Making a podcast about making a band, all made on the Mac

Something new and interesting: A podcast from iOS designers about an album they're making, all produced on the Mac. From Airplane Mode:

Dave Wiskus and Joe Cieplinski tell the story of how they moved to New York City and started a band.

They're using Logic Pro X not just for the music but for the podcast, and they even experimented with Apple Music's Connect to share work-in-progress. Files get slung back and forth over the internet, from raw recordings to finished tracks. When you think back to how hard it was produce music in the old days, never mind distribute it, it's amazing to see how far we've come.

I had the pleasure of hearing Dave and Joe play live at Ull earlier this year. They were terrific. Moreover, I like the style of this podcast: It's not your typical tech show, and it's produced more than just recorded.

You can download directly, subscribe in iTunes, or just hit play below.

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