Mail Pilot 2 for Mac gets a new look and ditches the clutter

MindSense has launched Mail Pilot 2 for Mac, an email app that puts an emphasis on getting things done. Mail Pilot 2 retains the same workflow as the original app, but streamlines it while offering new features as well.

Mail Pilot 2 has stripped out unneccessary interface elements to provide an experience that focuses on simplicity. The app inlcudes new collapsable menus to help you get even more out of the way if you need it, and the app has adopted a look that brings it inline with OS X Yosemite, including a new, translucent sidebar. It will also detect and collapse emails sent by bots, and now supports inline, drag-and-drop attachments.

Mindsense is also talking up Dash, a new feature coming in Mail Pilot 2.1. Dash is a dashboard centered around your email. It features quick access to your top contacts and files, along with a readout of new mail, completed mail, messages you've set aside, and what you have due. Dash also provides statistics for the percentage of mass mailings you received, your average reply time, and more.

Mail Pilot 2 is a free update to existing users. New users can grab it now from MindSense for $9.99, 50% off its normal price of $19.99.

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