Jony Ive discusses memories of Steve Jobs at Vanity Fair New Establishment Summit

Apple design chief Jony Ive was on stage at Vanity Fair's New Establishment Summit this evening where he spoke a bit about his memories of Steve Jobs, how his death affected him, and hinted at his feelings towards the way Jobs has been portrayed since.

Upon hearing of Jobs' death, Ive recalls that he was "faced with this wall of grief." Ive then reflected on Job's singular focus to create great and beautiful products. From Vanity Fair:

Quite honestly, what's remained, I never would have predicted four years ago. What's remained is almost unremarkable, but what's remained is his very simple focus on trying to make something beautiful and great. And it really was simple. There wasn't a grand plan of winning, or a very complicated agenda. That simplicity seemed almost childlike in its purity. And it's true.

I don't think I've ever seen anyone so happy, as I saw him—this very simple kind of joy—when he would realize, "This is actually working out. This could be great." It was just the simplicity of that.

Ive then hinted slightly at how this stands in contrast to how Jobs has recently been portrayed, most likely referencing films like the Aaron Sorkin-penned "Steve Jobs" and documentary "Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine," both of which have taken fire for their somewhat harsh portrayal of the late Apple co-founder.

Source: Vanity Fair

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