How to get started with Reminders for Mac

Want to start using Reminders for Mac to stay on top of your tasks? Here's how!

With Reminders for Mac, you can track your most important tasks, make shopping lists, and more. With iCloud or other service, you can keep your to-dos in sync across your Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

With this guide, you'll learn how to get started with the most important aspects of Reminders for Mac.

How to add a Reminders account provider

  1. Open Reminders from your Dock.
  2. Click Reminders in the Menu bar.

  3. Click on Add Account...

  4. Click on the type of Reminders account you want, for instance, iCloud.

  5. Click Continue.

  6. Enter you account credentials.

  7. Click Sign In.

  8. Check the box next to Reminders if it isn't already, and select which apps your account should be used with.

  9. Click Add Account.

How to create a reminder

  1. Open Reminders from your Dock.
  2. Click the + button.

  3. Write out your reminder.

How to schedule a due date for a reminder

  1. Open Reminders from your Dock.
  2. Click the Info button that appears when you hover your cursor over your reminder (looks like an "i").

  3. Click the box next to On a Day.

  4. Enter the date for you reminder.

  5. Enter the time for your reminder.

  6. Click Done.

How to set up a location notification for a reminder

  1. Open Reminders from your Dock.
  2. Click the Info button that appears when you hover your cursor over your reminder (looks like an "i").

  3. Click the box next to At a Location.

  4. Enter a location for your reminder.

  5. Choose either Arriving or Leaving.

  6. Drag the dot on the map closer or farther from the pin to set the area in which your reminder should trigger.

  7. Click Done.

How to create a new list

  1. Open Reminders from your Dock.
  2. Click Add List.

  3. Enter a name for your list.

How to rename a list

  1. Open Reminders from Your Dock.
  2. Right-click on the list you want to rename.

  3. Click on Rename.

  4. Enter your list's new name.

How to delete a list

  1. Open Reminders from your Dock.
  2. Right-click on the list you wish to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

How to move a reminder to a different list

  1. Open Reminders from your Dock.
  2. Click on the list containing the reminder that you want to move.

  3. Click and hold the reminder you want to move.

  4. Drag the reminder over the list that you want to move it to.

How to share a list with another iCloud user

  1. Open Reminders from your Dock.
  2. Click the Share button next to the list you want to share that appears when you hover your cursor over the list name.

  3. Enter the contact that you want to share the list with.

  4. Click Done.

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