Get a first look at the augmented reality gameplay of Pokémon GO

The Pokémon Company and developer Niantic have offered a new look at the gameplay of their upcoming augmented reality game, Pokémon GO. The game will see you searching the real world for virtual Pokémon, letting you find and catch the wild creatures in your own back yard.

You'll need to explore different areas to find different types of Pokémon. For instance, if you're looking for a Squirtle, a Water-type Pokémon, you'll need to look near a body of water. Players will also have Trainer levels, which increase as they play Pokémon GO. This allows for the capture more powerful Pokémon.

In addition to finding Pokémon out in the world, GO places other interesting elements in your surroundings as well. You'll need to keep a stock of Poké Balls in order to catch new creatures, and you'll find them at PokéStops in places like historical markers or public art installations.

Pokémon GO also has a multiplayer aspect to it, and you can join one of three teams. After joining a team, you can assign your Pokémon to an empty Pokémon Gym, which are scattered around your location like PokéStops. You and your team members can meet up with those from other teams, and engage in Gym battles.

You'll be able to start catching Pokémon in the real world when Pokémon GO arrive for Android and iOS later this year.

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