Stay on top of Pokémon Go battles, Gyms, and more with these movesets
- feb
- 19
- Posted by Michael
- Posted in Okategoriserade
What are the best movesets for PvP Trainer Battles, Gym defense, and Raid attacks in Pokémon Go? These!
While it may seem like Combat Power (CP) or stats (IV) are the most important factors in Pokémon Go, movesets play a critically important role as well. Movesets are the combination of the quick move and charge move your Pokémon uses in Gym and Raid Battles.
The wonderful, terrible thing about movesets is that they're determined at random. If you catch or hatch a Snorlax, you get whatever you get. If you evolve a Slaking, Tryanitar, Dragonite, Gyarados, Blissey, etc. or catch a Boss after a Gym Raid, they're determined by a roll of the dice the moment you hit the evolve button or as soon as the Premier Ball stops bouncing. That means your perfect IV Shelgon can become a less-than-ideal Salamence with just one tick or tock of the server.
The good news is that, with Technical Machines (TMs), you can re-roll your old, terrible movesets and try for new, great ones. But how do you know which movesets will help your Pokémon win at PvP Trainer Battles and decimate Gyms and Raids and which will make a fight simply unwinnable? Here's the newly updated list!
What are the best Pokémon Go movesets cheat sheet
If all you want is a quick reference for the absolute best moveset for the most powerful Pokémon (CP) in Pokémon Go as the game stands today, here it is. (For more details and alternate movesets, keep reading below).
For the Legendary and Mythical Pokémon:
Pokémon | Attack |
Articuno | Frost Breath + Ice Beam |
Zapdos | Thunder Shock* + Thunder Bolt |
Moltres | Fire Spin + Overheat Wing Attack + Sky Attack* |
Mewtwo | Confusion + Psystrike* or Shadow Ball* |
Armored Mewtwo | Confusion + Future Sight |
Mew | Shadow Claw + Psyshock |
Raikou | Thunder Shock + Wild Charge |
Entei | Fire Fang + Overheat |
Suicune | Snarl + Hydro Pump |
Lugia | Extrasensory + Sky Attack or Future Sight |
Ho-Oh | Extrasensory + Brave Bird or Fire Blast |
Celebi | Confusion + Psychic |
Regirock | Rock Throw or Lock-On + Stone Edge |
Regice | Frost Breath or Lock-On + Blizzard |
Registeel | Metal Claw or Lock-On + Flash Cannon |
Latias | Dragon Breath + Outrage |
Latios | Dragon Breath + Dragon Claw |
Kyogre | Waterfall + Surf |
Groudon | Mud Shot + Earthquake |
Rayquaza | Dragon Tail + Outrage |
Jirachi | Confusion + Doom Desire or Psychic |
Deoxys (Normal Form) | Charge Beam + Thunderbolt |
Deoxys (Attack Form) | Poison Jab + Dark Pulse |
Deoxys (Defense Form) | Counter + Thunder Bolt or Rock Slide |
Deoxys (Speed Form) | Zen Headbutt + Thunderbolt |
Uxie | Confusion + Future Sight |
Mesprit | Confusion + Future Sight |
Azelf | Confusion + Future Sight |
Dialga | Dragon Breath + Draco Meteor |
Palkia | Dragon Tail + Draco Meteor |
Heatran | Fire Spin + Flamethrower |
Regigigas | Hidden Power + Giga Impact |
Giratina (Origin) | Shadow Claw + Shadow Ball |
Giratina (Altered) | Shadow Claw + Dragon Claw or Ancient Power |
Cresselia | Confusion + Futuresight |
Darkrai | Snarl + Shadow Ball |
Cobalion | Metal Claw + Iron Head |
Terrakion | Smack Down + Rock Slide |
Virizion | Zen Headbutt + Leaf Blade |
Tornadus | Air Slash + Hurricane |
Meltan | Thunder Shock + Thunderbolt |
Melmetal | Thunder Shock + Thunderbolt |
And for the non-Legendary Pokémon:
Pokémon | Attack |
Venusaur | Vine Whip + Frenzy Plant |
Charizard | Fire Spin + Blast Burn |
Blastoise | Water Gun + Hydro Canon |
Arcanine | Fire Fang + Fire Blast |
Alakazam | Confusion + Psychic* |
Machamp | Counter + Dynamic Punch |
Golem | Rock Throw + Stone Edge |
Slowbro | Confusion + Psychic |
Muk | Poison Jab + Gunk Shot |
Gengar | Lick* or Shadow Claw + Shadow Ball |
Hypno | Confusion + Psychic |
Kingler | Bubble + Crabhammer |
Exeggutor | Bullet Seed + Solar Beam |
Rhydon | Mud Slap + Stone Edge |
Mr. Mime | Confusion + Shadow Ball |
Pinser | Bug Bite + X-Scissor |
Gyarados | Waterfall + Hydro Pump |
Lapras | Frost Breath + Blizzard |
Vaporeon | Water Gun + Hydro Pump |
Jolteon | Thunder Shock + Thunderbolt |
Flareon | Fire Spin + Overheat |
Omastar | Rock Throw* + Rock Slide* |
Aerodactyl | Steel Wing + Hyper Beam |
Snorlax | Lick + Return |
Dragonite | Dragon Breath + Outrage or Draco Meteor* |
Meganium | Vine Whip or Razor Leaf + Frenzy Plant |
Typhlosion | Ember + Overheat |
Feraligatr | Waterfall + Hydro Cannon |
Ampharos | Charge Beam + Zap Cannon |
Espeon | Confusion + Psychic |
Umbreon | Snarl + Foul Play |
Slowking | Confusion + Psychic |
Steelix | Iron Tail + Heavy Slam |
Scizor | Bullet Punch + Iron Head |
Heracross | Counter + Close Combat |
Usaring | Counter + Hyper Beam |
Donphan | Counter + Earthquake |
Tyranitar | Bite + Crunch Smack Down* + Stone Edge |
Sceptile | Bullet Seed + Frenzy Plant* |
Blaziken | Fire Spin + Blast Burn* |
Swampert | Water Gun + Hydro Cannon* |
Gardevoir | Charm + Dazzling Gleam Confusion + Synchronoise |
Breloom | Counter + Dynamic Punch |
Slaking | Yawn + Hyper Beam |
Hariyama | Counter + Dynamic Punch |
Aggron | Iron Tail + Heavy Slam |
Wailord | Water Gun + Surf |
Flygon | Dragon Tail + Dragon Claw Mud Shot + Earth Power |
Armaldo | Fury Cutter + Rock Blast |
Claydol | Confusion + Psychic |
Milotic | Waterfall + Surf |
Walrein | Frost Breath + Blizzard |
Salamence | Dragon Tail + Outrage* |
Metagross | Bullet Punch + Meteor Mash* |
Torterra | Razor Leaf + Frenzy Plant* |
Infernape | Fire Spin + Blast Burn* |
Empoleon | Waterfall + Hydro Cannon* |
Roserade | Razor Leaf + Grass Knot Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb |
Rampardos | Smack Down + Rock Slide |
Mismagius | Hex or Sucker Punch + Shadow Ball |
Honchkrow | Peck + Sky Attack |
Garchomp | Dragon Tail + Outrage Mud Shot + Earthquake |
Lucario | Counter + Aura Sphere |
Weaville | Snarl + Foul Play Ice Shard + Avalanche |
Magnezone | Spark + Wild Charge |
Rhyperior | Smack Down + Stone Edge Mud Slap + Earthquake |
Tangrowth | Vine Whip + Power Whip |
Electivire | Thunder Shock + Wild Charge |
Togekiss | Charm + Dazzling Gleam |
Yanmega | Bug Bite + Bug Buzz |
Leafeon | Razor Leaf or Quick Attack + Leaf Blade |
Glaceon | Frost Breath + Avalanche |
Mamoswine | Powder Snow + Avalanche |
Gallade | Confusion + Synchronoise |
Probopass | Spark + Thunderbolt |
Froslass | Powder Snow + Avalanche or Shadow Ball |
Serperior | Vine Whip + Grass Knot |
Emboar | Low Kick + Focus Blast |
Samurott | Water Fall + Hydro Pump |
Unfezant | Air Slash + Sky Attack |
Excadrill | Mud Slap + Drill Run |
Conkeldurr | Counter + Dynamic Punch |
Darmanitan | Fire Fang + Overheat |
Ferrothorn | Bullet Seed + Power Whip |
Chandelure | Fire Spin + Overheat Hex + Shadow Ball |
Haxorus | Dragon Tail + Dragon Claw |
Golurk | Mud Slap + Earth Power |
Hydreigon | Bite + Dark Pulse |
Again, many Pokémon have several ideal movesets, so keep reading for more!
- Legacy Move*.
What if you don't have the best movesets?
Movesets are like the lottery. Whether you catch, hatch, or evolve, you never know what you're going to get. Some Pokémon have upwards of six or more moveset combinations, some amazingly good, others terrible.
If you have an ideal moveset, it's great. You'll do the most damage in the least amount of time while maintaining the best ability to dodge. If you don't, not all is lost. You could still have the same type of moves, only less damaging or slower.
For example, Machamp with Counter and Dynamic Punch is an excellent attacker with a wide range of utility. Machamp with Counter and Close Combat, though, is a fairly close second. Dragon Tail and Outrage is the best for Dragonite, but Dragon Tail and Hurricane isn't far behind.
Conversely, Machamp with Bullet Punch and Heavy Slam or Dragonite with Steel Wing and Hyper Beam... nowhere close.
Since the introduction of the Raid Battle system in June 2017, you can get Technical Machines to change your movesets. Two of the possible rewards for beating Raid Bosses are Quick TM and Fast TM, which can be used to change Quick Moves and Charge Moves respectively.
However, keep in mind that there are many Legacy Moves. These are special moves that were once available for a Pokémon but are no longer. Sometimes they were removed when Niantic re-balanced the game. Some were only available on Community Day or in special Raids. Either way, if a Legacy Move happens to be the best possible move for a Pokémon and you don't have it, you cannot get it with a TM. Before you use a TM on any Pokémon, double check that it doesn't have a Legacy Move because once it's gone, you cannot get it back!
It's also important to keep in mind types! While some Pokémon only have one type, most have two and all Pokémon can learn moves from multiple types. Although most Pokémon have a single moveset that is the best for their whole species, because so many have multiple types, there are some Pokémon who have multiple sets. Take Chandelure, for example; Chandelure is a Fire and Ghost type and can be one of the best of either. If you're using your Chandelure as a Fire type, you'll want it to know Fire Spin and Overheat, but if you're going for Ghost type, you'll want Hex and Shadow Ball.
How do you change movesets in Pokémon Go? With Technical Machines (TM)!
What about secondary Charge Moves?
With PvP Trainer Battles has come secondary Charge Moves. You can buy them with Stardust and Candy, and TM them to whatever it is you need. So, what do you need? Typically, variety. If the best Charge Move is a full bar, get a secondary that's multi-bar. And vice-versa. That way, you can mix things up when and as needed. However, adding a second Charge Move is expensive (up to 100K Stardust on the Legendaries) so make sure there is a good secondary move before spending on this upgrade.
What are the best Pokémon Go movesets for attack?
While new moves and new Pokémon are always being introduced, if you're looking to attack Gyms or battle in Raids, these are the top twenty Pokémon and movesets:
- Rayquaza with Dragon Tail + Outrage
- Rampardos with Smack Down + Rock Slide
- Lucario with Counter + Aura Sphere
- Chandelure with Fire Spin + Overheat or Hex + Shadow Ball
- Mewtwo with Psycho Cut or Confusion + Psystrike* or Shadow Ball*
- Salamance with Dragon Tail + Outrage*
- Metagross with Bullet Punch + Meteor Mash*
- Kyogre with Water Fall + Hydro Pump
- Darkrai with Snarl + Shadow Ball
- Giratina (Origin form) with Shadow Claw + Shadow Ball
- Conkeldurr with Counter + Dynamic Punch
- Machamp with Counter + Dynamic Punch
- Gengar with Lick* or Shadow Claw + Shadow Ball
- Kingler with Bubble + Crabhammer
- Raikou with Thundershock + Wild Charge
- Electivire with Thundershock + Wild Charge
- Mamoswine with Powder Snow + Avalanche
- Moltres with Fire Spin + Overheat or Wing Attack + Sky Attack*
- Dialga with Dragon Breath + Draco Meteor
- Palkia with Dragon Tail + Draco Meteor
Honorable Mentions go to:
- Roserade with Razor Leaf + Grass Knot or Poison Jab + Sludge Bomb
- Excadrill with Mud Slap + Drill Run
- Terrakion with Smack Down + Rock Slide
- Dragonite with Dragon Breath* + Outrage or Draco Meteor*
- Tyranitar with Bite + Crunch or Smack Down* + Stone Edge
- Blaziken with Fire Spin + Blast Burn*
- Swampert with Water Gun + Hydro Cannon*
- Garchomp with Dragon Tail + Outrage or Mud Shot + Earthquake
- Haxorus with Dragon Tail + Dragon Claw
- Zapdos with Thunder Shock + Thunderbolt
- Indicates a Legacy Move*
What are the best Pokémon Go movesets for defense?
While defending a gym without constantly watching and pouring Golden Razz Berries on it during attacks is a real challenge, there are certainly some Pokémon who last longer. The top twenty along with their best movesets are:
- Blissey with Zen Headbutt + Dazzling Gleam
- Chansey with Zen Headbutt + Dazzling Gleam
- Snorlax with Zen Headbutt + Body Slam or Heavy Slam
- Milotic with Dragon Tail + Blizzard or Surf
- Dragonite with Dragon Tail + Dragon Claw
- Slaking with Yawn + Play Rough
- Steelix with Dragon Tail + Crunch
- Donphan with Charm + Play Rough
- Lapras with Ice Shard + Hydro Pump
- Lanturn Charge Beam + Thunderbolt
Honorable Mentions go to:
- Gardevoir with Charm + Synchronoise
- Clefable with Charm + Dazzling Gleam
- Exeggutor with Confusion + Seed Bomb
- Venusaur with Razor Leaf + Sludge Bomb
- Metagross with Zen Headbutt + Meteor Mash*
Your best Pokémon Go movesets?
These are the best Pokémon Go movesets I've seen for the toughest Pokémon and best counters currently in the game. If you have a favorite that didn't make the list, let us know in the comments. And be sure to check out our Complete Pokédex and our many Pokémon Go Guides so you too can become a Pokémon Master!
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- Pebble Time Steel
- Persondatorer
- Petter Hegevall
- PewDiePie
- Philips
- Philips Hue
- Phones
- Photoshop
- Planet of the apps
- Plex
- Pluggar
- Plus
- Plusbox
- Podcast
- Podcast Apps
- Pokemon
- Pokemon Go
- Policy
- Porträttläge
- PP
- Pris
- priser
- problem
- Problems
- Productivity Apps
- Program
- Prylar & tillbehör
- Publik
- publik beta
- QuickTime
- räkenskapsår
- räkna
- ram
- RAM-minne
- Rapport/Undersökning/Trend
- Rea
- Reading Apps
- recension
- Red
- reklaamfilm
- reklam
- reklamfilm
- reklamfilmer
- rekord
- Rendering
- reparation
- Reportage
- Reptest
- ResearchKit
- Retro
- Review
- Ring
- Ringa
- Rocket Cars
- Rosa
- Rumors
- Rumours
- RunKeeper
- rykte
- Rykten
- Safir
- Säkerhet
- Säkerhetsbrist
- Samhälle/Politik
- samsung
- Samtal
- San Francisco
- security
- Series 2
- Servrar
- Shigeru Miyamoto
- Sia
- Simulation Games
- Siri
- SJ Min resa
- skal
- Skal iPhone 6
- skal iPhone 6s
- skärm
- SKärmdump
- Skärmglas
- Skribent
- skribenter medarbetare
- Skriva ut
- skruvmejsel
- skydd
- Skyddsfilm
- Skype
- slice intelligence
- Smart
- smart hem
- Smart Home
- Smart Keyboard
- Smart klocka
- Smart Lights
- smartphone
- Smartwatch
- Snabbt
- Snapchat
- Social Apps
- Software
- Solo2
- sommar
- Sonos
- Sony
- soundtouch
- Space Marshals
- spår
- Speakers
- Special Event
- Spel
- Spelkonsol
- Spellistor
- Split Screen
- Split View
- Sport
- Sportband
- Sports Apps
- spotify
- Spring forward
- Statistik
- Steve Jobs
- Stickers
- Stockholm
- Stor iPhone
- Storlek
- Story Mode
- Strategy Games
- streama
- Streaming
- Streaming Devices
- Streaming Media
- stresstest
- Ström
- Studentrabatt
- stylus
- Super Mario Run
- support
- Surf
- Surfplatta
- svenska
- sverige
- Sverigelansering
- Switch
- Systemstatus
- Systemutveckling
- tåg
- Taig
- Tangentbord
- Taptic Engine
- Tårta
- tät
- Tävling
- Taylor Swift
- Teknik
- tele 2
- Telefoner
- Telekom
- Telia
- Test
- Tid
- TikTok
- Tile
- tillbehör
- Tim Cook
- TimeStand
- Tiny Umbrella
- Tips
- Toppnyhet
- Touch ID
- TouchID
- tower defence
- trådlös laddning
- Trådlösa hörlurar
- trådlöst
- trailer
- Travel Apps
- Tre
- TrendForce
- TripAdvisor
- Trolleri
- trump
- Tum
- tv
- TV Apps
- tvätta
- tvOS
- tvOS 9.2
- tvOS beta 2
- Tweak
- Typsnitt
- Ubytesprogram
- UE MegaBoom
- Unboxing
- Underhållning/Spel
- unidays
- United Daily News
- Unix
- Updates
- Uppdatera
- uppdatering
- Upplösning
- upptäckt
- Ut på Twitter
- utbyte
- utbytesprogram
- Utilities Apps
- Utlottning
- utrymme
- utvecklare
- varumärke
- Vatten
- Vattentålig
- vattentät
- vävt nylon
- Verktyg
- Viaplay
- Vibrator
- video
- Videoartiklar och webb-tv (M3/TW/CS)
- Villkor
- viloknapp
- Virtual Reality
- Virus
- visa
- Vision Pro
- Volvo on call
- W1
- Waitrose
- Watch OS
- WatchOS
- WatchOS 2
- watchOS 2.0.1
- watchOS 2.2
- Webbtv (AppTV)
- wi-fi
- Wifi-samtal
- Windows
- Windows 8
- WWDC2015
- yalu
- Youtube
- Zlatan