What’s new in tvOS 10.2

tvOS 10.2 doesn't bring much in the way of new user features, but there are still a few things you should know about.

tvOS 10.2 doesn't bring much with it in terms of user-facing features, focusing primarily on behind-the-scenes-improvements and bug fixes. However, there are a couple of notable additions that you, as an Apple TV owner, should know about.

Here's what you can expect from tvOS 10.2.

Scrolling improvements

tvOS 10.2 has made it easier to scroll through long lists of items. Now, when navigating through something like your movie library, a couple of large swipes down on the Siri Remote's touchpad will activate a new scrolling mode that moves through the list faster.

Additionally, once adopted by developers, swiping on the far-right side of the touchpad will allow you to quickly jump through specific index. This behavior sees you jumping through lists a handful of items at a time.

Smaller changes

tvOS 10.2 adds support for Apple's Device Enrollment Program, which makes it easy to deploy Macs, iOS devices, and now Apple TVs, into enterprise environments. Additionally, the update sees an expansion in the Apple TV's support for Mobile Device Management (MDM).

Finally, as iOS 10.3 does for iPhone and iPad, tvOS 10.2 updates the file system on the Apple TV to the new Apple File System (APFS).


Is there anything else you want to know about tvOS 10.2? Be sure to let us know in the comments.

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