Tumblr does what Twitter won’t — lets you pay to rid it of ads

What you need to know

  • Tumblr is allowing people to pay to get rid of the ads on its pages.
  • Both desktop and mobile versions of Tumblr are supported.
  • People can pay $4.99 per month of $39.99 per year — saving big in the process.

Don't want to see the ads in Tumblr? You can hand over $4.99 per month to ditch them.

Tumblr has announced that people who don't want to see its ads won't have to — so long as they pay $4.99 per month or the discounted $39.99 per year.

The move, which was announced on Tumblr of course, is entirely optional. But those who don't pay will see ads and that's entirely fair — are you paying attention, Twitter?

Tumblr says this option will remove ads on both desktop and mobile and will work "anywhere in the world," too.

As of today, you can set up ad-free browsing on your personal desktop computer, from anywhere in the world, and then enjoy the same effervescent Tumblr you know and love (yes, including mobile) without the interruption of ads. Scroll away.

Those who want to take Tumblr up on its offer can head into their Account Settings on the Tumblr website and click the "Go Ad-Free" button to get started. It's all pretty simple and, dare I say, civilized?

This method of monetization is exactly what people like — those who don't want to pay can get Tumblr for free and deal with ads while those who don't want the ads can pay up. It's exactly what some of us wanted from Twitter Blue and there is still hope that it'll happen one day.

Who thought Tumblr would be the one to lead the way?

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