Apple’s rumored rival for Amazon Echo could include a camera

A new report claims Apple will include a camera in its upcoming rival product to the Amazon Echo connected speaker that could be used for facial recognition features.

CNET stated:

The consumer electronics giant has explored putting a camera in its device, which could come in the form of a smart speaker like Amazon's Echo, according to people familiar with Apple's plans. The device would be "self aware" and detect who is in the room using facial recognition technology. That would let the device automatically pull up a person's preferences, such as the music and lighting they like, the sources said.

The report adds that Apple could launch the products as soon as 2016, but it could also wait until 2017 to release the device, or even decide to cancel it beforehand.

This story seems to contradict another rumor about Apple's Echo rival from Venture Beat earlier this week, which stated that it would be included as part of a revamped Apple TV product.

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