Apple spotlights gorgeous Nianhua for Chinese New Year

In celebration of the 2017 Chinese New Year, Apple is showing off beautiful digital renditions of traditional folk art and you can download it as a wallpaper right now!

Both my 5K iMac and my MacBook Pro with DCI P3 color gamut deserve to be able to show off their advanced display abilities. That's why I'm always on the hunt for the best looking wallpaper to impress myself every time I turn on my Mac.

So, when Apple spotlights digital downloadable wallpaper, you bet I'm going to be right there, checking out the wares.

On its Hong Kong website, Apple has created a special page dedicated to "Made in CNY, which shows a series of folk art digital paintings known as Nianhua. Each beautifully illustrated image comes with a small description of what the image is and how the artist used Apple technology to create it.

For example, Lucky rooster was created by artist Victo Ngai on an iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil, using Procreate. Joyful Reunions was created by Eszter Chen on an iMac with Photoshop and Illustrator. You get the idea.

Each Nianhua can be downloaded for iPhone, iPad, and Mac separately, so you can get a perfectly designed replica on any of your Apple devices.

My personal favorite: Fortune flows by Jiang Shan, created on a MacBook Pro using Photoshop and Illustrator. It's on my desktop right now and it looks fabulous.

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