Bing for iPhone now helps you search for music and compare prices

Microsoft has updated its Bing search app for the iPhone. Among other things it has added new music search features, along with a way to compare prices at shopping websites.

Here's a look at the new features in version 6.6 of Bing:

Music: One convenient feature in our app is the ability to search for a song, and play the video while following along with the lyrics. With the new Music shortcut on the homepage, it becomes even easier to get into trending songs.

Price Comparison: A few releases ago we introduced a barcode scanner so you could compare prices while in a physical store. Now you can do the same while browsing shopping sites: tap the shopping icon in top left of the product page to find the best prices (available on the following sites: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, CVS, eBay, Fry's Electronics,, Home Depot,, Kohl's, Lowe's, Macy's, Rakuten, Rite Aid, Staples, Target, Toys "R" Us, and Walmart. We're working on adding more sites)

In addition, there are several smaller new features and improvements to the Bing app;

  • Swipe right/left on the homepage to enter camera/voice mode quickly
  • Previews start playing automatically with sound off on video search
  • Camera search supports flash, zoom, and front facing camera
  • Local search results can be refreshed by selecting a new region directly on the map
  • A more intuitive interface for multiple tabs
  • Write or doodle directly on a page before you share it

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