Popular postcard app Touchnote suffers data breach

The team behind Touchnote, a popular iOS app for sending photos you've taken as postcards, has sent an email out to customers announcing that the service was hit by a data breach, resulting in customer information such as name and address being accessed. From Touchnote:

Yesterday, 4 November 2015, we received information confirming that Touchnote has been the victim of criminal activity, resulting in the theft of some of our customer data.

The data that was accessed included your name, email address, postal address, date of birth and your Touchnote order history

Touchnote notes that the last four digits from customer cards was compromised in the breach, but the company is quick to point out that it doesn't store full card numbers, expiration dates or security codes, so that information should be safe. Further, passwords were not compromised in the breach because the company encrypts them, but Touchnote is still recommending that customers change their passwords just in case.

If you are a Touchnote user, or have been in the past, the company has set up a Q&A on its website through which you can find out more information about the breach. In the meantime, the company says it is reviewing its security measures and has been in touch with the National Cyber Crime Unit to find out who was behind the breach.

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