All the Nintendo Switch games coming in March 2020!

Get your hands on these new Nintendo Switch games before they're all sold out!

It's new game time! Nintendo Switch has quite a few new games coming out this month, and we've gathered them in one list for you! Whether they're new games or new takes on some old favorites, here are all of the games released for the Nintendo Switch this month!

Our favorites

Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Coming March 20th

Create your dream space on your own deserted island in the latest Animal Crossing game! Your surroundings changed based on real life time of day and year that give you new things to discover and explore as you get to know the friendly animals also residing on the island.

See at Amazon

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX

Coming March 6th

Play as a Pokemon and build a team of other Pokemon to battle through the dungeons. Together you will rescue Pokemon and recruit more to your team.

See at Amazon

Saints Row IV: Re-Elected

Coming March 27th

Welcome to office President. Aliens have invaded Earth, and it's up to you to save humanity in this open-world adventure.

See at Amazon

Physical Nintendo Switch March releases you can pre-order now

Other Nintendo Switch games releasing this month

What will you be playing?

It's a good month for continuing stories with the Darksiders Genesis and SAMURAI SHODOWN prequels and the six classics available in Mega Man Zero/Zx Legacy Collection. We can't wait to bring some new memories with familiar favorites. What are you looking forward to the most?

Updated March 2020: Updated the slate of games set to hit the Switch this month.

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