Glaxo becomes first drugmaker to use Apple’s ResearchKit

The drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline has become the first such company to use Apple's ResearchKit. Glaxo is using it to help conduct a rheumatoid arthritis study.

Bloomberg reports:

Glaxo wants to record the mobility of 300 participants over three months and will also ask the patients to input both physical and emotional symptoms, such as pain and mood. The app Glaxo created from ResearchKit comes with a guided wrist exercise that uses the phone's sensors to record motion, giving the drugmaker a standardized measurement across all users. The company will use the results to help design better clinical trials.

Glaxo hopes to cut the massive costs of running these kinds of studies with ResearchKit, along with reducing the amount of time it takes to enroll subjects for these tests. The study is being conducted via the GSK PARADE app which is available now in the App Store.

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