How the camera on the iPhone 6s compares to every other iPhone camera

You may know that the iPhone 6s features a new, 12MP camera. But what does this tell us about how far iPhone photography has come? A new comparison pits Apple's latest against every iPhone, excluding the 5c, 6 Plus, and 6s Plus, to demonstrate Apple's photo technology has evolved in the last eight years.

The comparison, put together by Camera+ developer tap tap tap on its snap snap snap site, tests the various cameras with macro photos, backlit scenes, daylight photography, and more. Their photos were all shot with Camera+, naturally. Here's what tap tap tap's Lisa Bettany had to say about the results:

The improved sensor, software updates and new A9 processor on the iPhone 6s has made this camera the best yet. There is an apparent increase in the speed of auto focus and improvements to colour accuracy, details and sharpness, especially in low light.

It's interesting to see how far the photographic capabilities of the iPhone have come in eight years. For more on how the new camera on the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus handle video, be sure to check out our video shootout.

You can view the full comparison on snap snap snap at the link below.

Source: snap snap snap

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