Apple found to infringe upon University of Wisconsin CPU patent

A jury today found Apple guilty of infringing upon a patent owned by the University of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) originally brought Apple to court in January of 2014 claiming that Apple had infringed upon the patent in question, which relate to improving processing efficiency, with its A7, A8, and A8X processors. From Reuters:

Apple Inc could be facing up to $862 million in damages after a U.S. jury on Tuesday found the iPhone maker used technology owned by the University of Wisconsin-Madison's licensing arm without permission in chips found in many of its most popular devices.

As Reuters notes, Apple had tried to have the patent in question invalidated by the USPTO, but its request was denied. Damages haven't yet been assessed, but the $862 million that WARF is seeking is quite a hefty sum.

Source: Reuters

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