Sony plans to make Remote Play available for OS X in the next update

Sony has revealed plans on the company's official blog to soon make it possible for those with a Mac to remotely access their PlayStation 4 console. Update 3.50 (codenamed "Musashi") will introduce Remote Play, a feature that will enable said functionality for both Windows and OS X.

Shuhei Yoshida, Sony CE's President of Worldwide Studios, previously stated that Remote Play would indeed be coming to both platforms. Alongside Remote Play, 3.50 will also introduce friend online notifications, the ability to appear offline, scheduled events, and Dailymotion.

The closed beta for version 3.50 will go live on March 2, but Remote Play will be absent from the test phase. The company does tease that the feature should be made available soon. Interestingly, those with a PlayStation 4 will also soon be able to enjoy their favorite console titles from their Mac, while Xbox One owners will have to endure the wait for OS X support.

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