How to filter out ”eggs” and mute keywords on Twitter

How do I mute keywords and "egg accounts" in my Twitter timeline? These features are currently rolling out to users!

Twitter has flipped the switch to enable Advanced filters. Muting "egg" accounts is one of several filters now available to you.

There's no getting past it: Twitter has an abuse problem. If you've yet to hear about someone leaving Twitter due to an onslaught of harassment, you can read this story, this story, or this story … or read any of the stories from this Google search query.

I say again: Twitter has an abuse problem. The company, to its credit, has recently accelerated its efforts in combatting online abuse. Its latest round of updates include new filtering options aimed at filtering out some of the main conduits for abuse on the platform.

How to access Twitter's new Advanced filters and mute "egg accounts"

Advanced filters include muting notifications from folks you don't follow, folks who have yet to confirm their email, folks who haven't confirmed their phone number, and — crucially — folks who have a default "egg" avatar.

Twitter "eggs" are notorious for abuse, because a default avatar helps obscure the identity of the abuser. Furthermore, abusers who are kicked off Twitter will often create new accounts to continue their abuse. When one's sole purpose is to harass, one doesn't take the time to set up an entire Twitter profile with a confirmed email, phone number, avatar, etc.

  1. Launch the Twitter app.
  2. Tap the Notifications tab (looks like a bell).
  3. Tap the gear icon in the upper left corner of the app.
  4. Tap Advanced filters.
  5. Toggle on the Advanced filters you want to use.

Note: These features are still rolling out to users. We will update the article with annotated screenshots when the roll-out is complete.

There's one thing worth pointing out, though:

As Aleen Simms points out, the new feature could end up silencing folks who do not intend to harass others. Something to keep in mind before you flip the switch!

How to mute keywords in your Twitter timeline

Back in November Twitter added a mute feature that let you mute keywords, phrases, and more in your Notifications. Now the company is expanding the feature to also include your timeline.

  1. Launch the Twitter app.
  2. Tap the Notifications tab (looks like a bell).
  3. Tap the gear icon in the upper left corner of the app.
  4. Tap Muted words.
  5. Tap Add.
  6. Type in the word you want to mute.
  7. Toggle on mute from Home timeline to keep the keyword from appearing in your timeline.
  8. Tap For how long? to set a time limit on the mute.

The Muted words feature will also let you mute the keyword from just your notifications, from just people you don't follow, or from anyone.

Will you be muting?

What do you think of Twitter's latest round of updates? Do you think they'll actually help quell abuse? Will you be using them? Let us know in the comments or over on Twitter … just don't use our muted keywords. 😉

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