TikTok opens its Effect House AR development tool up to everyone

What you need to know

  • TikTok has made its Effect House AR development tool available to all.
  • The Effect House open beta is a progression from the previous closed beta.

More than 450 creators have already made new effects for TikTok, the social network says.

Almost a year after it began testing it, TikTok has now made its AR development tool Effect House available to everyone. It's still a public beta though, so issues could well arise. But those looking to get into the world of AR can now do it with TikTok.

TikTok originally made the Effect House app available via a closed beta, but a press release notes that it has now been opened up to all creators and developers. The app includes tools that allow creators to build effects that can then be used by the wider TikTok world.

To expand what's possible with effects, we created Effect House - a platform that allows anyone to build Community Effects for TikTok. Effect House has been in closed beta since last fall, and today we're excited to open the beta to all creators, designers, and developers from around the world, inviting them to imagine new frontiers for TikTok's effects universe.

Despite its previous closed beta status, TikTok says that Effect House has still be used by more than 450 effect creators with effects published on TikTok.

Effect creators have already inspired a world of joy, creativity, and entertainment with the effects they have made throughout the early beta for Effect House. To date, more than 450 effect creators have published effects on TikTok, inspiring the creation of more than 1.5 billion videos and garnering over 600 billion views globally. Through the expansion of the Effect House beta, we're looking forward to seeing more of the world's creative builders develop engaging and exciting effects for our global community.

@tiktok Now anyone can create vibrant effects for TikTok. Welcome to Effect House #effecthouse ♬ original sound - TikTok

Anyone who wants to take Effect House for a spin can download it now. Both Apple silicon and Intel versions of the download are available and TikTok has also made effect guides and more available, too.

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