Watch local TV news from around the U.S. with the NewsON app

If you live away from your hometown, or even if you are just going on a trip, it's sometimes hard to keep up with local news. The just launched NewsON app may offer users a way to keep in touch with all the happenings from their hometown, as it offers both live and on-demand video of newscasts from over 100 local U.S. TV stations.

Here's a look at its features:

  • Access local TV stations and their newscasts from around the US – no log-ins required!
  • Find stations anywhere in the US with interactive map.
  • Watch live or latest newscasts. Go back up to 48 hours to catch up, or set an alarm so you don't miss the next newscast.
  • Personalize by saving favorites from the places you care about.
  • Share content directly with friends and family or post on Facebook, Twitter and more.
  • Use breaking news alerts to take you to the live moment when and where breaking news happens.

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