Tim Cook joins the Cerebral Palsy Foundation for ’Just Say Hi’ campaign

Tim Cook is continuing his work promoting diversity, this time partnering with the Cerebral Palsy Foundation for its "Just Say Hi" campaign. The campaign encourages people to interact with those with disabilities in the same manner they would with anyone else. Cook appears in a short video for the campaign, speaking once again about the importance of inclusion.

At Apple, we believe inclusion inspires innovation, diversity gives us strength and that includes people with disabilities. The Cerebral Palsy foundation asked me what's the best way to strike up a conversation with someone who has a disability. It's easier than you think. But don't take my word for it.

Even Siri gets in on the campaign. When you ask Siri how to start a conversation with someone with a disability, it tells you to, of course, just say "hi". The video itself was evidently shot on an iPhone 6s Plus.

You can find out more about the campaign at the link below.

Source: Cerebral Palsy Foundation

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