Apple Watch Hermès gets the launch party started in Paris!

The Apple Watch Hermès officially launches tomorrow around the world but tonight, at Hermès on rue de Sèvres in Paris, the party has already started!

Met zo'n Hermèsbandje krijgt zo'n Appleklokje meteen meer allure @hermes @apple @aladinhardy

A photo posted by Bregjelampe (@bregjelampe) on

#hermes #applewatchhermes #cocktailparty #vip #luxuryworld #paris

A photo posted by Vincent Caumartin (@quitojumpy) on

#Desire! #AppleWatch and #Hermés collaboration #

A photo posted by lofficielitalia (@lofficielitalia) on

#AppleWatchHermes #hermesruedesevres

A photo posted by Marie-hélène Canac (@mariehelenecanac) on

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