People are already loving putting widgets on their iPhone Home screens

What you need to know

  • Apple announced iOS 14 during its WWDC opening keynote yesterday.
  • It lets users add widgets to their iPhone's Home screen for the first time.
  • People are taking to Twitter to show their new, functional, widget-laden Home screens.

Widgets as far as the eye can see.

When Apple announced yesterday that iOS 14 would finally, #finally let users put widgets on their iPhone's Home screen you could almost hear the collective sigh of relief. Twitter lit up and we all beamed from ear to ear. But who wants to wait until September to try out the brave new widget world? Nobody, so people are installing the developer beta right now.

And they're sharing their Home screen creations with the world. So far, it looks pretty great.

It's important to remember that developers haven't yet had a chance to update their own apps to take advantage of the new feature. As a result, people with iOS 14 installed can only take advantage of Apple's apps and widgets. But just wait until developers start getting updates out the door later this year. It's going to pop off, big time!

Check out some of the Home screens spotted on Twitter in the last 12 hours or so.

It's like an Apple ad, isn't it?

Really, who doesn't love Lady Gaga?

It's a bit busy for me, but you do you!

Michael might have a point.

Have you seen any creative uses of widgets? Hit me up in the comments with some links!

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