How to clear your App Store cache and force a reload

Ever wished you could force the App Store to reload? Well, you can!

Not seeing new apps? Updates that just won't go away? While the App Store isn't technically a web page, sometimes it feels like you just want to force it to clear the cache, reload, and make absolutely sure you have the latest, greatest, most up-to-date information available. Well, Apple built in a mechanism to do just that. It was simply a well-kept secret... until now!

How to clear the App Store cache and refresh your content

  1. Launch the App Store app from your iPhone or iPad Home screen.
  2. Tap ten times on any of the tab buttons at the bottom (Featured, Top Charts, Explore, Search, Updates)

That's it. The App Store app will purge its cache and reload everything fresh and updated. You can do it any time you think you're not seeing the latest content, but there's no need to overuse it.

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