Steve Jobs shown chatting with Apple employees in newly discovered video

Steve Jobs has received a lot more press lately, thanks largely to the upcoming film that stars actor Michael Fassbender as the late Apple co-founder. Now a recently discovered video shows Jobs himself chatting with Apple employees the day before the first iPhone was released in 2007.

ABC News showed part of the video, which it said was shown to Apple workers this week as part of the fourth anniversary of Jobs' death. It shows Jobs talking about how he wanted his workers to go into an Apple Store in the next eight to 10 weeks after the release of the iPhone and "just give one of the Apple retail store employees a hug". He also felt that everyone who worked and made sacrifices so the iPhone could be released will find that it will be worth it in the end.

Jobs even comments on his rather worn-out jeans he wore to the chat, saying that there is no history about them and that they were "just old, like me".

Source: ABC News (YouTube)

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