What do you still want from macOS?

macOS Sierra comes with a bevy of new and updated features — but what are you still missing?

We've published our massive macOS Sierra preview, detailing all the major new and updated features, how they work, and our first impressions of them. Now we want to hear what you think. Namely, what didn't you get at WWDC 2016 that you were wishing for, and what are you hoping Apple adds in future versions of 10.12 or macOS in general?

  • Full-on dark mode like tvOS got
  • "Hey Siri" voice activation
  • Unified Siri/Spotlight system
  • Auto unlock with iPhone not just Apple Watch
  • Handoff for iTunes media
  • Pin iCloud documents so they're always available offline
  • Exclude large or specific file types from iCloud documents sync
  • Better Split View management
  • Mac App Store update (hello, gifting!)

Those are just a few ideas, let me know which ones tickle your fancy and, more importantly, all the features you're still waiting for.

macOS Sierra is currently in developer preview and will go into full public beta this July before launching in the fall. Now's the best time to give your feedback, not only on the preview but on what you hope to see in macOS next year as well.

So, what's on your wish list?

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