Amazon brings its groceries delivery service to the UK

Amazon has started competing against supermarkets in the UK by launching its own groceries delivery service in London. The online retail giant expects to roll out Amazon Fresh coverage across the UK, offering Amazon Prime members the ability to carry out their weekly shop and get everything delivered the very same day.

This is a fairly large blow to supermarkets, who are already feeling the strain from competitive Aldi and Lidl. The company states that prices will be in line with what the big four offer, though we imagine undercutting will play a major role in Amazon absorbing marketshare as more locations are added to the coverage list.

Should you wish to take advantage of Amazon convenience for your weekly shop, you'll need to be located in supported areas of London and pay £6.99 a month on top of Amazon Prime. There's a free trial of this new service available, so be sure to check the website for more details.

Check out Amazon Fresh in the UK

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