Apple Maps Gains Transit Directions In Vienna, Austria

What you need to know

  • Apple Maps transit directions are now available in Vienna, Austria.

It's likely other regions will be getting the same attention.

Apple has rolled out its Apple Maps transit directions to users in Vienna, Austria according to new reports. While Vienna is undoubtedly the main area to have gained the feature it does appear that other cities are also getting a sprinkling of support.

As reported by, Apple hasn't yet updated its own website to reflect the new functionality but that's little more than admin – transit directions are definitely available for subways and S-Bahns.

Good news for our readers in Austria. There seems to be something happening in terms of public transport support in Apple's Maps app. At least in Vienna, navigation is now possible with the help of subways and S-Bahns in Apple maps.

Some areas around Vienna have also been given the green light, although things are hit and miss at the time of writing. reader Nikolaus provides us with the hint that Apple has probably released public transport navigation for Vienna these days. The reader feedback must show whether the map options for other Austrian cities have also been expanded with this. In the case of random samples, for example, we could identify the integrated regional railways in Innsbruck, but not full public transport support.

You can see a full list of supported areas if you're wondering whether you're in one of them.

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