Apple’s Supplier Responsibility Report details improvements for workers and environment

Apple sees improvements in work hour compliance, energy efficiency, and more.

Apple has released the highlights of its 2017 Supplier Responsibility Report, detailing the progress the company has made over the last year in holding its suppliers to its standards for how workers should be treated and how resources should be used. The company says, for instance, that it has seen the highest-ever compliance (98%) among suppliers of limiting work weeks to a maximum of 60 hours.

From Apple:

In 2016, Apple audited 705 suppliers and compliance with a 60-hour maximum work week reached 98%, an all-time high. Apple also tripled the number of supplier sites in the Energy Efficiency program, resulting in the reduction of over 150,000 metric tons of carbon emissions — the equivalent of taking 31,000 cars off the road for a year.

Apple's final assembly sites in China also hit 100% UL Zero Waste to Landfill validation for the first time. The company also revealed that since 2013, its Clean Water program has saved more than 3.8 billion gallons of fresh water.

While these are just the highlights, you should expect Apple to release its full report soon.

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