Yelp’s Eat24 now supports Apple Pay, 3D Touch and more

Eat24, a popular food takeout and delivery ordering app that was acquired by Yelp earlier this year, has snagged an update that adds in support for features added in iOS 9 like 3D Touch and Spotlight search indexing. Not only that, but you can now check out your order with Apple Pay. Here's the full breakdown of what's new:

  • App indexing in Spotlight search: Searching for specific cuisines and restaurants, like "Thai" or "Nick's Crispy Tacos" through Spotlight search will display results for relevant content in the Eat24 app.
  • Universal Links: Web or email links to Eat24 pages including Menu, Order Status and Past Orders will open in the Eat24 App.
  • 3D Touch (for iPhone 6s and 6s+): Save time by peeking at restaurant menus, popular dishes, and larger photos without clicking through to a new screen.
  • Apple Pay: You've labored over meal selection and your cart is full of goodies. Check out in one click with Apple Pay to avoid the labor intensive reach into your wallet for a credit card.

If you're a fan of Eat24 and want to check out all of the new features, you can grab the update now from the App Store at the link below.

Source: Yelp

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