Steve Jobs’ widow reportedly has tried to stop upcoming Universal biopic

The upcoming biopic of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has reportedly been the target of several attempts to shut down its production by his widow, Laurene Powell Jobs. Despite these efforts, the movie from Universal is still scheduled to open in New York and Los Angeles on October 9 and later in October in wide release nationwide.

The movie uses the best-selling biography of Jobs by Walter Isaacson, as the basis for its script, which was written by Aaron Sorkin. According to The Wall Street Journal, the producers of the movie wanted input from Ms. Jobs while they were making it, but she reportedly declined:

"She refused to discuss anything in Aaron's script that bothered her despite my repeated entreaties," producer Scott Rudin said in an emailed response to questions from The Wall Street Journal. He said Ms. Jobs "continued to say how much she disliked the book, and that any movie based on the book could not possibly be accurate."

The same article also says that the producers offered to show the finished film to Ms. Jobs, but on the condition that she not make any comments about it until after it opened in theaters. Again, she reportedly declined the offer.

Source: Wall Street Journal

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