures, Shiny Dratini family, and the ability to evolve a Dragonite with Draco Meteor.

  • January 20, 2018, Pokémon Go Community Day featured Pikachu with the unique Surf move. It also offered double XP on anything and everything, three-hour lures, and increased odds to catch Shiny Pikachu.

What are the upcoming Community Days?

  • December 14-15 2019 from 11 am-2 pm local time both days. You can expect this community day to feature all of the Pokémon from previous community days.

Any Pokémon Go Community Day questions?

If you have any comments, questions, or tips to share about Pokémon Go Community Day, drop them below!

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