Watch the New Yorker’s Jan 9 cover come to life on an iPad Pro

Jorge Colombo's cover is the first to be painted with an iPad Pro, continuing the artist's finger-painting obsession with iOS.

Frequent New Yorker artist Jorge Colombo made history in 2009 by painting the New Yorker's June 1 cover on an iPhone using the app Brushes; in the years since, he's put together a New Yorker blog on the subject, a 2014 cover, and a 2015 cover painted with an iPad. He's now continued the tradition by creating January 9th's cover entirely on an iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil using Procreate.

The cover highlights New York City's iconic Staten Island Ferry — appropriate, given that the artist frequently draws while riding the ferry.

You can read more about Colombo — and see a timelapse drawing of his latest cover (and earlier covers) on the New Yorker's website.

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