Pretend you’re a giant by building this miniature iMac

What you need to know

  • You can make your very own iMac.
  • And it'll be super portable.
  • But it'll only be an itsy bitsy one.

Time to get the craft gear out!

Getting an iMac on your desk is usually a pretty costly experience, even if you go for the model that still has a spinning disk drive in 2020. But you can make one for free, so long as you don't expect to be able to do anything with it afterward.

That's because you can make your very own miniature iMac. And if your craft skills are any better than mine, it'll look super awesome. And you'll make me jealous.

During my morning work/skiving I came across this video on YouTube. Sure, it's a few years old at this point but I figured that if I haven't seen it before, some of you readers won't have. You can almost hear the cogs turning in my head, can't you?


You'll need a printer, some glue-type-stuff, and some wooden sticks. Oh, and some silver paint because metal. The video walks you through everything you need and how to make everything, including one of Apple's awful mice.

I tried making this thing and just glued myself to a fake keyboard. Hopefully, you'll have a ton more success. If you do, throw a picture in the comments or share it with the iMore Twitter account. Heck, tag me on Twitter. too!

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