How the Apple Watch helped shorten one heart patient’s hospital stay

The Apple Watch was a critical component of getting a heart patient the care he needed, and getting him in and out of the hospital quickly. Ken Robinson, a 64-year-old Virginia native, was visiting his son in San Diego when he started feeling lightheaded. Using his Apple Watch, he found that his heart rate had dropped severely. Going to the hospital with an idea on his condition, Robinson was able to provide two weeks of back data on his heart rate.

From MedCity News:

When he got to the hospital, Robson told staff that he had been tracking his heart rate on the watch, and had two weeks of back data. "Going in with the data certainly reduced my stay by a couple of days," he told MedCity News. It also assured that he could have the operation nearly immediately.

Because the hospital could check his Apple Watch data, Robson did not have to wear a heart monitor for a week before the medical team at Scripps Mercy could confirm the diagnosis of sick sinus syndrome.

While we don't support self-diagnosis, this is an interesting case in which the Apple Watch and the collection of health data served as a powerful aid in providing more effective and efficient treatment to a patient.

You can read more about Ken Robinson's story at the link below.

Source: MedCity News

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