Scan and edit image with Prizmo 3 Pro Scanning for Mac for just $30!

Scanning and editing and OCR, oh my!

It's the day before your final draft is due. You've saved everything as PDF and even printed some to hand in. You're reading through and OH, NO – six typos. You thought you caught it all. You didn't keep the original documents and all you have now are PDFs.

At one time, you would have had to create an entire document from scratch and start all. Over. Again. But this isn't the dark ages anymore and optical character recognition (OCR) is real and incredibly handy. OCR works by taking an image like a photo or PDF and turning it into machine-encoded text, thus allowing you to edit the text within that image. So if you need to change the wording on a billboard in an image, you can do that. If you need to fix some typos in a PDF, you can do it!

Enter Prizmo 3. Through iMore offers, you can get Prizmo, the incredibly powerful image scanning and editing app, for only $29.99 – 59% off Prizmo's own price! Prizmo 3 lets you scan and edit images simply, using photos from your iPhone or camera and via OCR, you can digitally edit any type of image in 40 languages!

Prizmo 3 Pro Scanning for Mac also lets you enhance images, so if you have an old book that you want to preserve, take a photo of each page and punch up the text. If you have a photo of a shop sign in the distance, make the sign stand out from everything else and fix the spelling mistake while you're at it.

This is also an excellent program for the visually impaired, since it provides a text-to-speech option in 70 voices and 26 languages, which are available to download for free.

Software like this usually runs you upwards of $100 and in the case of some creative suites, waaaay more. For just $29.99, you have a masterful editing app at your beck and call. Hell, you don't even have to use it for business; change shop signs and periodicals and create memes all over the place.

See at iMore Offers

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